students understand the importance ofexploring and using current and emerging tools as part of their lifelong education. The specifictools can vary a lot depending on individual classroom learning goals, resulting in a wide rangeof student-authored tutorials. Some examples from the author’s classes include: Setting up ChatGPT to help write code in Jupyter notebooks. Building and deploying your own Shiny App. Accessing the US census API in Python. Downloading and installing Seaborn to make more robust figures.Students are tasked with creating in-depth tutorials designed to help their peers learn to use thesoftware tools effectively. Creating successful tutorials requires that student authors bothunderstand the tools and
of student performance and enables earlierintervention. Where possible, it is advantageous to have more than one assessment instrument toenable triangulation, i.e., to make more reliable observations and evaluations. In most of ourassessments we use rubrics which were described at the program level in [2]. Current versions ofthose discussed in this paper are given in the Appendix. We also make use of evaluations byScrum Leaders which are done for every sprint, i.e., every two weeks. Students also get to doself- and peer-evaluation of teamwork, based on the CATME framework [8].Our rubrics are based on a 4-level performance scale: Beginning (1), Developing (2), Proficient(3), and Exemplary (4). In most cases, we allow intermediate levels, such
problem-solving process – from ideasformation to solutions – with their peers. To evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented lab strategies, students in theparticipating courses were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Bothassignment grades and students' feedback via surveys were used to evaluate students' learning.Participants in the control group were learning in labs through the materials that were alignedwith core concepts by following predetermined procedures. Students in the experimental grouplearned through inquiry-based lab materials that required them to work in teams by integratingcore concepts together to find a solution and while following one of potentially manyapproaches. To maximize the online lab
Course Learning Outcome Assessment Tool Outcomes Have experience with writing proposals and doing proper 1 Project proposal 3 literature reviews. Have experience with conducting market and customer needs Customer needs analysis 3 2 analysis and Ethnographic study Formulate design requirements for potential solutions, including technical and non-technical specifications, while Final report 3
Framework Development with Successive Capstone Projects1. IntroductionThe undergraduate program at the Portland State University Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering (PSU ECE) includes a three-quarter capstone design sequence typicallytaken during the student's senior year. For the last three years, and a fourth currently ongoing attime of writing, a capstone project has been sponsored by the author's Wireless EnvironmentalSensing Technology (WEST) Lab. The purpose of these sponsored capstones are as follows: 1. In the short term, design a wireless sensor to solve a specific problem. 2. In the long term, converge at a more general-purpose hardware and software solution set with which to design future wireless
had experiences in the “real world” upon which to draw – whether work or interest related –were very engaged in class discussions, more confident in speaking out, eager to share with theirpeers and often did well in this course. Such students were particularly valuable in groupdiscussions assignments and were often paired with more traditional students who also had giftsto share that were helpful in return. Enhanced faculty and student peer interactions brought moreexperienced or practical-minded students into Discrete Linear Systems first and often produced afeeling of confidence and motivation to succeed that was then helpful in Continuous LinearSystems and other follow-on courses.To help provide just-in-time mathematics, the Analog Circuit
holds an M.S. in Astronomy and Astrophysics and a B.S. in Astronomy and Meteorology from Kyungpook National University, South Korea. Her work centers on elementary, secondary, and postsecondary engineering education research as a psychometrician, data analyst, and program evaluator with research interests in spatial ability, STEAM education, workplace climate, and research synthesis with a particular focus on meta-analysis. She has developed, validated, revised, and copyrighted several instruments beneficial for STEM education research and practice. Dr. Yoon has authored more than 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings and served as a journal reviewer in engineering education, STEM education
modules underwent weekly formative assessment practices.Following the completion of each module, students were requested to complete self-assessedlearning skill assessments, observation forms, and participated in several semi-structuredinterviews. In the context of this study, the responses obtained from students in modules that didnot include formative assessments were used as a point of reference, i.e., a control group.Out of three/four modules, at least two modules underwent extensive formative assessmentpractices such as active class activities in group, class quizzes and polls, homework assignments,lab activities, peer assessment. When students are required to write reports or design circuits,instructors provide formative feedback on early
report on the initial design of a new subject within ourcoursework master’s program that teaches the techniques of hardware acceleration [5][6] to aninterdisciplinary cohort of engineering (electrical and mechatronics) and computing (softwareengineering and information technology) students. Much of the conceptual material sits squarelywithin the discipline of computer engineering, but recent trends in computer architecture [5][6]and limited exposure to the topic within both our engineering and computing curricula creates anopportunity to develop interdisciplinary competencies. Ideally, through formal teaching andlearning activities and associated peer interactions, students will be able to apply methods andapproaches from their peers’ discipline
, we developed the Plug -n- Play approach, a flexiblepedagogical approach which ensures instructors have a fixed core structure, flexibility inleveraging their own teaching style, and a mechanism for constant reflection which allows foradaptations to the course structure over time. The PNP approach focuses course design around thestudent experience, while acknowledging and supporting individual teaching styles and teachingmethods.To assess PNP, a classroom observation protocol was developed to evaluate student engagement,as well as examination of sixteen sections worth of grades and student evaluations. The resultsshow that students are highly engaged with the course material, peers in the class, and theinstructors. Finally, the PNP approach
critical thinking skills. Gradually, the student will be able to apply the concepts learned processing from basic to complex skills through activities like laboratories with specific feedback with the sole intention for improvement. The application of the knowledge might also then lead to analysis by exploring connections and organizing information into meaningful domains similar to writing a report. This also might include discussing discrepancies in cases and the student might explore other personal variables through their increased critical thinking [17].The taxonomy introduces a new dimension, highlighting four types of knowledge—factual,conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive—aimed at addressing diverse
dynamics, enhancing understanding through sharedideas. Martin-Gutierrez et al. [12] implemented augmented reality in an electrical engineeringcourse. However, the study primarily evaluated immediate student feedback, not exploringlong-term educational impact. Hadfield-Menell et al. [14] focused on theoretical aspects oncooperative inverse reinforcement learning without real-world validation. Vliet et al. [15]investigated the impact of flipped-class pedagogy on student motivation and learning strategies,finding enhanced critical thinking and peer learning. However, these effects were not long-lasting,indicating a need for repeated use.Jo et al. [16] observed increased student participation and interest in flipped classrooms withgaming elements
soldering equipment. • A full week was given to complete each laboratory assignment. • At least 20 staffed laboratory hours were provided each week (split between teaching assistants and peer mentors).For each laboratory assignment, the desired outcome is first and foremost to create something.Therefore, less emphasis was placed on the laboratory report than on the building process. Thelaboratory report contained mostly photographs and brief explanations of the various steps in theproject. Additionally, students were asked to reflect on the entire experience for each assignment,which allowed students to exercise some metacognition, and also gave the course staff an idea ofwhere the main challenges lie. Finally, for each assignment
, now commands on the order of two or three class periods in introductorycircuits courses. In today’s circumstances, it would more often than not be a disservice to ourundergraduate students to demand they write machine code to access registers, learn to designwith tube amplifiers, wind all their own inductors, or reinvent the wheel for common operationsin scikit-learn, pandas, or OpenCV. All these skills are still relevant for certain professional rolesor applications, but the modern undergraduate curriculum prioritizes learning how to learn andbecoming a resourceful problem-solver over accumulating the maximal set of discrete technicalskills. If the latter were the case, becoming an electronics engineer would entail little more thanmemorizing
Computer Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. She received her B.Eng. and Ph.D in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the Polytechnic School, University of Patras, Greece. She has extensive experience on building data management and database solutions for large-scale systems in collaboration with industrial and governmental agencies, and academic partners. She has published her work in peer-reviewed international conferences and journals. Her current research interests include data management, data valuation and AI and engineering education. Her teaching/mentoring activities focus on developing and offering classes in project-based learning environments as well as, advising and
material through lectures and readings, and then they are evaluatedindividually [5]. The traditional approach has been especially difficult to sustain in engineeringeducation, as students frequently struggle with complex concepts that require deepcomprehension [5]. Furthermore, conventional lectures may not sufficiently prepare students toeffectively utilize their knowledge and skills in practical situations [5]. The constraints of thisapproach have sparked a significant increase in enthusiasm for collaborative learning strategiesin engineering education, in part aiming to tackle these difficulties and shortcomings [6][7].Collaborative learning represents a pedagogical shift that encourages students to actively engagewith their peers, working
mature and regular study habits. As different as this format was from literally all of my other classes, it fit very well how I could schedule my time. Overall, it was a huge adjustment, but it's an adjustment I am glad I was able to make. As far as work periods, I enjoyed coming to them. It was a place I could not only work with [Instructor], but also with peers, because sometimes all you need is an extra pair of eyes. • The flexibility has been great, as the pre-recorded lectures essentially allowed for 5 office hours periods per week. Sometimes I have been ahead on lectures, and other times behind. My favorite feature is being able to rewind and pause videos if I ran out of time to write something
. Dr. Popa is the recipient of several prestigious awards and the author of over 300 peer reviewed conference and journal articles, mainly in IEEE and ASME publications. He has been very active in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), including extensive competition, workshop, conference, and journal service. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 [WIP] The Magic Orb: A mechatronics demonstration and course project to attract next-generation engineering studentsAbstractOpen-house events hosted at university labs for K-12 students, typically feature academicresearch which often requires prior knowledge of the field to fully appreciate its significance.This disconnection
applied solder toensure that it has not overflown, and at the same time, that it sufficiently covered the connectionarea. Kulkarni “felt sad and frustrated about missing the useful [soldering] repetition” throughoutthe course. She also reflected on the importance of soldering exposure, as a missed opportunityfor her, through her peers’ experiences in a lab that requires students to solder tens of LEDs tobuild an LED cube. She stated, “To some, the immense amount of soldering in this lab is one ofthe most memorable components of the class, for better or for worse… With the LED arrayproject, you're soldering repeatedly to learn the skill.” As a result of such exclusion due to theableist, primarily visual nature of lab tools, Kulkarni “focused much
developingfoundational knowledge of engineering professions [7], which makes them an ideal time to helpstudents develop and test their hands-on skills and intuition in engineering design. By creatingmore opportunities for students to develop their engineering design technical skills throughhands-on learning experiences while working with their peers and developing importantprofessional skills, engineering educators can continue to help students develop and gainvaluable engineering design experience. This paper demonstrates a project designed to help ECEstudents gain such experience by working on a wireless sensor node project in their second yearof their program.3. BackgroundThe wireless sensor node project discussed in this paper was developed for a project