- Conference Session
- Sustainable Education and the Environment
- Collection
- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Roger Beardsley, Central Washington University; Stephen Morton, Central Washington University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
that the combustion creates some NO2. According to the IPCCreport, both methane and NO2 have Global Warming Potential (GWP) values that far exceed theeffect of an equivalent mass of CO2. For CH4, the GWP = 23; for NO2, the GWP = 296 (GWPfor CO2 = 1)4. The CA-CP calculator assumes a constant value of 3940 BTU per passenger-milefrom year 2000 on, and does not automatically update the value to reflect decreasing (orincreasing) energy intensity per passenger mile. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)tracks this data value7, and it should be updated for current years in the CA-CP calculator(EF_Transportation sheet, column BF).Data Point Calculator Assumptions Data value in CA-CP spreadsheet3Fuel Efficiency
- Conference Session
- Alternative-energy Laboratory Experiences
- Collection
- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Bret Bosma, California State University, Chico; Gregory Kallio, California State University, Chico
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
and Current. Page 14.1022.11 Figure 9. Module Temperature.Figure 10 shows the dc power output for static and tracking tests. Again, the static test shows anincreasing trend with time due to decreasing tracking error. The tracking dc power is nearlyconstant and approximately 40% higher than the static dc power for this test. Figure 11 showsthe PV system efficiency versus time. Both tests show similar values because of the normalizingeffect of the solar irradiation in the denominator of the efficiency equation. The slightly higherefficiency for the tracking test is unknown – it may be due to pyranometer angle-of-incidenterrors, increased reflection from the PV module glass at non
- Conference Session
- Sustainable Education and the Environment
- Collection
- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Elaine Scott, Seattle Pacific University; John Lindberg, Seattle Pacific University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
II. Communicates and interacts effectively with a diverseDemonstrates interpersonal skillsnecessary for effective personal and engineering and global community through responsible (g) an ability to communicateprofessional relationships. discourse and respect for each other. effectivelyEngages with diverse others. III. Character Reflects upon ideas and actions III. Embodies personal and professional integrity by
- Conference Session
- Sustainable-energy Education: Lessons Learned
- Collection
- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Tom Ferguson, University of Minnesota, Duluth; Paul Weber, University of Minnesota, Duluth
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
standarddeviation on statements involving U.S. energy consumption and the role of the Earth’s albedo inclimate change, while the Fall 2008 class was most consistent in their responses on the publichaving sufficient energy education and increasing levels of carbon dioxide. Table 2: Greatest Consensus (Standard Deviation) Statement Spring The United States uses more energy per capita than any other country 1.2 Variations in the Earth’s reflectivity impact climate change 1.4 Celebrities are credible sources of advice on energy and the environment 1.5 Energy transmission is a significant barrier to efficient energy choices 1.5
- Conference Session
- Learning about Power Systems and Power Consumption
- Collection
- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Kala Meah, York College of Pennsylvania; Wayne Blanding, York College of Pennsylvania
- Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
GammaFig. 14: Simulink/SPS model of the CIGRE HVDC Benchmark systemLecture 3Simulation: The HVDC system simulated in this study is modeled based on the CIGRE HVDCBenchmark system. For the simulation, a time-step of 50 µs is customarily chosen, which isslightly less than 1″ for a 50 Hz waveform. To implement the model with Simulink/SPS, a totalof 109 states; 37 inputs; 86 outputs; 31 switches were used. Matlab 7.6.0 (R2008a) was used toconduct the simulation. The normal operation of the HVDC system is affected by faults on theDC line, converters, or the AC system. The impact of a fault is reflected through the action ofconverter controls. In an AC system, relays and circuit breakers are used to detect and removefaults. On the other hand, the faults
- Conference Session
- Investigating Alternative-energy Concepts
- Collection
- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Narayanan Komerath, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
. This reflects the philosophy taught in ourcourse that the “Requirements Definition” is the real core of the project design, and involves thegreatest thinking and learning of issues. They confirmed the importance of providing feedback,and setting clear and high expectations, rewards and incentives. These findings reinforce ourcourse structure, especially aspects such as the midterm public poster presentation. This sets up avery focused and probably scary event, from which students come back exhilarated by thefinding that they do very well in explaining their ideas to an outside audience.Learning ResourcesThe search for good learning resources on this complex area took us far and wide. There aremany resources, but they are spread out over the