Paper ID #36622Accident Occurrences and Safety Issues Reported by Mid-Atlantic P-12Engineering EducatorsDr. Tyler S. Love, Penn State University, Harrisburg Dr. Love earned his master’s and Ph.D. in Integrative STEM Education from Virginia Tech. His bach- elors degree is in Technology Education from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. He previously taught technology and engineering (T&E) courses in Maryland’s Public School System. He is nation- ally recognized for his work related to the safer design of makerspaces and collaborative STEM labs. Dr. Love is an Authorized OSHA Trainer for General Industry. He has
Paper ID #36602Enhancing Student Learning through Inter-Disciplinary Capstone DesignProjecctDr. Shashi S. Marikunte, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, The Capital College Shashi S. Marikunte is an Associate Teaching Professor of Civil Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University, Middletown, Pennsylvania. He serves as the ABET Coordinator for Civil Engineering (CE) as well as Structural Design and Construction Engineering Technology (SDCET) programs. He received his PhD in Civil Engineering from Michigan State University. His research interests include high- performance cement composites, recycled materials in
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theperceived importance of adaptiveness among students. In addition, the creation of an interviewprotocol will help foster conversations about educational behaviors and career expectations witha diverse array of undergraduate students.AcknowledgementsPartial support for this work was provided by the National Science Foundation Scholarships inScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S STEM) program under Award No.2130428 and an American Talent Initiative’s Promising Practice Accelerator award funded byBloomberg Philanthropies. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation or the American Talent
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and each row represents amoment in time so that the positions are effectively tracked with time. We then exported thisExcel sheet into MATLAB®. MATLAB® is a popular programming language developed byMathworks [12].Our goal was to remove these reference frames and get everything into global coordinates.Instead of getting coordinates relative to each other, we wanted coordinates relative to the LeapMotion itself. To accomplish this, we used MATLAB®’s function eul2rotm [13]. Thistransformed Euler angles into rotation matrices. Rotation matrices are used to transform localcoordinates into global coordinates. To transform the tip of the finger there were many steps. Wefirst had to get rotation matrices for each joint of the finger. Then we had to
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