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Conference Session
Research and Education in Radiation and Radiologic
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mitchell Pryor; Sheldon Landsberger
Tagged Divisions
Nuclear and Radiological
. Albuquerque, NM., pp. 106-109. 6. Anderson, R., 2008, “The WMSR robotic response: the tale of the “M2” robot,” Conference proceedings of the 2nd international joint topical meeting on emergency preparedness and response and robotic and remote systems conference. Albuquerque, NM., pp. 365-372. 7. Kapoor, C., and Tesar, D., 2006, “Integrated teleoperation and automation for nuclear facility cleanup,” Industrial Robot: An International Journal, 33(6) pp. 469-484. 8. Koenig, N., 2007, “Toward real-time human detection and tracking in diverse environments,” Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Development and Learning, London, UK, pp. 94-98. 9. Gulati, S., Jung, H., and Kapoor, C., 2007
Conference Session
Curriculum Development and Teaching Models in NRE
2009 Annual Conference & Exposition
Dimitri Tamalis, Florida Memorial University; Sheldon Landsberger, University of Texas, Austin; Steven Biegalski, University of Texas, Austin; Vanessa Sanders, Florida Memorial University; Chanika Symister, Florida Memorial University; Rose Stiffin, Florida Memorial University
Tagged Divisions
Nuclear and Radiological
who previously had limited laboratory experience.References 1. S. Turhan, H. Yucel, and A. Demirba. Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis of boron with a 241Am-Be neutron source. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. (262 3), pp 661-664, 2004 2. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Page 14.603.6Page 14.603.7