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2022 CIEC
’ problem-solving skills to the higher level are some of the advantages of producing monthly progressreports. These activities may be more relevant in research and innovative groups than inmanufacturing organizations. Project report writing targeting various readers is emphasized inthe phrase “Excellent verbal and writing skills to communicate effectively with clients, fieldengineers, peers, and management”, which is seen in many requests this department receivesfrom industry, seeking graduates in EE and COE for employment.While monthly reports enhance students’ writing skills, they may reveal or avoid hidden agendasor collusion between a faculty and a project group. Advisors cannot unilaterally allow students toalter target functionality of
2022 CIEC
Joseph Untener; Philip Appiah-Kubi
and oral presentations for eachteam alternates. When written updates are due, team leaders provide a summary progress reportwhich is also shared with the project sponsor. The other team members each write individualreports to demonstrate their efforts. The individual report has four main areas: activities from theprevious week (since the last progress report), significant accomplishments, problemsencountered, and immediate future actions. The team leader’s report also covers these four areasas well as the status of the project (schedule), and conclusion. On the due date, the team leadercollates and sends all reports to the faculty advisors.Throughout the semester, four peer reviews (one every four weeks) are completed by eachstudent. The form
2022 CIEC
Marilyn Dyrud
, other practical constraints) 4. Develop list of options (be imaginative; try to avoid “yes/no” dilemma; focus on who to go to, what to say) 5. Test options, using the following: • Harm: Does this option do less harm than any alternative? • Publicity: Would I want my choice of this option published in the newspaper? • Defensibility: Could I defend my choice of this option before a Congressional committee or committee of my peers? • Reversibility: Would I still think the choice of this option good if I were one of those adversely affected by it? • Colleague: What do my colleagues say when I describe my problem and suggest this? • Professional: What might my profession’s governing