Paper ID #42588Using Micromoments and Concept Maps to Enhance Entrepreneurially MindedLearning of Indoor Air Pollution ControlProf. Jean M. Andino Ph.D., P.E., Arizona State University Jean M. Andino is a faculty member in Chemical Engineering and Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University (ASU). She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Sciences at Harvard University and a PhD in Chemical Engineering at the California Institute of Technology. She is a registered Professional Engineer.Prof. Erick S. Vasquez-Guardado, University of Dayton Erick S. Vasquez-Guardado (Erick S. Vasquez
; andshare the responses of students discussing the strengths, weaknesses, and suggestedimprovements for the course. The work presented in this article is part of an overall line ofresearch with the intent of demonstrating qualitative community-based participatory research isan essential skill of the nurse+engineer.MethodsInstitutional context. Today’s Missouri University of Science and Technology (S&T) wasestablished in 1870 as the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy. Located in Rolla, Missouri,S&T is a comprehensive public research university, which offers approximately 100 degreeprograms. With an undergraduate student enrollment of approximately 5,500 students, a graduatestudent enrollment of approximately 1,500 students, and average
):There's no significant change in the mean scores for Section 2 from the pre-survey (M=4.4899,SD=0.87228) to the post-survey (M=4.4880, SD=0.86049), t(82) = 0.016, p = 0.987. This indicatesthat the intervention did not have a statistically significant impact on the scores for this section.Pair 3 (PreS3 - PostS3):There's also no significant change in Section 3's mean scores from pre (M=4.3317, SD=0.95488)to post (M=4.3673, SD=0.91948), t(82) = -0.269, p = 0.788.Pair 4 (PreS4 - PostS4):No significant change is observed in Section 4's mean scores from pre (M=5.6790, SD=0.56833)to post (M=5.7693, SD=0.67441), t(82) = -0.931, p = 0.355.Pair 5 (PreS5 - PostS5):A slight, but not statistically significant, increase is noted in the mean scores for Section
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concern Assessment Assess action taken to improve learning None; Change/ Change in/confirmation of one’s thinking (about Vague; Confirmation learning strategy or learning concern) as a result Sufficiently Goals Description of clear goal Detailed; Planning Steps Articulate action(s) to be taken Justification Explain/Justifies choices made to move forward OR Planning- Transfer Description of application of learning strategy/ Transfer skill/content to futureVI. ResultsThe levels of students’ engagement
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required additional prompting through clarification question(s)(Question 4). While four students did present an HLC-indicating evaluation that included costand efficiency (80%), three of the students also mis-evaluated and/or mis-applied concepts (60%IU), displaying mixed outcomes. Several answers alluded to concepts related to the build projectbut less relevant to the broader context of large-scale water treatment operations (i.e. “overflow,running out of chemicals, or not adding in things at the correct time”). This disconnectedresponse may be indicative of students thinking that all project concepts correlate with real life, apotential issue of PBL. It is unclear if these answers show an incorrect or merely an incompleteunderstanding of full
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SDGs in light ofBiblical principles. Finally, students work in small groups to research one or several SDGs todetermine the importance of each topic, current progress toward each topic’s achievement, andprogress yet needed. As a follow-up assignment, students are asked to write a short paper orcreate a poster highlighting the SDG(s) they studied.Discipline-Specific Systems Thinking ModulesWith the final three topic areas (systems thinking, design, and communication & teamwork),multiple learning modules were developed for each relating the topics to specific applicationswithin the field of civil engineering. The first five modules of the SaS framework wereconstructed was to allow them to remain the same for any design discipline, while
sustainability.Environmental Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Engineering, Science, and Technologyis pending approval. This course invites students to explore the intersection(s) betweenengineering, technology, science, the environment, human health and welfare, and social justice.Students will critically examine how the practice and application of engineering solutions cancontribute to (and potentially alleviate) societal inequality, thus affecting the resilience andsustainability of our ecosystem. Students will undertake a rigorous examination of circumstancesoutside of their lived experiences in relation to the natural environment. This course will besubmitted for approval as a General Education course in the Sustainability Theme.Additions to the