, journals and funded projects. Engineering curricula are crowded, however, and leave little room for new courses. Beginning with the “writing across the curriculum” movement in the 1980’s, the literature reveals that many disciplines have mounted “across the curriculum” movements. These include writing, mathematics, critical thinking, citizenship, ethics and other fields. Given crowded engineering curricula, an “across the curriculum” approach is a logical means to address the need to add entrepreneurial thinking without adding additional courses. Measurement tools are a critical requirement to assess the efficacy or any curriculum intervention. This is especially true when dealing with a new and
from different operating divisions that have technical or businessissues. They are brought together to develop new or innovative products to make their divisionssustainable and profitable. It is very important to establish the entrepreneurial mindset by theCEO/professor (CEO/P) that fosters teamwork with a free spirit of brainstorming. This structureprovides real-world situations as in industry. The CEO/P acts as a mentor who providesencouragement and instills confidence that the employees/students (E/S) can deliver the producton time while meeting the project objectives.4BrainstormingThe E/S brainstorm as a group over several meetings and their ideas are recorded. To helpdevelop creativity, the CEO/P uses several methods such as asking E/S to
. REFERENCES 1. Fiet, J.O. 1996. The informational basis of entrepreneurial discovery. Small Business Economics, 8: 419-430. 2. Demsetz, H. 1983. The neglect of the entrepreneur. In Joshua Ronen (Ed.), Entrepreneurship. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books. 3. Kirzner, I. (1997) “Entrepreneurial Discovery and the Competitive Market Process: An Austrian Approach.” Journal of Economic Literature 35: 60–85. 4. Kaish, S. and B. Gilad. 1991. Characteristics of opportunities search of entrepreneurs versus executives: Sources, interests, general alertness. Journal of Business Venturing, 6: 45-61. 5. Langlois, R. N. (1994), ‘Risk and uncertainty’, in The Elgar Companion to AustrianEconomics, edited by P. Boettke, Cheltenham
Page 15.5.3continuum, and it is believed that by providing a continuum of resources to entrepreneurs andstartup companies, the probability of success is significantly increased. Details of each of theprograms listed in the figure will be discussed below. Students Companies Re sea rch • H inm an CEOs • On- campus I ncubat or Base • Tech St ar tup Boot Cam p • B- Plan Competition • 2 n d stage I ncubator I nnovat ive Concepts • H illm an Entr epr en eur s
8 6 4 2 0 t t m s t s
years.The University of Rochester has transitioned its focus from big businesses to smaller start-upventures. The University of Rochester is committed to helping local economic development. TheRochester community was stable for most of the 20th century because of entrepreneurs likeGeorge Eastman (Eastman Kodak), Joseph Wilson (Xerox) and Jon Jacob Bausch and HenryLomb (Bausch and Lomb). By the end of the 20th century, the employment for all threecompanies was significantly lower than it was in the 1980’s. In 2008, the UR became the largestemployer in the greater Rochester area.In 2004,The Council of Competitiveness studied Rochester, New York and produced a reportentitled “Fanning the Flame”. The Council reported that Rochester has a well
data collected in the second phase of the study will be extremely instrumental in further Page 15.79.14understanding faculty beliefs about entrepreneurship education and how these translate intoteaching practices.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to acknowledge grant support from NSF-EEC #0835992,“Entrepreneurship Education and Its Impact on Engineering Student Outcomes: The Role ofProgram Characteristics and Faculty Beliefs.”Bibliography:1. Katz, J. A. 2003. The chronology and intellectual trajectory of American entrepreneurship education 1876- 1999. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(2): 283-300.2. Ohland, M. W., Frillman, S. A
, J. Courtney, K. Dahm, J. Everett, C. Gabler, R. Harvey, L. Head, D. Hutto, H. Zhang, “Setting theMultidisciplinary Scene: Engineering Design and Communication in the ‘Hoistinator’ Project”, ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, June 2005, Portland, OR.6. S. Bakrania, W. Riddell, K. Dahm and L. Weiss, “Wind Turbines for Teaching Parametric Design,” ASEE AnnualConference and Exposition, June 2009, Austin, TX.7. W. Riddell, M. Simone, S. Farrell, P.M. Jansson, “Communication in a Project Based Learning Design Course,”Proceedings of the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference, June, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA.8. S. Wilson, K. Blauth, W. Riddell and P. Jansson, “RFID Technology for Universally Accessible Doors in PublicBuildings,” The International Journal of
, Austin, TX.3. Komives, S.R., Lucas, N., McMahon, T.R. (2007) Exploring Leadership – For College Students Who Want to Make a Difference. 2nd Ed. Jossey-Bass, John Wiley & Sons.4. Komives, S. R., Owen, J. E., Longerbeam, S. D., Mainella, F.C., and Osteen, L. (2005) “Developing a leadership identity: A grounded theory.” Journal of College Student Development. Vol. 46, No. 6, pp. 593- 611.5. Komives, S. R., Longerbeam, S.D., Owen, J.E., S. D., Mainella, F.C., and Osteen, L. (2006) “A Leadership Identity Development Model: Applications from a Grounded Theory.” Journal of College Student Development, Vol. 47, No. 4, pp. 401-418.6. Karnes, F. A. & Chauvin, J. C. (1985) Leadership Skills Inventory
incentive of up to $7.50 perhour for a qualified student. This reimbursement is available for up to 400 hours of the student’sinitial hours of employment. The employer must be willing to provide at least a minimum wage(in Michigan this is currently $7.40 per hour), for that same time frame. Thereby assuring this isa legal employment contract between an employer and employee. Employers are also asked toprovide a job description or work plan for the intern, as well as a brief company profile and signa letter of agreement regarding these terms. Employers submit a job description for aninternship position to the Office of Career Services and students apply for the positions and theemployer determines the most qualified candidate (s) for their
accomplishments. From this richdataset, a relational database was created to store details about the school,entrepreneurship program, and to a lesser extent, associated courses. Following this, theprograms were categorized in the following manner: • undergraduate or graduate focused • program type: certificate, concentration, major, minor, other • administrative home • area(s) of focus: engineering/technology/science, medical, sustainability, social entrepreneurship, other.When available and applicable, the following program details were also noted: • number of credits required to complete the program • number of students enrolled annually • number of engineering students enrolled annually.Required and Elective Courses
: pp. 3-49TDMBA: pp. 71-104; 115-118VPMBA: pp. 171-202Materials ProvidedAccounting & Finance: Cash FlowTracy: pp. 50-99Berman, K., J. Knight, and J. Case. “The Magic of Managing the Balance Sheet” (HBSPdownload)Lynch, L. and P. Simko, “The Conceptual Framework Underlying the Preparation of theStatement of Cash Flows” (handout)Accounting & Finance: Financial Statement AnalysisTracy: pp. 100-148TDMBA: pp. 104-115VPMBA: pp. 203-234Schill, M. “The Thoughtful Forecaster” (handout)Case: “Ceres Gardening Company: Funding Growth in Organic Products” (HBSP download)Accounting & Finance: Valuation and VarianceTracy: pp. 150-195TDMBA: pp. 226-253VPMBA: pp. 235-340Chaplinsky, S. “Valuing the Early Stage Company) (handout)Case: Valhalla
outcome of the commercialization plan development being a Page 15.1386.8primary driver. Of critical importance is the ability to engage students in businessactivities beyond the traditional professional service role (i.e. entrepreneurialactivities).AcknowledgementsThe work presented herein is funded in part through a grant from the KentuckyScience and Engineering Foundation, project number KSTC-144-401-07-016,COMMFUND-713-RFP-006.Bibliography 1. Ernest, A. N. S., N-B. Chang, R. Fowler, J. R. Fattic, K. Andrew, and J. Ballweber, "Water Resource Management Capacity Development: A Small Systems Technology Transfer Model", 2009 ASEE Annual
computer scientists and recognizing student receiving the certificate as KEEN Undergraduate TE Fellows.The purpose of the KEEN Innovators Program Initiative is to encourage the integration ofentrepreneurship concepts and skills into the engineering and computer science curricula byawarding a stipend to an Engineering & Computer Science (ECS) faculty member who developsan innovative plan for fostering the entrepreneurial mindset within the course(s) they teach. Inaddition to the stipend, the assistance of the KEEN grant team will be offered to enable use ofbest practices developed by others in the network who are building entrepreneurial skills andinsights into engineering and computer science courses. This is intended to be a
examinedthe ratings of software processes for new ISO standards (Jung 2003). It also evolved practically in a university-level evaluation of individual college assessment plans within that author’s experience.Designation and use of a head-judge/s is an intervention that we have used within our events. Each head judgeis assigned a team of judges. Each team of judges is then assigned a set of participants that a certain number ofjudges must rate. For example, a team may consist of three to five judges, be assigned to rate 12 contestants,with each contestant rated by a minimum of three judges. The head judge determines the logistics required tofulfill these conditions. Also, the head judge fields questions about the criteria and the judging process. At
. Page 15.365.11 ReferencesBoni, A.A., Weingart, L.R., & Evenson, S. (2009, September). Innovation in an academic setting: Designing and leading a business through market-focused, interdisciplinary teams. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 8(3): 407-417.Green, J.V. (2009, January). An overview of the Hinman CEOs Program. U.S. Association for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA.Green, J.V. & Johnson, G.A. (2008, June). A holistic performance measurement system for entrepreneurship education. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Pittsburgh, PA.Green, J.V. (2007, June). Discovering new
semester, the graduate courses at two credits. Project operation followed a model familiar to engineering projects in industry. The authorapplied an operational methodology used during his employment in the late 1990’s in theautomobile parts industry. The fundamental structure clearly defined the students as thedesigners and developers; the professor’s role was that of mentor and design guide. This wasvery definitely not a case where the students obtained their technical information from theprofessor. The team met every Thursday afternoon, initially for three hours. During the first meeting,the tasking to be accomplished by each member of the team was identified, with particular