Paper ID #41244Board 65: Application of LiDAR Technology in Construction Education (CaseStudy: Estimating Course)Dr. Farzam S. Maleki P.E., Wentworth Institute of Technology Dr. Maleki is an Associate Professor of Construction Management in the Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT). He has over ten years of experience in academia, teaching undergraduates and graduate students the basics of building construction. Prior to WIT, Dr. Maleki was an associate professor of Engineering at Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Dr. Maleki is also a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in the state of Massachusetts. He has substantial
://[3] N. Duban, B. Aydogdu, and A. Yüksel, “Classroom teachers’ opinions on science laboratory practices,” Univers. J. Educ. Res., vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 772–780, 2019.[4] I. Mutis and R. R. A. Issa, “Enhancing spatial and temporal cognitive ability in construction education through augmented reality and artificial visualizations,” Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, pp. 2079–2086, Jun. 2014, doi: 10.1061/9780784413616.258.[5] M. Fernandez, “Augmented virtual reality: How to improve education systems,” High. Learn. Res. Commun., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 1–15, Jun. 2017.[6] S. Rankohi and L. Waugh, “Review and analysis of augmented reality literature for
are based on a201 student sample from Engineering Technology Division at Wayne State University. It would be202 interesting to further validate the effectiveness of BIM education for improving students’203 communication skills in other engineering disciplines, programs, or institutions.204205 References206 [1] S. Bhattacharya and G. Pant, “Digital transformation in AECO industry: impending207 dilemma in the Indian context,” J. Organ. Change Manag., 2023.208 [2] B. Bradley, “Global BIM Survey: U.S. market is maturing as advances wake imaginations.”209 Accessed: Feb. 03, 2024. [Online]. Available: s-market-is-maturing-as-advances-wake-imaginations211 [3] J. Du, D
student learning outcomes and promotethe adoption of modern pedagogy and methodologies for knowledge transfer and retentionassessment. The authors hope the proposed framework will be useful for others seeking to improvetheir curricula and enhance student learning.References[1] “The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.” Accessed: Apr. 13, 2023. [Online].Available:[2] “ACCE | Accreditation for Construction Education.” Accessed: Feb. 07, 2024. [Online].Available:[3] “Home - ABET.” Accessed: Feb. 07, 2024. [Online]. Available:[4] V. B. Salakhova, L. V Shukshina, N. V Belyakova, A. V Kidinov, N. S. Morozova, and N. VOsipova, “The Problems of the COVID-19
, comparative studies that assess theefficacy of various game-based learning tools could provide deeper insights into their respectiveimpacts on student learning and skills development. Investigating the long-term retention ofskills acquired through such interactive learning experiences could also offer significantcontributions to the field.References[1] Bidabadi, N. S., Isfahani, A. N., Rouhollahi, A., & Khalili, R. (2016). Effective teachingmethods in higher education: requirements and barriers. Journal of advances in medicaleducation & professionalism, 4(4), 170.[2] Cruz, M. L., Saunders-Smits, G. N., & Groen, P. (2020). Evaluation of competencymethods in engineering education: a systematic review. European Journal of
has over 8 years of work experience in the A/E/C (Archite ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Technological Infrastructure Equity for Minority Serving Institutions in Construction EducationAbstract: In the U.S. and its territories, over 800 identified Minority Serving Institutions (MSI)exist. Despite the number of MSI and the diverse population that they targeted, there is a gap inthe number of higher education degrees obtained by minority students in relation to non-minoritystudents. The root cause(s) of the gap must be determined to take tangible actions to reduce and,ideally, eliminate this obtainment gap. When considering this gap, there is a question of
college graduation, tend to spend a higher number of hours perweek in their professional careers. This tendency may mask sleep deprivation among youngprofessionals. While this study employed an adequate sample of students, the generalization offindings is not warranted. A larger sample and different situations and conditions make theresearch design more reliable. The next phase of this study will include the recruitment of subjectsfrom various majors and using discerning factors to reveal interdependencies between subgroups.References[1] S. Hershner and R. Chervin, “Causes and consequences of sleepiness among college students,” NSS, p. 73, Jun. 2014, doi: 10.2147/NSS.S62907.[2] S. Jalan, V. Priya, and G. R, “Awareness on effects of sleep
high school female students andcounselors.Furthermore, the study underscores the importance of addressing gender imbalance in CEMprograms and offers actionable insights to promote gender diversity and inclusion in theconstruction industry. By implementing these recommendations, educational institutions canwork towards creating more inclusive and diverse learning environments in CEM education andultimately contribute to a more equitable representation of women in the construction industry.Bibliography1. Archer, L., DeWitt, J., Osborne, J. F., Dillon, J. S., Wong, B., & Willis, B. (2013). ASPIRES Report: Young People’s Science and Career Aspirations, Age 10 –14. King's College London2. Amaratunga, D., Haigh, R., Shanmugam, M., Lee, A. J
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Paper ID #42742Exploring Students’ Perception Toward Design-Build as an Educational DeliveryMethodDr. Mohsen Garshasby, Mississippi State University Mohsen Garshasby is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Building Construction Science at Mississippi State University. Dr. Garshasby is an architect, researcher, and educator who currently teaches collaborative studio(s) and environmental building systems within the College of Architecture, Art and Design at Mississippi State University.Dr. Saeed Rokooei, Mississippi State University Saeed Rokooei is an associate professor in the Department of Building Construction
are found to affect construction productivity on construction projects, Adapted from [6] Poor labor supervision Poor construction methodology Delay in payments Unsafe working conditions Poor work environment Inspection delays Lowly skilled labor Lack of rest time(s) during the workday, fatigue Bad weather conditions Excessive overtime Low employee satisfaction Unclear technical specifications Design errors and changes during Delay in responding to “requests for construction information” Reworks
the participants respectively strongly and somewhatagreed that their class participation was increased by using Procore® during the lab activities.Figure 6. Students' Level of Agreement on Working with Procore® During the Lab Sessions Increasing Their Participation in the Class ActivitiesThe final question compromised three slider-style questions asking the students about their competenceusing Procore with their team in the current or future course(s), their level of confidence in having Procore®as a skill on their resume, and their feedback on how much they believe this tool is useful in controlling thedocuments of a construction project. Figure 7 shows the recorded responses on a scale
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class start. The goal of this gradedsurvey was to ensure the students read or at least skim through the case study draft and to acquirethe students’ knowledge and experience about the concepts related to TVD. The questions in thisgraded survey included: • What is your major? • What is your current knowledge of project delivery methods, such as Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build, Integrated Project Delivery, etc.? Please briefly describe your understanding of these methods. • Do you have experience with any of the project delivery methods mentioned previously (Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build, Integrated Project Delivery, etc.)? If yes, please specify which method(s) and describe your experience. If no, just type “I
. (9) Quantity Surveying and Budgeting. (9) Ability to perform construction checklists 2 and supervision. (12) Technical Specification Analysis, Installation coordination. (10) 3 Administrative Basis, and Blueprint Reading. (9) S-Curve Analysis, Physical and Financial Capability to execute construction 4 Progress. (8) process protocols. (10) Regulatory Analysis, Zoning Plans, and Proposal of technical solutions and 5 OGUC (General Urban Construction material selection. (7) Ordinance). (8)Personal and collaborative
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Mississippi State University. Dr. Garshasby is an architect, researcher, and educator who currently teaches collaborative studio(s) and environmental building systems within the College of Architecture, Art and Design at Mississippi State University. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Assessing LEED Credit Weighting: A Dual Perspective on Sustainable Construction and Educational Implications Mohsen Goodarzi1, Mohsen Garshasby21 Assisstant Professor, Department of Construction Management and Interior Design, Ball State University 2 Assistant Professor, Building Construction Science, Mississippi State UniversityAbstract:This research
Design and Construction, BIM, Scheduling and Project Controls, Graphical Communication, and Virtual Design and Construction. He has been awarded the Fulbright Scholarship, the AGC Faculty Fellowship, and is currently the Microsoft Fellow for the TechSpark Immokalee in Florida.Dr. Diana Marcela Franco Duran, University of Virginia Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Director of the Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) concentration.Dr. Kenneth Stafford Sands II, Auburn University Kenneth S. Sands II is an Assistant Professor at Auburn University in Auburn, AL.David Gutierrez, University of VirginiaDeyrel Diaz, Clemson University ©American
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