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Conference Session
Sustainability in Engineering Curricula
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Cliff Davidson, Carnegie Mellon University; Chris Hendrickson, Carnegie Mellon University; Scott Matthews, Carnegie Mellon University; Michael Bridges, Carnegie Mellon University; David Allen, University of Texas, Austin; Cynthia Murphy, University of Texas, Austin; Braden Allenby, Arizona State University; Yongsheng Chen, Arizona State University; Eric Williams, Arizona State University; John Crittenden, Georgia Tech; Sharon Austin, EPA
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Environmental Engineering
in 2007) for engineering professors tohelp them enhance the sustainability content of their courses. Two more workshops have beenscheduled for summer 2009. There has also been one planning workshop held in 2008 to discussthe long-term goals of the Center. In addition, the CSE Electronic Library has been establishedfor peer-reviewed educational materials that are accessible at no cost to engineering educatorsaround the world. In this paper, we discuss the four faculty workshops in 2006-7, evaluations ofthese workshops, and the Electronic Library. For additional information, the reader is referred toDavidson et al.1WorkshopsEach workshop has roughly 30 faculty member participants plus another 15-20 individualsincluding speakers, staff members
Conference Session
Understanding Students: Recruiting, Retention, Enrichment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Eric Bumbalough, Kettering University; Jennifer Aurandt, Kettering University
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Environmental Engineering
2008. Presently GEO is responsible forcollection of all paper recycling in the student common areas but has drop offlocations that are maintained by the university. In April of 2008 GEO received a grant from the National RecyclingCoalition and the Coca-Cola Company to purchase beverage container recyclingbins. Thirteen bins were placed in July 2008. A staff member maintains the binsand tracks the numbers of cans and bottles being recycled in exchange forMichigan’s 10 cent bottle refund. The number of cans that were recycled arerecorded for the grant, but due to the 10 cent refund, many of the cans werestolen. Therefore, GEO placed a sign-up sheet on all of the bins so that if peopletook the cans they could write down how many they took
Conference Session
Project-Based Service Learning
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maya Trotz, University of South Florida; Ken Thomas, University of South Florida
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Environmental Engineering
Tampa, which is currently beautifying three of its stormwater ponds.The Environmental Engineering Laboratory at USF is a required 1 unit course offered in the Falland Spring semester each year with a total enrollment of 60 students each semester. Studentswork in teams of 3 to conduct experiments and write reports for a series of labs that explorewater quality measurements (e.g. pH, turbidity, DO, hardness, phosphorous) and treatmentprocesses (e.g. chemical precipitation, flocculation and settling, sorption, photocatalyticoxidation). Class lectures not only cover experimental approaches, but also used online videosthat addressed issues of sustainability. After the videos, students brainstormed on sustainabilityas it applies to the laboratory
Conference Session
Service Learning Projects in Developing Countries
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Maya Trotz, University of South Florida; Amy Stuart, University of South Florida; Daniel Yeh, University of South Florida; Helen Muga, University of South Florida; Linda Phillips, University of South Florida; James Mihelcic, University of South Florida
Tagged Divisions
Environmental Engineering
forsustainable development that is a global partnership, students will learn to understandhow to integrate and transfer the best and most appropriate knowledge,methodologies, techniques, and practices between the developed and developingworlds to ensure a sustainable future.” Examples of their answers are below: Page 14.913.6 4“Working, learning, and being with peers who focus on similar subjects allowspartnerships to be created easily, even on an international level. There were manyaspects of the project that were new for me; host family, working with such a diverseteam, field