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Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Education: Upperclass Years
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Bullard, North Carolina State University; David Ollis, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
development in chemical engineering at a large publicuniversity. The topical content which has been developed may also be used “À la carte” forincorporating elements into existing engineering courses if there is not room in the curriculumfor an integrated course of this type. The complete course content, including the syllabus,subject matter presentations, assignments, and relevant links, is available on a public web sitefor use by engineering instructors: ( Course evaluationsindicate that students assign high values to this required seminar.IntroductionEngineering departments employ different strategies for introducing soft skills such as writing,oral presentation, teamwork, information literacy, and ethics. A frequently
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Education: Underclass Years
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
David Silverstein, University of Kentucky; Margot Vigeant, Bucknell University; Donald Visco, Tennessee Technological University; Donald Woods, McMaster University
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Chemical Engineering
-based introduction” published by Wiley; and M. Northey, “Making sense inengineering and the technical sciences: a student’s guide to research and writing,” published byOxford University Press in 2009; plus instructor’s notes. This introduction to the practice ofengineering including ethics, health and safety, roles and responsibilities to society, engineeringcommunication, design skills and group work, Professional Engineers of Ontario, design andproblem solving, change management and lifelong learning. The course features an eclectic set of99 objectives including how to greet professionals, stress management, professional requirements,professionalism, e-mail correspondence, project management, meeting deadlines, teamwork, selfand peer
Conference Session
Contemporary Issues in Chemical Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
a spreadsheet(static data), and 2 times communication of data (peer review of writing and oral reports).Laboratories 4, 9 and 10 were changed from 2007 to 2008.Table 1. Laboratory activities to reinforce Kolb step 3, practice under constrained conditions.Week Topic Activity Activity Mode1 Summary Statistics and Box 1970 Draft Lottery Data Data presented in Excel Plots Analysis18,192 Sampling and Probability Distributions of Coin Flips and Active: students flip coins and 20 Distributions Response Time
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Education: Upperclass Years
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Bullard, North Carolina State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
. Administering a peerevaluation tool is essential since much of the course grade will depend on the groupproject. CATME45, 46 is an easy-to-use online tool that collects and analyzes self and peerevaluations of team members’ contributions. Ideally some type of peer evaluationinstrument is administered with each major deliverable, and team members receivefeedback on their individual performance compared to the group average. Any lowperforming students should be identified by the instructor, and the team should meet withthe instructor to discuss the issue so that it can be addressed early. Instructors might alsoconsider a mechanism that reflects in individual contribution; for example, students couldbe required to keep a design notebook47 or submit their
Conference Session
Chemical Engineering Education: Underclass Years
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lisa Bullard, North Carolina State University; Donald Visco, Tennessee Technological University; David Silverstein, University of Kentucky; Jason Keith, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
AC 2010-205: STRATEGIES FOR CREATING AND SUSTAINING ADEPARTMENTAL CULTURELisa Bullard, North Carolina State University Dr. Lisa G. Bullard is a Teaching Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University. Her research interests lie in the areas of teaching and advising effectiveness, academic integrity, process design instruction, and the integration of writing, speaking, and computing within the curriculum. She has won numerous awards for both teaching and advising, including the John Wiley Premier Award for Engineering Education Courseware (2009), NCSU Faculty Advising Award
Conference Session
Contemporary Issues in Chemical Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jason Keith, Michigan Technological University; Daniel Crowl, Michigan Technological University; David Caspary, Michigan Technological University; Jeffrey Allen, Michigan Technological University; Jeff Naber, Michigan Technological University; Dennis Meng, Michigan Technological University; Abhijit Mukherjee, Michigan Technological University; John Lukowski, Michigan Technological University; Jay Meldrum, Michigan Technological University; Barry Solomon, Michigan Technological University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
, natural gas, hydrogen, or batteries for transportation applications.Secondary emphasis is placed on understanding professional and ethical responsibility,understanding the global and social impact of engineering solutions, and demonstratingknowledge of contemporary issues. These are addressed by working on a project to find anaffordable future energy source. More details will be provided in the next section.It is noted that the final grade is determined from attendance (10%), individual summaries(10%), and a team report (80%) which is weighted by peer evaluations.Sample Enterprise ProjectsThe following is a brief summary of Alternative Fuels Group Enterprise projects related tohydrogen and fuel cells. Each semester there are at least three
Conference Session
Demonstration and Project Enhancements in Chemical Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Allen Yang, Cornell University; Kathryn Dimiduk, Cornell University; Susan Daniel, Cornell University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
to clearly illustratewhy chemical engineering is particularly suited to these kinds of problems and what our skill setoffers to biotechnological problem-solving that no other engineering discipline is whollyequipped to do. These skills include defining systems with multiple unit operations and complexinterconnections, writing and solving systems of equations based on chemical reactionstoichiometry and kinetics, and scale-down of a system from human-scale to “lab-on-a-chip”micro-scale using dimensionless numbers. Additionally, we wanted to create a project thatwould encourage teamwork and cooperation in developing problem-solving strategies and in theanalysis and evaluation of the results. Here students would learn about dividing
Conference Session
Learning By Doing in Chemical Engineering Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Paul Golter, Washington State University; Bernard Van Wie, Washington State University; Gary Brown, Washington State University; David Thiessen, Washington State University; Baba Abdul, Washington State University
Tagged Divisions
Chemical Engineering
the initialdrafts.During the first phase of the course the students had a small number of textbook homework problemsand a write up of the case study analysis to do as individuals. Throughout the course they have amixture of group and individual problems that relate directly to the equipment they worked with inclass, and the data they collected using it. They are also required to submit periodic status reports sothat we can monitor each group’s progress and intervene if necessary. The students will have a finalexam consisting of an assessment of an existing case study design. The course grade is based 60% onthe design project, 5% on the case study analysis, 20% on homework, and 15% on the final designanalysis. The group portion of each