. This module emphasizes theimportance of practicing technology-life balance.The fourth module, Practicing and Promoting Technology-Life Balance, equips students with therelevant tools to rethink and reconstruct their relationship(s) with digital technology. It providesstudents with examples of ways to improve their technology-life balance and encourages an opengroup discussion surrounding the topic. Students are also encouraged to ask questions to developa deeper understanding of the module content thus far.The fifth and final module, Personal Reflection, is an individual reflection assignment gearedtowards encouraging long-term retention of the information provided. The assignment promptsstudents to create four obtainable goals related to
curriculumdesigners to develop AI education programs that are not only technologically advanced but alsoethically informed and culturally sensitive. Addressing the identified gaps and advocating forresearch in underexplored areas will be crucial in shaping a future where all students are well-prepared for the AI-driven world.Table of ContentsAbstract1. Introduction2. Background 2.1 The Emergence of AI in Education 2.2 Integration of AI Literacy 2.3 AI4K12's Five Big Ideas3. Methods 3.1 Planning the Review 3.1.1 Identifying the Need for the Review 3.1.2 Specifying the Research Questions 3.1.3 Developing the Protocol for Review 3.2 Conducting the Review 3.2.1 Search Strategies
Education Research Scholars”, Proc. 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers inEducation Conf., Milwaukee, WI, 2007.[5] E. Cady and N. Fortenberry, “Work in Progress: Annals of Research on EngineeringEducation”, Proc. 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conf., Milwaukee, WI, 2007.[6] K. A. Smith, “Annals of Research on Engineering Education: Vision, Background andProgress”, Proc. 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conf., Milwaukee, WI, 2007.[7] B. Jesiek, B. Leftwich, R. Korte, C. Brozina and A. Johri, “Investigating engineering practiceusing ethnographic methods: experiences of student observers at multiple field sites.” Proc.ASEE Conf. Baltimore, MD, 2023.[8] R. Korte and S. LeBlanc, “Studying the formation of engineers in the learning ecologies ofenergy
analytical understanding and is sufficient to supportrudimentary system design. With this immersive understanding, not only can early-stageundergraduate students but also community members (particularly from communities who mightone day host an energy facility) offer credible input to the design of the facility in question.Our longer-term objective, as described above, is to update the VR models both to make themcustomizable (as noted above) as well as to expand our library of VR models to include not onlynuclear but also other kinds of low carbon/clean energy systems.References[1] G. Hoelzle, “Nuclear Fuel Cycle Demographic Analysis,” University of Michigan, Internal Report, Mar. 2020.[2] M. Hossain, S. Leminen, and M. Westerlund, “A systematic
diffusion of theAmerican model of education: Accreditation agencies and American-style universities in theMiddle East. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, 26(2), 159-172.[2] Refae, G. A. E., & Belarbi, A. K. (2017). University governance and educational AAU model:an organizational culture approach. Global Business and Economics Review, 19(2), 239-249.[3] Anyanwu, S. U., & Iwuamadi, F. N. (2015). Student-centered teaching and learning in highereducation: Transition from theory to practice in Nigeria. International Journal of Education andResearch, 3(8), 349-358.[4] Bowen, W. G., & Tobin, E. M. (2017). Locus of authority: The evolution of faculty roles in thegovernance of higher education. Princeton University Press
section provides anoverview of the intellectual foundations and bodies of scholarship that can be used to developeach of the characteristics for SFEN.1. Recognition of the fundamental embeddedness of the enterprise and the mutual shaping of the enterprise and its contexts. In his landmark work The Social Foundations of Education (1934), George S. Counts articulated the initial definition of SFED cited earlier in this paper: “the cultural phenomena—institutions, processes, practices, beliefs, values, and ways of knowing—that underlie any set of educational practices” [1]. All of these factors are of interest and have been extensively studied for engineering education and practice.2. Expansiveness of scope. According to Tozer and Butts
behind the remarkable success of the project.Ethical approvalEthical approval for this study was obtained from the University of Hong Kong, with HRECreference number EA230632.References[1] Chun Kit Chui, Norman C. Tien. “The Journey of Establishing and Operating an Innovation Center to Nurture Future Engineering Innovators,” 2024 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. 2024.[2] Vöneky, S., Kellmeyer, P., Mueller, O., & Burgard, W. (Eds.). (2022). The Cambridge handbook of responsible artificial intelligence: interdisciplinary perspectives. Cambridge University Press.[3] UNESCO, C. “Recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence.” (2021).[4] Hurlburt, G. (2023). What if ethics got in the way of generative ai?. IT
as one of a continuing • Textbooks must serve as an The practice of engineering is series in [ANS]’s program for authority. colored by the understanding of providing the nuclear community • Engineers base their practice in science/engineering practice as and related fields authoritative truth, and truth is dictated by universal. The textbook seeks to information in monograph form” vetted references which provide information which is true [19] (pg iii). summarize the foundational across time, space, and culture. This science and engineering designs. could limit the growth of the
. Such a curriculum will require the ability to acquireunderstanding in all aspects of the model shown in exhibit 1 as they relate to the personsociety, and work. A technologically literate person is, therefore, one who is able to embraceand control the technologies with which he/she is confronted.An education that creates the environment in which a person can gain the skills required tolive in a technologically created environment will be intensely personal for technology isinherently related to the person. It is not something that is apart from the person or thecommunity (systems) that a person inhabits. It impacts on relationships, and therefore ongrowth for “we come to be who we are as personal individuals only in personalrelationship(s
delivered within a course or not, the semester and the year they are delivered. The names and main objective(s) of the courses listed here are provided in Table A1 in the Appendix. Table 1-The PETE soft skills enrichment program developed in collaboration with the Office of Advancement and the Writing Center at TAMUQ. Sophomore Junior Senior Year (2nd Year) (3rd Year) (4th Year)Semester Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring PETE PETE PETE PETE
produced were too practically oriented and were notsufficiently trained to seek solutions by referring to first principles” [1, p. 122]. Therecommendations of that report were gradually adopted and “some schools elected to minimizelaboratories, citing the Grinter Report’s conclusion that knowing theory was paramount.” Theresult was that “many engineering schools began graduating engineers who were steeped intheory by poor in practice” [1, p. 122].Accreditation requirements during the 1980’s and 1990’s were in part responsible for a renewedemphasis on engineering laboratories. In 1997 ABET adopted the Engineering Criteria 2000 (EC2000) standards [7]. These included a set of eleven student outcomes, sometimes referred to asthe a-k criteria based on