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Displaying all 8 results
Conference Session
Equity and Ethics in Engineering-I
2022 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Agnes Germaine d'Entremont P.Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Jennifer Pelletier, University of British Columbia
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Conference Submission, Diversity
and the engineering community, and we hope makes it more likely they may considergraduate school or industrial research, perhaps in partnership with the university.There was also a recognition that undergraduates often lack certain skills or knowledge whenthey first join a research lab, and that a bridge or training program would be advantageous. Therehas also been discussion of which identities are most often excluded from research opportunities,and how to provide equitable access and meaningful support to have our research undergraduatesbetter reflect our overall student demographics.Our program was awarded $91,405 (~9%) of the overall university-wide pool in a competitionwith a 22.7% acceptance rate. The funding was partially matched by
Conference Session
Innovation In Teaching - II
2022 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Harly Ramsey, University of Southern California; Yee Lan Elaine Wong
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Conference Submission, Diversity
Venture, consisting of student-alumniinterviews and student reflections on those exchanges, which are edited and curated into shortthematic clips to be posted online. In essence, the interviews and curated videos are a narrativeproject—connecting the past, present, and future through storytelling and shared cultural (in thiscase engineering education) touch points. The paper presents two main findings from theinterviews and the students’ reflections. First, there is an increasing recognition that personalsubjectivities are intertwined with professional identities, whereas they were previously regardedas more distinct and segregated from each other. Second, there is a shift in understanding thenature of professional identities from a structured
Conference Session
Equity and Ethics in Engineering-II
2022 ASEE Zone IV Conference
James Gordon Walker, Seattle Pacific University, College of Arts and Sciences, Engineering Department; Gina Howe P.E., Seattle Pacific University; Melani Plett, Seattle Pacific University
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Conference Submission, Diversity
, and bothteam and individual reflection on team performance. The instructors emphasize the value ofdiversity, such as the need for each student’s voice to be sought, heard, and respected. Theprofessional skills developed in the course include project management, both formal andinformal presentations to varied audiences, formal documentation, budgeting, business cases, andconsideration of ethical issues related to their specific project.By emphasizing not just the project itself and the technical skills, but also focusing onprofessional skills in interdisciplinary, diverse teams, the course structure touches on aspects ofeach of the ABET 1-7 student outcomes.While it is a struggle to keep the workload manageable, employers and alumni frequently
Conference Session
Innovation In Teaching - II
2022 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Amin Malek, California State University, Bakersfield; Robert Hernandez
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Conference Submission, Diversity
different factors that affect the students’ motivationdepending on the year of their studies which reflects their thinking maturity as they spend moretime in the university. Based on the reported results we think the following five points willincrease the motivation and student satisfaction especially for year three and four students. 1- Toassign subjects to those lecturers who are doing research in the same area (based on Q21); 2- Toencourage lecturer’s to discuss their research in the class and coursework (based on Q21); 3- Touse teaching techniques that increase the interaction between the lecturer and the students (basedon Q20 and Q3); 4- To introduce examples that make the subject more interesting (based onQ10) and 5- To ask the students for
Conference Session
Case Studies
2022 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Yuri R. Rodrigues, Seattle Pacific University
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Conference Submission, Diversity
systems:Philosophical reflections, Springer.[15] Ribeiro P., Verkerk M. J., and Salles R. S. (2022). “Toward a Holistic Normative Design”,Interdisciplinary and Social Nature of Engineering Practices, Studies in Applied Philosophy,Epistemology and Rational Ethics, Springer Nature.
Conference Session
Innovation In Teaching - I
2022 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Daniel E Kane, Utah State University; Theresa Green, Utah State University - Engineering Education; Natalie L Shaheen, Illinois State University; Wade H Goodridge, Utah State University
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Conference Submission, Diversity
were used without beingverbalized, the interview protocol was designed to solicit what each participant’s main strategieswere. Utilizing the live think-aloud protocol enabled the research team to obtain the closestpossible record of what strategies were being used. Results of this study should be viewed withcaution due to the limited amount of data obtained.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation underGrant No. 1712887. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] D. F. Lohman, “Spatial Ability and G.” 1993.[2] T. Fincannon, A
Conference Session
Innovation In Teaching - II
2022 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Elizabeth Fife, University of Southern California
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Conference Submission, Diversity
activists,” a group who organized toprotest what they considered to be their company’s lack of serious involvement in addressingclimate change, given Amazon’s economic power and global reach. Students at the master’s andundergraduate level have engaged with this case and written reflective papers to identify ethicaldilemmas and pathways to change within current global structures as well as professionaldocuments providing industry with recommendations. This current paper argues the multiplebenefits of bringing social justice issues of relevance to engineering students in a technicalwriting course.IntroductionEmployee activism in high-tech companies includes mid and upper-level management andengineers who have spoken out on a variety of issues both
Conference Session
Student Success and Interactions
2022 ASEE Zone IV Conference
Michael Sekatchev, University of British Columbia; John Graeme Dockrill, University of British Columbia, Vancouver; Agnes Germaine d'Entremont P.Eng., University of British Columbia, Vancouver
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Conference Submission, Diversity
also felt they know enough to make problems, which may reflect their havingcompleted the course(s) in the topics they were working on. Shakurnia et al. found learningbenefits for students who created 60 multiple choice questions covering different topics over thelength of the term, which is closer to the experience of the OER students than the coursestudents. OER students overall reported that their understanding of mechanics increasedfollowing their work term.Course students seemed to stick with topics they were comfortable with (e.g. Work-Energy), andwere not required to revise and correct their problems. The students who completed the problemcreation activity and the post-survey did not indicate substantial gains in confidence in the