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Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Laurie Garton, Texas Engineering Experiment Station; Luisa Deckard, Texas Engineering Experiment Station
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New Engineering Educators
summary, in bi-weekly peer review meetings with three to four other workshop participants, and in additional meetings with all workshop participants. These activities give investigators the opportunity to obtain substantive feedback on their proposals and to acquire in-depth information on a range of proposal-related issues, such as analyzing the target funding agency’s mission, presenting project ideas to program managers, improving writing and formatting, developing evaluation and assessment components, and preparing budgets. By the conclusion of the workshop, investigators have prepared a complete grant application, which they may then submit to the external funding agency of their choice.• One-on-one consultation – Separately from the
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jerry Samples, University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown
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New Engineering Educators
efficiency of time to add perspective.The “Effective Time” may include items such as: teaching, grant and proposal writing, journaland paper writing, discussions with peers, discussions with graduate students, basic research, Page 14.835.3meetings with research teams and research colleagues, and service requirements. Any of thesecan turn into “Wasted Time” without agendas or clear goals and time limits on topics ofdiscussion. “Effective Time” can include time to de-stress, time for reflection, personal time,preparation of lists and agenda items, time to respond to questions about teaching or research,preparation of presentations, networking, and
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for NEEs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Susan Murray, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Elizabeth Cudney, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Suzanna Long, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Katie Grantham Lough, Missouri University of Science and Technology
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New Engineering Educators
which services or activities at MissouriS&T improved their proposal writing ability. Overwhelmingly, 61.1% responded “a mentor”.(Yet remember nearly half do not have a mentor!) The remaining breakdowns were 33.3% forFreshman Faculty Forum (FFF), 33.3% for the New Faculty Teaching Scholars Program(NFTS), and 11.1% for the Promotion and Tenure Writing Group. The first two groups are a Page 14.1367.4structured program lead by senior faculty and the last is a peer group that provides feedback onproposals and other papers. The respondents were also asked to list any other services oractivities they felt improved their proposal writing ability. A
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Gehringer, North Carolina State University
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New Engineering Educators
… he has a Ph.D.! Or, ifthe TA is an international graduate student, they assume, All international students are good atscience. But if they see another undergraduate who can explain the work to them, they realize,Hey, if she can do the problem, so can I! Such a TA is a “peer model,” and peer models areeffective in promoting “self-efficacy,” the belief that, by performing in a certain manner, one canachieve certain goals.There is also an advantage to hiring the best student you can find who has taken the course fromyou. This is because that student understands the material as you have taught it, and thus isbetter able to answer student questions on your lectures and assignments. As a TA, (s)he is alsoqualified to grade papers; if the student’s
Conference Session
Mentoring and Development of New Faculty
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Donna Llewellyn, Georgia Institute of Technology; Marion Usselman, Georgia Institute of Technology; Richard Millman, Georgia Institute of Technology
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New Engineering Educators
, University of Kentucky’s NSF GK-12 program. Dr. Millman has co-authored four books in mathematics, co-edited three other scholarly works. He has published over 40 articles about mathematics or mathematics education. He received an Outstanding Performance Award of the National Science Foundation and, with a former student, was awarded an Excel Prize for Expository Writing. Page 14.429.1© American Society for Engineering Education, 2009 Designing Effective Educational Initiatives for Grant ProposalsAbstractThe National Science Foundation requires that grantees make an effort to extend the reach ofacademic
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for NEEs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrew Gerhart, Lawrence Technological University; Philip Gerhart, University of Evansville
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New Engineering Educators
Page 14.399.3finding a mentor and establishing the relationship for success.There are many types of mentoring: direct supervisor as mentor, mentoring done on aspontaneous basis as the need arises, informal group mentoring from an organized program (e.g.,workshops and presentations), peer mentoring, and mentoring from a senior faculty member whois not in an official supervisory role.5 Jordan et al. thoroughly review the different mentoringrelationships and highly recommend the final mentoring method listed above (mentoring from anon-supervisor) mostly because of the honest and direct communication possible without fear ofrepercussions on yearly reviews. The material presented in this paper is this recommended typeof mentoring, but the mentoring
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Scott Hinton, Utah State University
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New Engineering Educators
the productivityof a faculty member’s research.Overvie wWhen a new faculty member is hired at a research intensive university they are told that they willbe expected to create an internationally recognized research program if they expect to beawarded tenure and promotion. The questions then asked by many of these newly hired facultymembers include : What does it mean to have an internationally recognized research program?How do you create an internationally recognized research program? How do you measuresuccess? Is a successful research program based only on the publication of refereed journalpapers? What about refereed conference papers? What about patents? How does grant writing fitinto this process? Are collaborations, both internal and
Conference Session
Getting Started: Objectives, Rubrics, Evaluations, and Assessment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Edward Gehringer, North Carolina State University
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New Engineering Educators
of teaching. Thus, in recent years, peer evaluation of teaching [2] has taken its placealongside student evaluations in determining teaching competence. But faculty remain uneasyabout their student evaluations, regarding them almost fatalistically as something potentiallyimportant over which they have little control.The goal of this work is to present the cases of a number of engineering and computer-sciencefaculty who did manage to improve their scores, in hopes that they can serve as role models. Weidentify several aspects of their teaching where change made a difference. Then we comparetheir observations to what the published literature reveals. We conclude with recommendationsfor faculty who want to improve their scores.Our respondents
Conference Session
Getting Started: Objectives, Rubrics, Evaluations, and Assessment
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Walter Schilling, MSOE
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New Engineering Educators
rubric used for grading an assignment. In this example,students worked on a two week lab assignment in groups. The grading rubric is dividedinto two segments, a portion which reflects group performance as well as a portion whichreflects individual performance. In this particular assignment, students worked as a teamto complete a lab assignment. At the completion of lab, each student was assessed bytheir peers using a rubric. These scores were tabulated and entered into the individualperformance area of the assignment. The group assignment grade was derived fromtraditional grading of the group lab report excepting that grading was done entirelyelectronically by markup up the pdf submission using pdf annotator
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for NEEs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ralph Ocon, Purdue University, Calumet
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New Engineering Educators
Diversity In Non-Diversity Courses” *“Manufacturing Industry Needs Global Leadership Skills: Shaping The Next Generation Of Leaders” “Peer Experiences In Diversity: Students Learning From Students About Diversity” “Using Issues To Teach Diversity: An Interactive Learning Approach” *“The Global Manufacturing Challenge To Our Advantage: Begins With Students” *“Enhancing Organization And Employee Productivity: An Industry Experience In Leadership Training And Development” “Managing Diversity And The Law: Diversity Training Requires Training In Human Resources Laws” *Co-authored conference paperExample 2: From 1990-2000 the author
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade I
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Seamus Freyne, Manhattan College; Micah Hale, University of Arkansas; Stephan Durham, University of Colorado, Denver
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New Engineering Educators
lectures on topics they had time toresearch. To keep up with current events, ask students to give weekly summaries of the news inthe field. The best way to learn is to teach.As you grade exams, identify students who did the problems correctly and, when you return theexams, ask those individuals to put the solutions up on the board. You can catch a few minutesof rest, and students who did well on the exam will have a chance to shine. Some students maydecline due to shyness, but most students will eagerly accept the opportunity. Also, whenstudents see peers up at the board with the solutions, they will likely be convinced that the examwas not unreasonable, they will be less apt to complain, and they may be motivated to improvetheir performance on
Conference Session
Been There, Done That: Advice for NEEs
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Robert Engelken, Arkansas State University
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New Engineering Educators
volunteerism that the nation has not seen since the 1960s. As with most of the discussed trends, this cuts both ways. When focused upon worthy causes and activities, these can benefit a region and its citizens, as well as foster a needed sense of community. They can provide needed assistance to the disadvantaged and hurting. They can be an opportunity to enhance the character and compassion of young people and should be a clearly good thing. However, volunteerism should be fully voluntary, not mandated, coerced, peer-pressured, or indirectly fostered via a systems of carrots and sticks (for example, tax, pay, or other financial incentives
Conference Session
Tricks of the Trade II
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Srikanth Tadepalli, University of Texas, Austin; Cameron Booth, University of Texas, Austin; Mitchell Pryor
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New Engineering Educators
were found that quantifyprocrastination in a PSI course. These metrics would give researchers additional insights intostudent behavior and their response to self-guided teaching strategies.Proposed Procrastination MetricsHere we focus on three candidate metrics that give physical insight into the levels ofprocrastination that occurs in PSI courses.Margin of Safety Metric (MoS) - The MoS metric is the simplest metric. It is the ratio of thesuccessful final unit (R4 above) submission date and the last class day and is motivated by the Page 14.589.5scenario of a student who, for example, writes an assigned paper several weeks before it is due