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2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Mandeep Singh Basson, University of California, Davis; Colleen Elizabeth Bronner, University of California, Davis
Motivation Focus group Seminar challenges outlined by the United Nations Sustainable ➢ Fostering cultural humility supports inclusive problem- ➢ Focus group designed for graduate students to engage participants in ➢ One-hour seminar on cultural humility designed for seven solving, enabling civil engineers to address challenges in a self-reflection activities to explore their own cultural backgrounds, incoming graduate students in civil engineering to
2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Jill Davishahl, Western Washington University; John Misasi PhD, Western Washington University
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change.Impact of the Work on the SELs: It was my first time doing any ADEI work, and I have learned from this experience that it is a very hard thing to navigate. I have learned that I am very passionate about efforts like this, especially ones that I am involved in such as my department, so I have learned that professionally this is something that I want to continue with doing in relation to my career. -KAThe faculty members of the ECO group asked each of the SELs to reflect upon their experiencewith the culture related work. The purpose of the reflection was to better understand theexperience of the students leading the work to help determine what supports they might needgoing forward and the overall impact of the work
2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Shannen Allado, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Lily G. Gossage, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
transfer students. Majority of students in both cohorts are first- reflects the program's success in nurturing a supportive community where students can thrive academically and socially. generation (i.e., first in the family to attend college), historicallyMission Statement underrepresented minorities, and/or from low-income Transfer students place more value on industry and professional development with 63.3% in 2022 and 70.8% in 2023. Interpersonal
2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Sunai Kim, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Yasser Salem; Tamer Omar, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; Deify Law
. This data was input into EarthSmart to determine the amount ofembodied carbon in the four stages of the LCA. The project prioritized carbon-neutral or negative materials.Design for ResilienceResilient housing involves constructing a home to withstand the natural environment and survive extremenatural disasters. The students aimed to protect the house from natural disasters in California such aswildfires, earthquakes, and frequent periods of drought with a resilient design.Student Learning OutcomesFifteen civil engineering students involved in construction administration stages of the competition weresurveyed on their overall experience. Their reflections were tallied and analyzed. There were limitations indata collection, as by the time the
2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Marwan N. Youssef, California State University, Long Beach
. Most beams and slabs are continuous with three or morespans.System Layout and DesignTo present and teach the system approach of Reinforced Concrete design, a class project is oneway to do it. At a minimum, a three-story building is recommended and consists of enoughelements that work together to reflect a system behavior approach. Students should beassigned in groups of 3 or less to achieve such a task. Figure-1 presents such a system layout forstudents to study and design. Figure-1The system is initially analyzed for gravity load (dead load plus live load). Then at a later stagein design, the lateral loads generated from seismic activities are introduced. With buildingsystems designed from top to
2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Matthew Levi Giles, University of Southern California; Joy Uehara, University of Southern California; Haylee Mota, University of Southern California; Emma Katharine Singer, USC Viterbi School of Engineering; Matthew R Gilpin, University of Southern California; Akshay Potnuru; Jessica Aftosmis, University of Southern California
problems have a “right” answer. Successful completion of theAME 341 sequence requires students to develop their own intuition and independence in alaboratory environment. Bridging the classroom and work environment, the laboratoryexperiments are specially designed to ensure that students stop, think, decide, and discover. It istherefore crucial for all graduating AME students to receive the full laboratory experience. This paper aims to present the accessible solutions developed for the AME 341 coursesequence, and reflects on the experience from the point of view of instructors, teaching assistants,and a visually impaired student. It initially was found that there were no ready accessibilitysolutions for test and measurement hardware. Thus, USC
2024 ASEE PSW Conference
Claire Rogers, Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus; Cecilia La Place, Arizona State University, Polytechnic Campus; Shawn S. Jordan, Arizona State University
study were: (1) What factors enable or hinder theadoption of ChatGPT in embedded systems design education contexts?, and (2) How canChatGPT be best implemented in embedded systems design education contexts? This researchemployed a structured intervention that integrated pre-planned activities involving ChatGPT intothe coursework, as well as allowing students to develop their own ways to use ChatGPT onassignments. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected through observations, surveys, andinterviews, allowing for a review of the tool's impact on student learning. Students were giventhe opportunity to utilize ChatGPT for assignments, provided they reflected on their choice touse ChatGPT or not. Thematic analysis of the interviews and