Paper ID #41805Board #444 - Professional Practice Experiences of Collegiate Rising ScholarsStudents—A Work-in-ProgressMs. Grace Lynn Baldwin Kan-uge Grace Baldwin, joined the Rising Scholar NSF S-STEM program in the Summer of 2017 as a Graduate Research Assistant. She completed her Bachelor of Science, Master’s, and Docterate of Philosophy at Purdue University in Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE).Dr. Carol S. Stwalley, Purdue University Dr. Carol S. Stwalley, PE joined the Minority Engineering Program team in the fall of 2007 as Recruitment and Retention Analyst. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
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as tensions between student and staff, as well as betweenpolicy and pedagogy [15]. In this practice paper, we incorporate the findings of studies [10] [11][12] [13] [14] [15] into the careful design and implementation of the SIG program, whichleverage the ample resources in the Inno Wing. We also adopt the SaP method in SIGs andestablish clear governance structure, finance principles, and development programs.The Student-initiated Interest Group (SIG) programGovernance structureThe SIG program adopts a Student as Partners (SaP) approach, which begins with consultationservice aimed at assisting developing teams in uniting the commitment of five parties: studentleader(s), student teammates, academic advisor(s), technical advisor(s), and host
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group meeting with all theirlearning coach students. This gave the students an opportunity to learn what other students aredoing on co-ops and internships, talk about common challenges, and build a sense of comraderywith each other.While learning coaches are rotated each semester so that students have the opportunity to learntips, techniques, knowledge, and more from multiple facilitators, students and learning coachesalike are always welcomed and encouraged to reach out to past learning coach relationshipparticipants if desired. In the end, Iron Range Engineering hopes “that our relationship(s) canevolve from ‘learning coach’ to ‘lifetime mentor’” (Facilitator 3, para. 3).Adapting to Student NeedsOnce the foundation of the relationship is