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2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Samaneh Gholitabar, New York City College of Technology, City University of New York
collaboration. Moreover, the project isdesigned to address the requirements for writing-intensive courses at the City University of NewYork. The project components included decision-making, literature review, data analysis, andwriting. The assessment of the project included factors such as developing a logical and consistentplan, showing the related outcomes and ability to follow the priority order, creating the wholes outof multiple parts by combining facts and theories, creativity that addresses previously less exploredoptions, and teamwork. Student course evaluations revealed that students greatly valued theexperience of a semester long feedback-based delivery of an assignment. They found the projecthighly engaging. The project had other desired
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Abdullah Konak, Pennsylvania State University, Berks Campus; Christian Jay St. Francis Clarke, Penn State University
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language patterns, nuances,and complexities. The training corpus includes various sources, such as books, articles, reviews,online conversations, and human-generated data, allowing the model to engage in non-trivialdialogues and provide accurate information on diverse topics [2].Within the field of computer sciences, we have seen that many students have integrated rapidlyinto Chat GPT to assist in writing programming code. This has now forced the academiccommunity to assess how such AI systems will impact students and, by extension, how aseducator’s aspects of their critical thinking skills are being impacted by the availability of such apowerful tool. Students can engage with the AI to seek information, solve problems, and engagein idea creation
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Jennie Perey Saxe, University of Delaware
with stakeholders iscritical to meaningful involvement and developing trust [9]-[11].Communication in the civil engineering curriculumA technical writing class has been part of the University of Delaware’s civil engineeringcurriculum since at least the early 1990s; about a decade later, an additional public speakingcourse was added [12], [13]. Despite this curricular focus on communication, the Department ofCivil and Environmental Engineering, in consultation with its External Advisory Committee,identified that additional efforts were needed to develop effective communication skills ingraduates. As a result, a novel course, Communicating with Stakeholders in Engineering, wasdeveloped and added to the civil engineering curriculum to address the
2023 Fall Mid Atlantic Conference: Meeting our students where they are and getting them where they need to be
Gang Liu, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
diverse topics. • Falling Leaves Festival. • free musical events. • annual environmental science retreat. • Library tour led by experts. • Writing center services. • Mathematics center services. • TRIO student support services. • disability resources and services. • Academic coaching and tutoring services. • Academic Success and Advising counseling services.Generally, OER materials are fully customizable so that the instructors can adapt course materialsto align with their teaching objectives, teaching strategy, and the needs of their First-Year collegestudents. For example, the author of the present paper provided his students with the most recentresearch results in engineering education fields, including