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Conference Session
Faculty Set the Preliminary Standards for Co-ops
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Daryl Caswell, University of Calgary; Sarah Lockwood, University of Calgary; Jane Leung, University of Calgary
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
second annual Biomimicry Symposium, Biomimicry Institute / San Diego Zoo, Oct 1 - 2.8. Eggermont, M., Khurshid,M., Lockwood, S., Caswell, D. " A First Year Engineering Affordable Housing Design Project", submitted to Canadian Journal of Urban Research9. Eggermont, M,. & Lockwood, S. (2009) “ Communicating Design: 750 First Year Engineering Students,A Writer-in-Residence and An Artist-in-Residence” Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 3:4, p1833-1874.10. Welliver, D., Khurshid,M., Eggermont, M. "Affordable Housing Design: A hands-on workshop for change-makers" Engage Youth, Oct 1, 2009, workshop.11. Eggermont, M., Zegarac, D. (U of C), Yen J., Helms, M. (Georgia Tech), Gould, C., Wong, C., Hastrich, C., Hinds
Conference Session
Faculty Set the Preliminary Standards for Co-ops
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Anthony Joseph, Pace University; Mabel Payne, Consultant
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
Following a Brief Exposure,” Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, Vol. 36, pp.58-65.12. Eatkins, P. and Christopherson, G. (2000). “The Importance of Context in Work Placements: Cooperative Education and the Development of Graduate Attributes for a Global Work Force,” Retrieved June 11, 2007.13. Freestone, R., Williams, P., Thompson, S .and Trembath, K. (2007). “A Quantitative Approach to Assessment of Work-Based Learning Outcomes: An Urban Planning Application,” Higher Education Research and Development, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 347-361.14. Gardner, P. D. and Kozlowski, S. W. J (1993). Learning the Ropes! Co-ops Do It Faster, Collegiate
Conference Session
Nuts and Bolts of Cooperative Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Johrendt, University of Windsor; Schantal Hector, University of Windsor; Karen Benzinger, University of Windsor; Geri Salinitri, University of Windsor; Arunita Jaekel, University of Windsor; Derek Northwood, University of Windsor; Michelle Watters, University of Windsor
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
. At the beginning of 2010, cooperative education programs exist in 80 post-secondaryinstitutions in Canada with an enrolment of over 80,000 students.3 It is interesting to comparethe experience in North America with that in Japan where cooperative education was not Page 15.836.3introduced until the 1990’s and then initially at the graduate, rather than undergraduate, level.4However, there was a rapid expansion of cooperative education and internships and by 2005, atotal of 100,000 students participated in internships over a one year survey period.4What defines, or constitutes, cooperative education? According to Hodges and Coolbear5, “In
Conference Session
Culture, Society, and Co-op
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Ralph Ocon, Purdue University Calumet; Opal McFarlane, Purdue University Calumet
Tagged Divisions
Cooperative & Experiential Education
courses.References 1. Meisinger, S. (2008). Talent Shortage Challenge Must Be Met, Human Resource Magazine, Vol. 52 (5), p. 8. 2. Deschenaux, J. (2008). EEOC: Train Managers on Harassment, Human Resource Magazine, Vol. 53 (5), p. 26. 3. Mohsen, P., J. (2009). Professional Development Is Key, ASEE Prism Magazine, Vol. 19 (1), pp. 63-64. 4. Brenner, M. (2009). Group Dynamics Can Enhance Leadership Development, Human Resource Magazine, Vol. 54 (12), p. 22. 5. Colvin, G. (2009). How to Build Great Leaders, Fortune Magazine, Vol. 160 (11), pp. 70-72. 6. Arnold, T., J. (2008). Kicking Up Cross-Training, Human Resource Magazine, Vol. 53 (8), pp. 96-100. 7. Bogue, B. and Marra, R. (2009
Conference Session
Nuts and Bolts of Cooperative Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Alexander Yin, Pennsylvania State University
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
Lattuca, L. R., Terenzini, P. T., Harper, B.J., & Yin, A. C. (2009). Academic environments in detail: Holland’stheory at the subdiscipline level. Research in Higher Education.xiv Lattuca, L. R., Lambert, A. D., & Terenzini, P. T. (2008, March). Academic environments and student learning:A finer-grained examination. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association. New York, NY.xv Donald, J. G. (2002). Learning to think: Disciplinary perspectives. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.xvi Devon, R., Bilen, S., McKay, A., De Pennington, A., Serrafero, P., & Sierra, J. S. (2004). Integrated design: Whatknowledge is of most worth in engineering design education? International Journal of Engineering Education, 20(3), 424
Conference Session
The Influence of Cooperative Education
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Mario Castro-Cedeno; Quamrul Mazumder
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
behavior of others and then imitating the behavior that produces a desired reward. For example, if the student sees others getting good grades and recognition, s/he will be motivated to copy the behavior to achieve the same results. 2. Cognitive theories According to Jean Piaget21, individuals have an innate need to organize their experiences. Page 15.890.3 They do this by fitting new experiences into existing mental structures or by modifying those structures to accommodate the new experience. The need for accommodating a new experience, either by linking it to an existing mental structure or by revising
Conference Session
Culture, Society, and Co-op
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Adrian Millward-Sadler, University of Applied Science, Graz; Annette Casey, Joanneum University of Applied Sciences; Frank Newman, University of Graz
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
area.NaturalisticThe most recent addition to the bank of intelligences, a person with strengths in this area is Page 15.574.8capable of recognising forms in nature and understanding nature’s systems. Agriculturalistsand hunters possess this strength.In addition to these eight intelligences, the so-called “candidate” intelligences of spiritual andexistential intelligence were not included in this study, as these have not been fully endorsedby Gardner, due to their failure to fulfil all the criteria to be considered intelligences (Gardner,2006).One criticism of the theory of Multiple Intelligences has been that these eight areas do notrepresent intelligence(s) at
Conference Session
Culture, Society, and Co-op
2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
Lindsey Jenkins-Stark, Iridescent; Tara Chklovski, Iridescent
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Cooperative & Experiential Education
maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations. 1998, Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.30. Weiss, C.H., Evaluation: Methods for studying programs and policies. 1998, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.31. Strauss, A.L. and J. Corbin, Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. 1990, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.32. Scale-up in Education: Volume 1: Ideas in Principle, ed. B. Schneider and S.-K. McDonald. 2006: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 328. Page 15.500.15