between modules within courses. The positivism createdand perpetuated by this silo in engineering education ultimately positions rightness as a hidden,structural, exclusionary force rather than something constructed by the people in the room. Theauthors conclude that students are working at a boundary condition created over years ofseparation between the physical and social sciences and this itself is another barrier. Studentsstruggle with their engineering identity when centering public welfare or justifying nontechnicalwork after experiencing partial integration of social impacts in technical courses, and “[this] kindof negotiation [reflects] the tensions and unsettled boundaries between what students [consider]to be inside or outside the scope
students suggested modifications to the overall program structure,course topics, and instructional approaches. For example, students thought that courses in the CSprogram did not connect well with each other. Aligned with Bruner’s [48] Spiral CurriculumFramework, learning often starts with introducing a topic, mastering that topic, revisiting thattopic in a higher-level course, and finally making connections to other topics in the higher-levelcourses. As students responded that the latter part of the learning cycle (i.e., creating connectionsbetween courses) is missing in the CS pathway, one approach instructors can use is to not onlyrevisit concepts from prior courses, but also ask students to reflect on how this revisited conceptrelates to the
system the students use at the university for other courses. This page is the current“Hub” for the makerspace, where students can go to find resources, take training quizzes, andsign-up for workshops. 3.5 Feedback To gain more of an understanding on how to grow the team, feedback meetings are heldwith the entire instructor team to reflect and discuss the current direction of the workshops andtraining system. With our goal of creating a positive work environment for all the instructors, wehope to understand how we can make changes to the system to benefit those running theworkshops for those who attend them. When developing the new training system discussedearlier in Section 3.3, an internal survey provided more insight on the With testing through pilot grants andfurther community input, the EOP Framework has evolved from its early focus on“environmental responsibility” to reflect the broader lenses of social and environmentalsustainability, among other refinements based on over 600 comments that were collected andincorporated into the revised version released in 2022.The EOP Framework is a cornerstone of the EOP initiative, the first of its kind to guidecoursework, teaching tools, and student experiences that define what it means to be an engineerwho is equipped to protect our planet and the life it sustains (Figure 1 & Figure 2A) [20].Aligned with ABET’s seven required student outcomes, it provides faculty members with avetted menu of competencies that
is also happening when the instructor discussesteaching practice with their peers, reads about effective teaching practice in literature or writesabout what they tried out in their course. Instructors are a community of reflective practitioners.Their self-initiated instructional development activities should not be ignored in facultydevelopment research.Further about instructors’ self-initiated instructional development, our data based on oneCanadian engineering school showed the differences among faculty members in pursuinginstructional supports: teaching-stream faculty and sessional instructors appear to be more likelyto access instructional development resources than tenure-stream faculty members. This can beexplained by their primary
relationships or be used throughout a mentorshipexperience.DevelopmentThe first decision was to set the topics for the Mentorship Seminar Series. The College ofEngineering Mentoring Fellows reflected on the gradSERU data findings, unmet needs post-developing the IDP, and personal mentorship experiences during the brainstorming phase, withthe final topics being elected on a majority-vote basis. Topics elected to be pursued through theMentorship Seminar Series included: (1) creation, implementation, and other vital resources forgraduate student success under the title “Creating Individual Development Plans,” (2)“Navigating Toxic Environments, (3) “Building Healthy Mentorship Relationships, and (4)“Mentoring, Managing and Diversifying Graduate Student
capstone design; this requirement is reflected in Outcomes 11-13. In the multidisciplinarycapstone program at Georgia Tech, professors (as well as sponsors) can propose capstoneprojects. The student teams bid on the proposed projects and the course instructor matches teamsto projects based on their bids. Therefore, since Prof. Weitnauer clearly indicated in herproposals that the capstone projects would require built prototypes that would be used in theNovember exhibit, and she was the primary advisor, the Fall 2022 capstone students were eagerto not only produce a prototype, but do so early, so it could be included in the exhibit. It is notedthat for the next version of the exhibit, which will show in Spring or Fall 2024, Prof. Weitnaueris a
efforts. However, despite someparticipants either leading or being engaged in formal programs that coached men on how to beeffective allies, there remained an uncertainty around which strategies to focus on, how tosuccessfully implement them, and generally, how to best serve the women that they seek tosupport. The fear of not responding appropriately or discomfort that can arise from reflecting onone’s own role, as a member of the majority, in perpetuating oppression or challengingproblematic views espoused by colleagues should not deter men from engaging in gender equitywork. This self-doubt described by participants indicates that mentorship, further education, andengagement in formal ally training programs may be beneficial, as normalizing the
environment and infrastructure that they could use as a model in their future prototype development practices. This, however, required much creativity, advance planning, preparation, and proof of concept development on the part of the instructor.5. Planning An online digital logic laboratory course could not be successful by merely putting together a good collection of parts/ICs in a kit and relying on students to use ad-hoc methods to build and more importantly test and debug the circuits. Identifying a complete set of physical parts and suitable software is only a small part of what is needed. Upon careful reflection, the following objectives deemed critical if the course were to be successful: o A methodic approach for
initiative to transform engineering education to reflect the growingimportance of sustainability in all engineering functions.16 EOP was developed and is evolving 2023 ASEE National Conferencethrough collaborations among hundreds of sustainability advocates across sectors, geographies,and lived experiences. EOP seeks to ensure all future engineers, across all disciplines, learn thefundamental skills and principles of social and environmental sustainability.The EOP Framework was first launched in 2020 and is a cornerstone of the EOP initiative. Theframework is the first of its kind in that it incorporates to guide to coursework, teaching tools,and student experiences that define what it means to be an engineer who is