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ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Buket D Barkana, University of Bridgeport; Ioana A. Badara, University of Bridgeport; Navarun Gupta, University of Bridgeport; Junling Hu, University of Bridgeport; Ausit Mahmood, University of Bridgeport
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) system, and3) The existing core engineering courses are used for advertising and encouraging students to register.The course is structured such that the whole class meets once a month, with the remainder of the time spent in theARG research teams in weekly meetings for research and reporting. Four graduate students provide research supportfor the ARG research team faculty mentors and are peer mentors to the students enrolled in the course. The coursemodules include conducting hands-on experiments, developing solutions for real-life problems, writing algorithms,presenting their results in a group, classroom, and school, reporting experimental results, developing team workingskills, communication skills, networking, etc.2.2. Course objectives and
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Bradley J. Sottile, The Pennsylvania State University
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to the project sponsor. When a colleague asks about the resolution to the design concerns, the P.E. tells your colleague that if they raise the concern again the P.E. will have them fired.  How ethical is it for the P.E. to act this way? [Likert scale]  How ethical would your peers think it is for the P.E. to act this way? [Likert scale]  How ethical is it in the present-day engineering profession for the P.E. to act this way? [Likert scale]  Would you have made the same decision as the P.E.? Why or why not? [Open-ended question]  What would your response be if you were the colleague who asked about the resolution to the design concerns? Why would that be
ASEE Zone 1 Conference - Spring 2023
Andrew ONeill, Pennsylvania State University Electrical Engineering Department; Tim Kane, Pennsylvania State University
level course are part of the program and duallyutilize experiential learning and peer instruction to facilitate greater student involvement andretention. Both course are in active development during the semester. This arrangement allowsmodifications to be made during the class that better suit the educational goals of the students. Inaddition to better education the course is designed to help address the need for optics andphotonics technicians across industry as addressed in Wanted: Optics and PhotonicsTechnicians 1 .MethodsBoth courses use a combination of the Lab-Based Studio and Mini-Lecture Studio classroomparadigms as defined by DeLyser and Thompson et al 2 . The lab-based studio paradigm is builtaround the presentation of a new topic