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Displaying all 15 results
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Michael Bailey, Brigham Young University; Joseph Ekstrom, Brigham Young University
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Information Systems
spacebarriers. Since our goal was to deploy about 100 identical LAMP servers, we didn’t need theflexibility of a full Virtual Machine Monitor that emulated the hardware. We turned to a morescalable solution that we discovered was being used by a local web hosting company: OS-Virtualization using Virtuozzo by SW-Soft (now Parallels).In this paper we will first give a brief history of the use of the term “virtual machine” from theearly 70’s until the present. We explain the different models that have been implemented underthe term and how usage of the terms seems to have stabilized recently. We then look at oneapproach in greater detail, OS-Virtualization (sometimes called OS containers), or creating avirtual operating system interface rather that a
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Miertschin, University of Houston; Cheryl Willis, University of Houston
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Information Systems
and how this technique may be useful for making complex learningenvironments more navigable. The author believes advances in technology are poised tomake huge differences in the way we teach and the way students learn. Future work willinclude implementation of such tools in courses taught and comparative assessment ofstudent learning outcomes.References1. Novak, J. D.; Cañas, A. J. The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them. (November 20, 2008),2. Novak, J. D.; Gowin, D. B., Learning how to learn. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1984.3. Milam, J. H., Jr.; Santo, S. A.; Heaton, L. A. Concept maps for web-based
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
C. Richard Helps, Brigham Young University; Bret Swan, Brigham Young University
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Information Systems
this type is not a working prototype product but a package of deliverables includingconcepts, descriptions of user needs, and specifications for products or systems, with thoughtfuldesign of the interface and the basic structure of the product(s) or system to be built. Comingfrom a technology background the design team should show a depth of understanding of thetechnical issues facing the product design.In order to achieve high quality results, such as those described above the designers (students)need to follow a reliable design and development process that requires discipline, technical skill,and creative design work. All the attributes for successful capstone courses will be required bythe students, some to an enhanced degree.4. The case
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Tal Rusak, Cornell University; Christopher Barnes, Cornell University; G. Scott Russ, Cornell University; Vincent Kam, Cornell University; David Gries, Cornell University
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Information Systems
whether it is a free elective, a core elective, a liberalstudies course, or an engineering distribution course. We call such requirements structuralrequirements. CPAS distinguishes each of these requirements with a type label: affiliation-only,graduate-only, affiliation and graduation, and structural (non-course) requirement. Page 14.376.5Page 14.376.6Page 14.376.7Page 14.376.8Page 14.376.95.1 Requirements Entry InterfaceFigure 3, illustrates the initial interface displayed to staff members when creating a newrequirement unit. Note the presence of requirement class year(s), requirement type (affiliationonly, affiliation and graduation, or
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Peng Li, East Carolina University
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Information Systems
. Nakagawa, H. Suda, M. Ukigai, Y. Miida, “An innovative hands-on laboratory for teaching a networking course”, Proceedings of the 33 rd ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 14-20, Boulder, CO, USA. November 5-8, 2003.8. G. Steffen G, “Teaching Local Area Networking in a Secure Virtual Environment”, Proceedings of 2004 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, June 2004.9., retrieved February 3, 200910. S. Averitt, M. Bugaev, A. Peeler, H. Shaffer, E. Sills, S. Stein, J. Thompson and M. Vouk, “Virtual Computing Laboratory (VCL)”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the Virtual Computing Initiative, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA, May
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley State College; Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University
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Information Systems
coursesand do not offer any data mining course. On the other hand, many universities offer more thanone database related courses and they also offer data mining course(s). But mostly theseuniversities offer their data mining course as a graduate course. Therefore, the students whograduate from the universities like our university with no graduate computer science programwill not have the opportunity to get Data Mining knowledge.To improve our Database Engineering curriculum, we have decided to add a new Data Miningcourse to this curriculum. The paper first presents this curriculum and then elaborates the contentdetail of this Data Mining course.Introduction:In addition to associate degrees, the Computer Science and Pre-Engineering department offers
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mysore Narayanan, Miami University
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Information Systems
. Barrows, Howard S. (2000). Problem-Based Learning Applied to Medical Education, Springfield, IL: SIU School of Medicine.4. Boud, D., Feletti, G. (1991). The Challenge of Problem-based Learning. London: Kogan.5. Boylan, H. R. (2002). What Works: Research-Based Best Practices in DevelopmentalEducation. Boone, NC: National Center for Developmental Education.6. Boylan, H. R. (1999). Exploring alternatives to remediation. Journal of DevelopmentalEducation, 22(3), 2-4, 6, 8, 10.7. Boylan, H. R. (1999). Harvard Symposium 2000: Developmental education: Demographics,outcomes, and activities. Journal of Developmental Education, 23(2), 2-4, 6, 8.8. Boylan, H., Bliss, L., & Bonham, B. (1997). Program components and their relationship tostudent
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle Lutes, Purdue University; John Springer, Purdue University; Kelly Howard, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
compatible with Microsoft SQL Server2005’s data types and has integration with Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 using its ServerExplorer. T-SQL procedures are reported to be supported in a future version.When comparing memory footprints when deployed, we found significant differences betweenSQL CE and Vista DB. To understand how much additional memory footprint was added by the Page 14.123.4EDBMSs, we also compared file sizes to what would be required if traditional sequential file I/Owere used. For our research, we created databases with a single table then populated the tablewith four different numbers of records. For sequential file I/O, we used data
Conference Session
IT-based Instructional Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University; Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley State College
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
toward multi-core and parallel processingarchitectures, tomorrow’s computer scientists must be educated on the tools and methodologiesfor parallel computing. As educators, teaching parallel hardware and software today is vital togiving our students the tools they need to build tomorrow’s hardware and software. It is crucialthat parallel and distributed computing topics be integrated into computer science curricula.References:[1] Lin, Calvin and Lawrence Snyder, “Principles of Parallel Programming”. Pearson Publishing Company, 2008.[2] Moore, G.,” Cramming more Components onto Integrated Circuits”. Electronics 38, 8, 1995.[3] Brin, S., and L. Page, “The Anaotomy of a Large Scale Hypertexual Web Search Engine”. Technical Report, Stanford
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Afsaneh Minaie, Utah Valley University; Reza Sanati-Mehrizy, Utah Valley University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
to debug, seek and find information they need, andthe ability to understand and reverse-engineer poorly written documentation. The students’feedback and their final project presentation indicate that they have pride in their projectaccomplishments and have gained confidence in their engineering abilities.References:[1] ABET,, retrieved January 10, 2009.[2] Tichon, M., Seat, S., “Team toolbox: Activities and suggestions for facilitation project teams”, Frontiers in Engineering Education Conference, 2004, 34th Annual, session.[3] IEEE Computer Society/ACM Computing Curriculum - Computer Engineering, , Retrieved on January 15, 2009.[4] IEEE Computer Society,
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thomas Hacker, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Krishna Madhavan, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
see the emergence of anational curriculum for high performance computing and cyberinfrastructure, and the applicationof these technologies to solve practical problems. We are grateful to be able to be a part of thiseffort. Page 14.443.11References1. Zweben, S. (2007), 3ed, pp. 7-22.2. Hecker, D. Occupational employment projections to 2014. Monthly Labor Review Online, 128.3. Bentley, L. (2007) The Future of IT Education is Here. Purdue University Department of Computer and Infomation Technology Report.4. Sloan, J. (2004) High Performance Linux Clusters with OSCAR, Rocks
Conference Session
Information and Network Security
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Nestor Osorio, Northern Illinois University; Andrew Otieno, Northern Illinois University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
, American Society for EngineeringEducation, Annual Conference, Engineering Libraries Division, Poster Paper Session.4. Osorio, N. L. (2005). What Every Engineer Should Know about Engineering Education, Proceedings of the 2005Illinois/Indiana Sectional Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, D1-1. [Available online] Jesiek, B. K., Newswander, L. K., and Borrego, M. (2009). Engineering Education Research: Discipline,Community, or Field? Journal of Engineering Education, Vol 98 no 1 p. 39-52.6. Whitin, K. and Sheppard, S. (2004). Taking Stock: An Analysis of the Publishing Record as Represented by theJournal of Engineering Education, Journals of Engineering
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Kyle Lutes, Purdue University; Alka Harriger, Purdue University; Jack Purdum, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
February 2009 from JIST Publishing, (2008), “The 25 Best-Paying Jobs for Introverts”, retrieved February 2009 from John, O. P. and Srivastava, S. (March 1999), “The Big-Five trait taxonomy: History, measurement, and theoretical perspectives” In L. Pervin and O.P. John (Eds.), Handbook of personality: Theory and research (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford6. Bromberg, P. A., (December 10, 2006), “Jungian type test for programmers”, retrieved September 2008 from McCaulley, M.H. and Martin, C.R., (1995), “Career
Conference Session
Curricular Issues in Computer-Oriented Programs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Phil Rawles, Purdue University; Anthony Smith, Purdue University; Raymond Hansen, Purdue University; Jeffrey Sprankle, Purdue University
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
14.1033.5possible.Industry TrendsThe information technology industry is consistently changing with the advent andcommercialization of new technologies. While this change is constantly ongoing, the mid 2000’swere a period of significant change that directly impacted the networking and infrastructure area.Many of the specialized skills that once differentiated our students in the marketplace havebecome commoditized. In the 1990’s, for example, IP subnetting knowledge was adifferentiating factor in the student marketplace; today it is background knowledge. Thiscommoditization of knowledge is ever ongoing, resulting in today’s hot skills (such as IPtelephony) becoming tomorrow’s background knowledge.As cutting edge technologies have become more mainstream, the manner
Conference Session
Emerging Information Technologies
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mudasser Wyne, National University, San Diego; Arzu Baloglu, Marmara University, Turkey
Tagged Divisions
Information Systems
., “Principles of Distributed Database Systems”, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 1999.17. Wyne, M. and Hyder, S. “HIPAA Compliant HIS in J2EE Environment”, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), Idea Group Inc., Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 73-89, 2007. Page 14.958.15