- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Program Design
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- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Stephen Raper, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Susan Murray, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Christa Weisbrook, Missouri University of Science and Technology; William Daughton, University of Missouri
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Engineering Management
AC 2009-936: USING ABET ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS AS A CATALYSTFOR CHANGE: ENHANCING AND STREAMLINING THE ENGINEERINGMANAGEMENT UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM AT MISSOURI S&TStephen Raper, Missouri University of Science and Technology Stephen A. Raper is an Associate Professor of Engineering Management and the Associate Chair of Undergraduates studies in the Engineering Management & Systems Engineering Department at the Missouri University of Science & Technology. He received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Engineering Management from the department and focuses most of his efforts on teaching, advising and administrative activities related to the undergraduate program, and is also an incoming
- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Program Design
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- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Natalie Cherbaka, North Carolina State University; Jerome Lavelle, North Carolina State University
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Engineering Management
Management Sys x x x x BS Eng 30 MS in EM Engineering profMissouri S&T EM and SE Department x x BS Eng,Sc,Mth 1 30 MS in EM yes Engineering bothKansas State Department of Industrial and Manufacturing SE x x BS in Eng or Sci 2 30 MEM Engineering IE profU of Minnesota Deluth Department of Mechanical and
- Conference Session
- Contemporary Practices in Engineering Management Programs
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- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Stanislav Karapetrovic, University of Alberta; John Doucette, University of Alberta
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Engineering Management
Education against the Background of European Developments”, International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 117-1265. Karapetrovic, S. (2008), “IMS: Focus on ISO 10000 Augmentative Standards”, International Journal - Total Quality Management and Excellence, Vol. 36, No. 1-2, pp. 1-86. ISO 10001 (2007), Quality Management – Customer Satisfaction – Guidelines for Codes of Conduct for Organizations, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland7. ISO 10002 (2004), Quality Management – Customer Satisfaction – Guidelines for Complaints Handling in Organizations, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland8. Dee, B., Karapetrovic, S., Webb, K. (2004), “As Easy as
- Conference Session
- Frontiers in Engineering Management Education
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- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
David Wyrick, Texas Tech; Adji Cisse, Texas Tech
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Engineering Management
interactions (communication). In fact,with the advance in technology, emails, video and phone conferencing have becomeincreasingly in practice over the conventional face-to-face meetings; they have oftenappeared as the new norm.Now a new wage of technology is sweeping into business; that is the development ofvirtual worlds. Virtual worlds have been rising in success just as the www revolution wasin the late 1990’s. One of the most prominent is Second Life®.Second Life® is 3-D virtual world that simulates an area about the size of Washington,D.C. [10]. Since its creation by Linden Lab in 2003, it has grown tremendously and as ofApril 2008 was inhabited by 13,448,143 residents from around the globe.Second Life® is often described as a game, in the broad
- Conference Session
- Engineering Management Program Design
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- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Ertunga Ozelkan, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Agnes Galambosi, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
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Engineering Management
] Alvear, A.; Rueda, G.R.; Hernandez, I.P.; Kocaoglu, D.F.;Analysis of the Engineering and Technology Management (ETM) Educational ProgramsTechnology Management for the Global Future, 2006. PICMET 2006Volume 3, July 2006 Page(s):1325 – 1331[2] ASEE, 2008, American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering and Engineering TechnologyCollege Profiles Database, Data retrieved on April 6, 2008, fromhttp://www.asee.org/about/publications/profiles[3] Bender, T.,(2003) Discussion-Based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning, Theory, Practiceand Assessment, Stylus Publishing, Sterling, VA[4] BLS, 2008, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2008-09 Edition, Bureau of Labor Statistics,http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos009.htm, retrieved on February 6, 2009.[5
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- Engineering Management Program Design
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- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Kathryn Abel, Stevens Institute of Technology
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Engineering Management
already have displays of themeaningful results. Thus, this new Continuous Improvement section is the main taskdaunting their upcoming reaccreditation cycle. There are many assessment methods usedin order to be accredited under EC 2000 and many varied forms have been displayedsince it began. This paper shows a few examples of the ways assessment concepts anddata are used and implemented by the Engineering Management Program at StevensInstitute of Technology to show continuous improvement.An online assessment system was adopted by Stevens Institute of Technology in the late1990’s to stream line the majority of the engineering department’s assessment datacollection and display the majority of its data in one easily accessible location. Thissystem
- Conference Session
- Frontiers in Engineering Management Education
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- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Lenisha Gandhi, IBM
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Engineering Management
such a manner that certain barriers will be easily exhibited within the team (e.g. grouping a team where each team member speaks a different language). Once grouped, give each team real world exercises and reward the team that is able to overcome the barrier(s) and become Page 14.287.13 most productive. ≠ Present case studies and invite the class to identify and resolve the barriers in each case study.Leveraging the BarriersThe barriers that have been discussed so far are generally a hindrance for the team relations andteam productivity. But there are instances where these barriers can be leveraged to
- Conference Session
- Contemporary Practices in Engineering Management Programs
- Collection
- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Gene Dixon, East Carolina University
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Engineering Management
, Requirements, andProcedures System" in [company]-1-01, Management Policies, will be issued to formally grandfather the Page 14.8.16 15existing system of policies and procedures to ensure that the site continues its exemplary record ofcompliance with statutory requirements and customer commitments.Following the issuance of the interim policy, all company-level policies and procedures, source andcompliance documents and various program-specific procedure manuals will be assessed by their ownersand subject matter experts. [company]'s collection of policies, procedures and manuals will be revised
- Conference Session
- Contemporary Practices in Engineering Management Programs
- Collection
- 2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Ivan Lidon, University of Zaragoza; RUBEN REBOLLAR, University of Zaragoza; Palle Qvist, Aalborg University; Juan Luis Cano, University of Zaragoza
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Engineering Management
Design Education International Journal of Engineering Education 24: 377–385.20. De Graaff E, Kolmos A (2003) Characteristics of Problem–Based Learning International Journal of Engineering Education 19: 657–662.21. Felder RM, Brent R (2007) Cooperative learning–Active learning: models from the analytical sciences ACS Symposium Series 970. Washington DC. Page 14.1163.1622. Oakley B, Felder RM, Brent R, Elhajj I (2004) Turning Students Groups into Effective Teams. Journal of Student Centered Learning 2: 9–34.23. Pinto J, Mantel S (1990). The causes of project failure IEEE Transactions on Engineering