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microplastics) [1], [2]. Particle science plays acrucial role in product quality, material transport and storage, manufacturing processes andadvancement of materials science [3]. For example, understanding particle behavior (i.e., dryflow, aggregation and agglomeration) at a mass scale is crucial to the safety and improvement ofstorage, transport and manufacturing processes [3].Despite calls since the 1990’s to increase the availability of a uniform particle sciencecurriculum, little progress has been made in integrating particle science into the currentengineering curriculum—resulting in a limited number of engineers trained in the field [1].Within the United States, particle science courses are sparse and lack uniformity within thematerials and
) are subsequently characterized in a materials lab class by the students. Table 1: ABS material formulations and 3D printing processing parameters used in the creation of the dataset from off-the-shelf 3D printing filaments. Bulk/Infill Layer Height Bed Fiber Fiber Nozzle Temp. Polymer Print Speed or Z-offset Temp. Type vf (%) (°C) (mm/s) (mm) (°C) ABS None N/A 90, 105, 120 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 210, 230, 250 100 ABS
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, (where d is distance travelled, s is speed and t is time travelled) and divide ! "×$ $them to see this result in one line of algebra: !! = "×$! = $! [14]. " " "Wilensky and Papert call this kind of dramatic transformation in thought due to a newrepresentational form a “restructuration” [13], [15]. They offer several criteria for evaluating arestructuration. For one, a successful restructuration can be more powerful than the oldstructuration, either by enabling new things to be done that weren’t possible under the oldstructuration or by bringing different phenomena, previously viewed as unconnected, under ashared framework. A
. Akinpelu3, Ayodeji N. Oyedeji1,Emmanuel Okafor4, Cynthia U. Odili5, Vanessa F. Ogenyi6, Victor S. Ategbe8, Adrian O.Eberemu7,10, Fatai O. Anafi1,10, Abdulkarim S. Ahmed8,10, Raymond B. Bako9,10, AkinloluAkande2,31 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 810222, Nigeria. 2 Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Systems for Health and Environment Research Group, School of Science, Atlantic Technological University, Sligo, F91 YW50, Ireland. 3 Modelling and Computation for Health and Society, Atlantic Technological University, Sligo, F91 YW50, Ireland. 4 SDAIA-KFUPM Joint Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, King Fahd University of
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provides two questions: the initial concept-based question and a follow-up questionasking the students to reason ‘Why?’. Here, students can choose more than one response as wellas type their own if none of the options provided make sense for them. The logic for theformative assessment in the CALM is shown in Figure 1, as discussed previously [3].STUDENT-TOOL INTERACTIONS FROM A CONCEPTUALLY CHALLENGING CALM Figure 1. The formative assessment logic in the CALM. Solid green arrows show a sample student path. Dashed grey arrows show other possible paths.CMR assessment, or sometimes called “two-tier” multiple-choice instrument [23], was firstintroduced by Tamir in 1970’s [24]. Wilcox and Pollock [25], studied a comparison
in the physical lab they completed theprevious semester. In the next sequence, the order is reversed. Students are first given thecomputational tools, then are given a similar task in a physical lab. In this case, although it wasnot required, many students voluntarily used the simulation tools learned to answer the questionin the physical lab. In addition to increasing engagement and helping to clarify the key concepts,this ordering helped to provide the bigger picture to the students of the different ways thatmodeling and simulation can be applied in the practice of materials design.References[1] S. A. Ambrose, M. W. Bridges, M. DiPietro, M. C. Lovett, and M. K. Norman, How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart
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