- Conference Session
- IE and Manufacturing
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- 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Rashpal Ahluwalia, West Virginia University; Atul Phadke, West Virginia University; Gary Winn, West Virginia University; Reagan Curtis, West Virginia University
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Industrial Engineering
National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0525484. Anyopinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and donot necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.learning and designs with more than one possible correct outcome depending on designconstraints; and because students could compete against their peers using the same designconsiderations.In 2009, the West Virginia University Engineers of Tomorrow research team reviewed regionalliterature on STEM career opportunities for Appalachian students, and noted, "It has long beensaid that high tech industries with higher paying jobs would improve the lives of residents of theAppalachian region. Careers in the sciences
- Conference Session
- Lean and Green
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- 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Sharon Johnson, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Industrial Engineering
of topics that might otherwise not be clear or considered by students.The layout in Figure 2 reflects students’ understanding that lean involves creating ‘cells’ (so anassembly line is needed for each product) and a ‘u-shaped’ flow. In this case, because theprocess used to create blue and black clocks is identical, separate lines are not that useful (and infact, cause an issue when a new product line is introduced as a surprise in the last round). Thelayout generates a specific discussion of whether or not such focus is necessary, engagingstudents and developing the opportunity for a deeper understanding of lean ideas. In addition, indeveloping a circular flow, students also created some congestion.While the inquiry focus leads to rich class
- Conference Session
- IE Applications and Systems
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- 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Cynthia Forgie, University of Southern Indiana; Marco Lara Gracia, University of Southern Indiana; MT Morris, University of Southern Indiana
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Industrial Engineering
. Depending on the level ofcommitment, it may take five to ten years to fully implement the proposed publictransportation network.Educational ValueThe METS efficiency study provided an opportunity for students from varieddisciplines to collaborate and work toward a common goal; the improvement ofthe municipal bus transportation system. Participating in this service projectallowed students to become more cognizant of public policy issues andcommunity impact. Upon completion of the study, students reflected on theprocess and the multitude of problem solving skills utilized throughout the study.Several students stated that they were proud of the fact that they were helpingsolve some of the city’s problems and it was rewarding to work on a project
- Conference Session
- IE and the Classroom
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- 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Lizabeth Schlemer, California Polytechnic State University; Daniel Waldorf, California Polytechnic State University
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Industrial Engineering
considered. For instance the average score foroutcome b - ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data –is below the threshold 50% level. This was a flag to evaluate further the achievement of thisoutcome. In this case, the faculty agreed that the items provided for outcome b were significantlymore difficult that the other items and did not properly reflect expected level of achievement.The outcome b questions are currently under revision. Table 3: GSE score and sub-scores IE and MfgE Outcome IE (n= 130) Mfge (n = 32) Total (n=162) a 67.0% 73.7% 69.2% (21.5%) (23.4
- Conference Session
- IE and the Classroom
- Collection
- 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition
- Authors
Dean Jensen, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology; Stuart Kellogg, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
- Tagged Divisions
Industrial Engineering
Definitions 0.2 Counting Definitions 0.2 Counting 0 0.0 Distributions Expectations Distributions Expectations Figure 1. Probability and Statistics Concept Inventory Results (2003, 2008) Figure 1 shows results from a campus inventory given in the second semester of aprobability and statistics sequence. Enrollment in the course is predominantly industrialengineering majors. Figure 1 reflects limited understanding of fundamental concepts but thisperformance is neither new nor limited to probability and statistics. There is a significant andgrowing body of research that