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Eleazar Marquez; Samuel Garcia Jr.
perspective after his lecture (learn in an unconventional way).” “An extremally good friendly and funny environment. There hasn't been a moment in call where the environment has felt unwelcoming or toxic.” “He calls on every student making them feel part of the class with getting their attention.” “I like the interactive setting and that the Material is not overwhelming due to examples of real-life applications.” “He comes to class talking to us about his weekend or what he did, and it makes me feel more comfortable in class knowing he’s willing to share those details with us he just doesn’t come in and starts writing stuff on the board.” “I like that he talks loudly, many other
Daniel Bang; Saira Anwar; Syeda Fizza Ali; Alejandra Magana
the case of different educational settings. For instance,Henderson12 implemented peer instruction in four different high school physics classes (N=250)but changed how students in each class spent time in between using clickers based on the fourmodes defined in the ICAP framework. The students either spent time writing alone, discussingconcepts with others or doing both. Regression results were consistent with the ICAP hypothesis.Students in interactive interventions showed learning gains significantly higher than students inother interventions.Similarly, in another study, university students in introductory biology courses were exposed toeither interactive or constructive learning activities13. Students engaged more in discussions
M. Ginger Scarbrough
for students as a part of the curriculum. To fill this gap, out-of-classactivities, such as design contests, can be a valuable supplement to the undergraduate curriculum.Polmear et al. observed that out-of-class activities can help students develop attributes that are notsufficiently covered in the curriculum13. They reported that students who engaged in out-of-classactivities more strongly believed themselves to have achieved the attributes of The Engineer of 2020(outlined in the National Academy of Engineering’s list of 10 desirable attributes for engineers14)than did their peers who were not involved in out-of-class activities. These attributes includeanalytical skills, ingenuity, creativity, communication, business and management skills
Huseyin Bostanci; Nourredine Boubekri
, maximize productivity, and minimize waste; (b) train engineeringstudents with professional skills in these areas; and (c) provide outreach and education opportunitiesto nonparticipating SMEs. This paper describes the overall UNTIAC training process forparticipating graduate and undergraduate engineering students from recruitment to graduationthrough examination and certification. The experiential education approach includes orientation andsafety training, participation in assessments, and specific technical report writing. Additionaltraining covering smart manufacturing, cybersecurity, and decarbonization are also described. IntroductionThe University of North Texas Industrial Assessment Center (UNTIAC