integrate their technical and professional skills to positively impact society and she is excited to contribute to the educational journey of engineering students.Dr. Isgard S. Hueck, University of California, San Diego Dr. Isgard Hueck (Ph.D. in Higher Ed/ Leadership & Policy; M.Sc. in Bioengineering; M. Phil. in Education) Affiliations: UCSD - Dept of Bioengineering, Whitaker Institute of Biomedical Engineering & UCSD School of Medicine; Moores Cancer Center. Born and raised in Germany, Isgard Hueck studied Biology at the Wilhelms- University in Munster and received her license as Cyto-Pathologist in Cologne, Germany, in 1987. After years of clinical work in hematology, cancer diagnosis and therapy, Isgard
. Sherri S Frizell, Prairie View A&M University Dr. Sherri S. Frizell is a Professor in the Computer Science Department at Prairie View A&M University. She holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Jackson State University and a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Software Engineering from Auburn University. Her research interests include responsible computing, STEM education, and the persistence of minorities and women in engineering.Sheryl Skaggs, University of Texas at DallasDr. Tiffany Bisbey, The George Washington University Dr. Tiffany Bisbey is an Assistant Professor of Industrial-Organizational Psychology at The George Washington University in Washington DC. She has a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Central
sustainability, further studies with amore deliberate focus and a larger sample population are necessary.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the EdeX Teaching and Learning Grant atNanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. This work was approved by NTUInstitutional Review Board (reference number IRB-2021-483). Any opinions, findings,conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do notnecessarily reflect the views of the EdeX program. We would like to acknowledge all theresearchers, data collectors, and students who participated in the study.ReferencesBailey, Thomas R. (1995). Learning to work: Employer involvement in school-to-work transition programs. Washington, D.C
” identifiednot only from our interviews but also documentary analysis, which was implemented in theSchool of Future Technology (SFT) at BUAA (Fig. 1.). This channel refers to the projectthreads driven by joint mentor groups to synergize collaborative efforts with aim to facilitatehigh-quality research and teaching, as well as engage students in up-to-date research andprepare them for industry-working competencies to satisfy the long-term human capitalaccumulation motivation.As shown in Fig. 1., the “S” represents students’ supervisor, which refers to a mentor groupincluding a distinguished industry supervisor, an industry supervisor among the distinguishedsupervisor’s team, and one university supervisor whose research field is similar orcomplementary
continue to identify new ways to address theunderrepresentation of women in engineering and STEM. No woman should have to choosebetween work and family. We can’t change the past, but as educators, employers, advocates, andfriends, we can impact the future, one career story at a time. Let’s partner together to helpwomen like Louise find a pathway back to engineering.References[1] C. Pantoja, “Women’s engineering career stories: Perspectives on leaving,” Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University Graduate School, 2022.[2] S. Hewlett, C, Luce, L. Servon, L. Sherbin, P. Shiller, E. Sosnovich, and K. Sumberg, “The Athena Factor: Reversing the Brain Drain in Science, Engineering, and Technology,” Boston, MA: Harvard Business Publishing
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enough to be funded funded.and would you fund it?Based upon the presentation given, what are the first two or three follow-up questions you would ask thepresenter about the project?Based upon your experience, are there any areas of improvement the student should think about if givinga similar pitch in the future?A more optional question: Based upon your technical expertise, are there any technical risks that you feelthe student(s) should be aware of related to this project? (Given your varied technical areas and thevarious domains of these projects, this may not be as easy to answer.)Figure 6 Elevator pitch assessment rubric and free form questions.Elevator pitches were evaluated
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