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an accessible and reliable assessmentsystem for assessing conceptual STEM understanding for colleges and universities that aligns withSTEM curriculum and uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) based assessment methods. Table 1: Operational Definition of Terms Term Operational Definition Example(s) Proficiency The proficiency of a person reflects the probability • Percentage correct on of answering test items correctly. The higher the static exams. individual’s proficiency, the higher the probability • Theta estimate on CATs. of a correct response. Different fields refer to proficiency as ability, latent trait, theta. Content
part of the work supported by the National Science Foundation Grant # 1915615,titled “Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase Student Achievement inMultiple STEM Disciplines.” It should be noted that the opinions, results, and conclusions orrecommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation.References[1] K. L. Johnston, “American Association of Physics Teachers: Citations for DistinguishedService,” American Journal of Physics, 65(7), 596-59,. 1997.[2] J. E. Byers, S. Reichard, J. M. Randall, I. M. Parker, C. S. Smith, W. M., Lonsdale, and D.Hayes, “ Directing research to reduce the impacts of nonindigenous species,” ConservationBiology, 2002, 16(3
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Universidade de S˜ao Paulo. Professor of Physics at Mau´a Institute of Technology, since 1994 and President of Teacher’s Academy at the same Institution. ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Development of Modeling and Communication Skills through a Project- Based Learning Approach in the Physics Laboratory.This evidence-based practice paper aims to analyze the development of physics modelingcompetences and soft skills among second-year students in Engineering courses. The mainobjective is to implement the Project Based Learning (PBL) approach during the ExperimentalPhysics class. The students were divided into teams of four members, and each team wasallowed to choose a scientific paper on
producing this work.In addition, the authors would like to acknowledge the leadership and financial support of theSchool of Engineering of Universidad Andres Bello, Chile. We also thank the Educational andAcademic Innovation Unit (UNIDA) for mentoring and guidance in developing scientific articlesin higher education research.Finally, the authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of Writing Lab, Institute forthe Future of Education, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico, in producing this work.References[1] F. Bonomi and M. S. Islas, "Being a student in a pandemic: experiences and problems at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of Mar del Plata," (in Spanish), Boletín SIED, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 20–31, Dec. 2020. [Online
one breath) and FEV1 (forced expiratory volume – the total amount of air exhaled in one second)which are the two indicators of breathing/lung issues. To do this, we will code the calculationsdescribed below:Starting with raw data values in volts: 1. Convert to meters/second. This process is described with the sensor’s specifications. 2. Multiply wind velocity (m/s) x area of tube that air is flowing through (m2) = volume of air flowing past a point per second (m3/s). 3. For volume of air exhaled in one breath: total volume from beginning of change in wind flow to end (m3) calculated with an integral. 4. For volume of air exhaled in one second: total volume of air exhaled in one breath (m3)/ /total time (s
Paper ID #41232Project-Based Learning on Diverse Concepts in a Power Electronic LaboratoryProf. Tooran Emami Ph. D., United States Coast Guard Academy Tooran Emami is a tenured and full professor of Electrical Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computing at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA). She received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Wichita State University in 2006 and 2009, respectively. Her research interests are control and power systems, particularly Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller design, robust control, time delay, compensator design for continuous
, Joanneum University of Applied Sciences Markus Ensbacher is currently studying Automotive Engineering at Joanneum University of Applied Sciences. His research interests encompass internal combustion engines, drivetrain technologies, and chassis development. Prior to attending university, he completed his education at a higher technical education institute with a major in mechanical engineering.Mr. Christian J. Steinmann, Christian Steinmann has an engineer degree in mathematics from the Technical University Graz, where he focused on software quality and software development process assessment and improvement. He is manager of HM&S IT-Consulting and provides services for SMr. Alexander Strutzenberger, Joanneum
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Electrical Engineering and Doctor at Electrical Engineering at EPUSP.Dr. Octavio Mattasoglio Neto, Instituto Mau´a de Tecnologia Undergraduate in Physics (1983), master in Science (1989) and phd in Education (1998) all of them from Universidade de S˜ao Paulo. Professor of Physics at Mau´a Institute of Technology, since 1994 and President of Teacher’s Academy of the same Institute, ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 The Physics of Gym Elastic: Elastic Force and Energy of a Non-Linear MaterialAiming to analyze first-year engineering students' previous knowledge regarding elasticforce and energy, we chose to characterize an everyday material: gym latex elastics and tocompare it to a linear
on this positive interest from students, a committee of faculty who taught in math andsciences was convened to develop the program. Because of the institution’s historical strengths inthe sciences, the committee recommended that the institution offer a B. S. in EngineeringScience, which was subject to the same ABET criteria as B.S. programs in Engineering andEngineering Physics.[7] It was also believed that the program named Engineering Sciencewould be better accepted at a liberal arts institution where a degree such as engineering might beviewed by some as a strictly vocational major. The intent of the degree to equip students with abroad and general engineering background also reflected key principles of the liberal artsapproach.The
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