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2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Dylan Marcus Tobey, University of Pittsburgh; Tony Lee Kerzmann, University of Pittsburgh; Veronica Roth; David V.P. Sanchez, University of Pittsburgh
findings to the user. The user has theability to input a variety of parameters including farm acreage, crop selection, investment capital,and solar panel type. Through calculations using these inputs and the various data sets, the user ispresented with an “outputs” page, which includes a solar array installation cost estimate, as wellas an AgPV revenue proforma based on market rates and compares it to traditional farming. Themodel provides an opportunity cost measure which is the loss of potential gains when one optionis chosen over another option. For the AgPV model, the projected revenue is compared to theincome from the S&P500’s inflation-adjusted yearly average return of 8.5% [22]. The AgPVdecision model allows a user to take advantage of
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Kaitlyn Nicole Legg; Emma Paige Barrett; Joon W. "Simon" Shim, Marshall University
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Grant Heileman, Ohio Northern University
,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 26-Sep-2022].[4] “What is Conduction,” Nathan, 23-Oct-2014. [Online]. Available:[5] Detpan, S. Tech, D. 58, Stifler, Anonymous, LGOliva, Steve0, and Jungeroo, “Yeti tundra haul -Rolling Cooler with wheels,” YETI Tundra Haul - Rolling Cooler With Wheels, 22-Sep-2022. [Online].Available:¤cy=USD&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=__iv_p_1_g_1265538800334101_c__w_pla-4582695777717752_n_o_d_c_v__l__t__r__x__y_63694_f_Online_o_10060200000_z_US_i_EN_j_4582695777717752_s__e__h__ii__vi__&gclid
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Coradino Naples Colasurd, Ohio Northern University; Ahmed Oun, Ohio Northern University
. In the first scenario, the goal is to acquire the most points (α = 0.5, β = 0.35, γ =0.15), so the UGV is unused because bricks moved by UAVs are more points. In scenario two, thegoal was to prioritize the cost (α = 0.35, β = 0.15, γ = 0.50). Both scenarios took about 120s tocomplete3. The third scenario was fully focused on minimizing the cost (s α = 0, β = 0, γ = 1), andit took about 160s to complete3. The authors added a third UAV to the robotic team for thisscenario, so the multi-robot system could complete a more complex task. They used the samecriteria as scenario two (α = 0.35, β = 0.15, γ = 0.5) for this simulation. Since the mission wasmore complex, the time it took for the simulation to run was around 220s. The results in
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Aneesha Gogineni, Saginaw Valley State University
] Kalyana, C.C., “A Novel Framework for Active Learning in Engineering Education Mapped to Course Outcomes”, Procedia Computer Science, 172, pp. 28-33, (2020). Open Access Article[13] Andrea, G., “Reflecting while doing: Integrating Active Learning and Metacognitive Activities in a Fully Online Thermodynamics Course”, American Society for Engineering Education, Paper ID# 37110 (2022). Conference Proceedings[14] Sabine, F., Julia, M., and Sebastian, S., “Impact of Synchronous and Asynchronous Settings of Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Students’ Learning Experience During COVID-19”, Frontiers in Psychology, (2021). Open Access Article[15] Hyun, J.C., Kejie, Z., Cho, R.L., Debra, R., and Chuck
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Joaquin Rodriguez, University of Pittsburgh; Robert Enick
, involving somewhat all the disciplines in chemical engineering andproviding a broad overview of applications, from equipment specifications to economic analysis.However, essential components of chemical engineers’ training and performance go beyond thetechnical content of the required courses. The improvements reported here address suchcomponents like consideration of public health, safety, welfare, and social, environmental, andcultural impacts, global awareness, community service, mentorship and networking, andextensive teamwork and collaboration skill development.References[1] S. Silverstein, L. G. Bullard, W. D. Seider, and M. A. Vigeant “How We Teach: Capstone Design”. Paper presented at 2013 ASEE Annual Conference &Exposition
2023 ASEE North Central Section Conference
Haroon Malik, Marshall University; David A Dampier, Marshall University
and process the data generated by its social network services.[2]. Sanjay Radia ,"Yahoo!'s Hadoop Performance Tuning", Yahoo! Inc., In proceedings of the 2010 European Conference on Computer Systems, 2010. This paper discusses how Yahoo! uses HDFS to store and process large amounts of data and the performance tuning techniques used to optimize HDFS.[3]. R. Scott Haid ,"Real-time data processing at Twitter". In proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Management of data, 2013. This paper explains how twitter use HDFS and other technologies like Kafka, Storm, to process and store massive amount of data in real-time.[4]. Chris Riccomini, Sandhya Kambhampati, and Amogh Margoor ,"Netflix Data Processing