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2022 CIEC
Joseph Parlier
for Engineering Education ETD 315At the post-secondary level, a meta-analysis of 225 studies of undergraduate STEM courses,comparing student performance in traditional lecture and active learning courses, students intraditional lecture courses were 1.5 times more likely to fail the courses than their peers in activelearning courses [2].When designing instruction, the active learning model [3] of experiential learning includes fourkey components: 1) engaging students in a concrete experience based on the content beingtaught, 2) providing students with the opportunity to make observations and reflect on theseobservations, 3) allowing students to analyze
2022 CIEC
Stephen Kreta
EDT 355 students, not simply on behalf of the students. Ideally these teams would include industry stakeholders as well. Reflect the image we want our students to emulate. Students learn outside the classroom as well as inside the classroom. We must maintain a professional demeanor in all our interactions on and off campus, as students are watching and learning from our actions as well as our words.Understanding that our students want – and need – to be part of the decision-making process, aswell as knowing that industry wants and needs graduates who work collaboratively, we mustprovide those learning experiences for them. Doing so also provides us the opportunity to betterunderstand and appreciate
2022 CIEC
Marilyn Dyrud
argued for launch, with Larry Mulloy finally asking in exasperation, “My God,Thiokol, when do you want me to launch? Next April?” [20, p. 97]. Thiokol managementreversed its no-launch decision following an off-line caucus between managers.Professors Esser and Lindoerfer have examined teleconference statements in light of groupthinktheory, categorizing them as positive (reflecting groupthink tendencies) and negative (exhibitingmore individual thought). Their results indicate that the longer the meeting lasted, the moreparticipants’ comments tended to exhibit groupthink tendencies, with the most occurring afterthe off-line caucus [59]. NASA pressure swayed Thiokol managers. In fact, the House reportstates, “There is no doubt that operating
2022 CIEC
Joseph Untener; Philip Appiah-Kubi
can be found in appendix II. This allows the students to reflect and reviewtheir project performance relative to the other team members. As part of the peer review, eachstudent assigns three attribute codes (such as late for meetings, effective team member) to eachmember. Once the peer reviews are received and reviewed, the faculty advisors populate themand discuss the anonymous summary with each team member. This provides the faculty advisorsthe opportunity to appraise the team dynamics which helps in addressing most team andindividual challenges. In the middle of the semester, faculty advisors complete and review witheach team their strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), during which time ateam midterm grade is assigned
2022 CIEC
Laurie Flood; Adam Slazas; Hank Stewart; David Walker
will see in industry upon graduation from MMA. Student responses to this question were also notably less positive than others. However, they rated this question 3.8 out of 5, compared to 3.5 out of 5 for Question 5. We believe Proceedings of the 2022 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration Copyright ©2022, American Society for Engineering Education ETD 425 this reflects the realization by many students that not every ship on which they may sail will have the most current technology.Conclusion We feel that the annual training cruise is a significant experiential
2022 CIEC
many of those aspects.(7) An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learningstrategies: • The single assessment of students’ ability is measured for ABET, using the average of individual student grades for both 1195 and 1199 courses, and it reflects acquiring knowledge required to reach their predefined project solution. For capstone projects, students propose, develop, design, and build a working or almost working prototype solution to a selected, significant, engineering problem. Each project team researches the ideas, various ways to implement, costs, efforts, and their own expertise coupled with their inclinations. Students do their own learning and