-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The knowledge provided byspeakers will contribute to students making informed decisions when they decide on the fieldthey pursue.II.1.B. The Professional Skills dimension infuses career-based skills to ensure professionalsuccess and increased employability. The National Soft Skills Association study found that only15% of job success is based on technical skills, and the rest are based on soft skills [21]. TheESS students learned career and professional skills as early as their first semester at communitycollege. Skills, including oral and written communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, andteamwork are incorporated into the curriculum and assessed through resume writing, mockinterviews, and
, to serve as a lecturer in the department of Materials Science and Engineering. Here, she is responsible for teaching the junior labs as well as providing instruction on writing in engineering.Prof. Caroline Cvetkovic, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Caroline Cvetkovic is a Teaching Assistant Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where she instructs courses in quantitative physiology, biofabrication, and transport. She earned her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She then completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the Center for Neuroregeneration and Department of Neurosurgery at the Houston Methodist Research
dynamics,which bolsters understanding through the exchange of shared ideas. Meanwhile, Hadfield-Menellet al. [17] study on cooperative inverse reinforcement learning concentrated on theoreticalaspects, lacking practical, real-world validation. Additionally, Vliet et al. [19] explored theeffects of flipped-class pedagogy on student motivation and learning strategies, notingimprovements in critical thinking and peer learning. However, the observed benefits wereshort-lived, suggesting the necessity for continuous application.In the Computer Architecture curriculum, teaching the challenging topics of single cycle andpipelined datapath design to senior students requires an innovative approach beyond traditionaltextbook methods. This paper introduces a
spaces of the mathematicalfunctions, students are asked to write rules to communicate the utility of the models to otherstakeholders including healthcare professionals or basic biomedical scientists.In summary, we have created a unique BME focused text for differential equations and linearalgebra that encourages students to harness their knowledge of physics, biology, physiology,engineering, and mathematics to formulate dynamic models of physiological systems. Our overallaim is to enhance students’ ability to apply and foster a deep appreciation of the power ofmathematics in addressing real-world BME challenges.Background:Ordinary differential equations are ubiquitous for understanding various topics and systemsstudied as part of the
Studies. She has served as Chair of her department and Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, and Faculty. Dr. Peele-Eady’s research examines African American students’ learning and identity formation and, more broadly, the social, cultural, and linguistic contexts of teaching and learning. Her publications appear in several peer-reviewed journals and edited books, including the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, the Anthropology and Education Quarterly, and the Handbook of the Cultural Foundations of Learning.Prof. Tahira Reid, Penn State University Dr. Tahira Reid Smith (publishes under ”Reid”) is a Professor at Pennsylvania State University in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Design
, deliverables four and five focused on instructor and peer feedback basedon the teams' oral presentations and written technical reports.Table 1. Design project deliverables. Expected No. Main Tasks Representations • Look for literature on the design of bulk fuel facilities. • Written language • Identify the project stakeholders. 1 • List legal, technical, and social/environmental requirements. • Identify potential trade-offs for the requirements. • Write a problem statement
time to add new ideas or projects [8]. Theyfound that fewer than 25% of the sampled classroom-specific resources could be completed inone class period or less. There appears to be a need in the engineering education community forshorter EML activities that enhance students' abilities to learn and engage with technical content.Active learning is described in different ways, and some of them include: a) “..anything thatinvolves students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing”, b) “involvesproviding opportunities for students to meaningfully talk and listen, write, read and reflect on thecontent ideas, issues and concerns of an academic subject”, c) “increasing of studentparticipation or ‘interactivity’, for the purpose of
adaptedintervention rather than a researcher. In delivering the intervention, instructors also engage withstudents about their struggles and challenges while supporting peer discussion around overcomingadversity.The ecological intervention establishes a classroom norm for a) adversity in the course as commonand normal and b) struggles with adversity in the course tend to be surmountable with time andappropriate effort. Instructors deliver the intervention in five parts in one class period: 1)instructors verbally normalize adversity in college, surmountability of adversity, and adversityspecific to the course; 2) students reflect and write down challenges they experience in college andhow they change with time; 3) instructors present first-person narratives
themodeling and analyses at the university research lab. Also, since she was not officially enrolled atthe university, she had to be given special access to the engineering lab and university computers.All these accommodations were made to give this student an opportunity to learn well beyondwhat her peers learned at her school.Advantages:Despite all the challenges, the student performed well. She was able to complete the design andanalysis of ALICE over the span of two semesters. As a result of getting involved in research andworking on this project, she learned how to perform research starting with literature review. Shelearned how to review and critique other research papers. She learned how to look up, review andanalyze the COTS components
are encouraged to draw out the situation when problemsolving rather than hold all the details mentally or in writing. Additionally, having applied theknowledge students learned during lectures and independent study, their observed self-efficacywill be set appropriately. This refers to an individual’s belief in their ability to learn or perform aspecific task and is an important indicator of motivation. Students with higher self-efficacy aremore willing to engage in learning actively, and thus have a higher chance of success. As for the latter point, according to Bandura’s social cognitive theory, learning happensbest as a social activity where information is more readily retained with other individualspresent.3,4 The reason for this is
different. Without showing these documents, we then asked faculty to work ingroups of three or four to write down answers to the following prompt: “Without reference tothose documents, what are the main things in your own professional code of conduct governingteaching and/advising?” We encouraged them to frame their own codes in positive terms, that is,what they would do, rather than what they would not do. They wrote these down on post-its forlater reference, and we collected these at the end of the session.Before reporting out on their own codes, we discussed faculty responsibilities as given in • The AAUP Statement on Professional Ethics (www.aaup.org/report/statement- professional-ethics), • Our own university’s 53 page Faculty
present study, we explore the self-reportedsubjective experiences of four of the students (Table 1, one student declined to be interviewed),including how each saw their own contributions in the group discussion and the uncertainties thatthey wrestled with. Data sources include video of the in-class discussion and stimulated recallinterviews in which the students were shown clips of the video and asked questions like whatstood out to them about their group’s work on the task, to what extent they agreed with theirteammates’ ideas, and how comfortable and engaged they felt.Data analysis procedures included interaction analysis (Jordan & Henderson, 1995) of therecorded discussion, with memo writing and discussion of the tentative findings in
, self-evaluation and peer evaluation Learning Outcomes 0 Not stated 1 No outcomes stated 2 Goals for course stated but not in the form or learning outcomes 3 Learning outcomes clearly stated 4 Learning outcomes stated and are tied to specific assessments Revision / Redoing 0 Not stated 1 No rewriting or redoing of assignments allowed 2 Some rewriting or redoing of assignments allowed, but penalized 3 Rewriting and redoing of assignments allowed 4 Rewriting and redoing of assignments encouragedFor
Paper ID #43969Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into Mechanical Engineering with AmazonDeepRacerDr. Pooya Niksiar, The Citadel Dr. Niksiar is assistant professor of Mechanical Engineering Department at The Citadel. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, his M.Sc. from K. N. Toosi University of Technology and his B.Sc. from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Prior to joining The Citadel, he was a lecturer at Clemson University. His research includes the design and development of advanced functional porous materials for bio applications. He has published several peer-reviewed journal
activities from different perspectives [3], [6], [7], [8], [9]. Differenttypes of student’s design assessments have been used by instructors including self, peer, and expertassessments of design reports, final product performances, open- and close-ended questions,videos of design teams, and students’ portfolios [10]. Measuring student design knowledge hasseveral complexities and each assessment has its advantages and disadvantages.By conducting a systematized literature review and summarizing some significant research studiesin this area, which are described in the next sections, we found that there is a need for acomprehensive rubric and approach to measure students’ design skills longitudinally andthroughout an entire curriculum, based on the ABET
their own surveys [10] - [12]. Instructors with large classsizes have turned to software assessment tools to measure the teamwork skills of individuals andthe roles within the teams. For example, CATME and TeamUP provide a survey to gather selfand peer evaluations from individual team members as well as instructors [13],[14]. For thestudy presented below, it was necessary to create a customized assessment tool to determine howindividuals fill functional or task-oriented roles in their teams and the impact of that process ontheir engagement and course experience.ContextIPPD is an educational capstone design program where students from thirteen engineering andcomputer science programs work in multidisciplinary teams for two semesters in designing
likely to participate in studyabroad programs than higher-income students [4]. This paper reports on a novel courseallowing students from the U.S. and Mexico to collaborate across national and lingualboundaries without leaving their home campuses, lowering the financial barriers typicallyassociated with international experiences. II. REVIEW OF RELEVANT LITERATUREThe need for engineers to solve complex problems with international peers has been reiteratedin many studies and reports. A most recent report by the United Nations Educational, Scientific,and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) highlights the importance of building engineeringcapacity across national borders for sustainable development of our global world [5
students also presented theirfindings as a group presentation to obtain the final grade for the project. A standard rubric was used for grading the student work, with 60% of the grade assigned to thecontent (quality and depth of analysis) and including the major aspects of the EOP framework. Theremaining 30% and 10% of the project grade were assigned for the presentation (clarity of expression,organization of ideas, and adherence to academic writing standards) and collaboration (peer evaluation ofthe group's collaborative effort, including communication, contribution, and teamwork), respectively.Furthermore, the students completed an indirect voluntary assessment using an anonymous surveyconcerning the EOP concepts. The survey was created
optimization for aerospace applications.Sohini Gupta, Wheeler High School Sohini Gupta is a junior high school student at Wheeler High School, a distinguished magnet program in Marietta, GA. She is passionate about STEM, particularly engineering. Committed to pursuing a career in STEM despite challenges faced by underrepresented groups, Sohini actively seeks opportunities to engage in hands-on projects and STEM-related activities. She aspires to inspire her peers by being a proactive role model in the scientific community.Dr. Ibrahim H. Yeter, Nanyang Technological University Ibrahim H. Yeter, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Education (NIE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore
©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 The Perception of Engineering Undergraduates Towards an Active Learning Pedagogy at a Minority Serving InstitutionAbstractExperimental centric pedagogy (ECP) which is an active learning approach has been reported toincrease student engagement, critical thinking, peer collaboration, as well as motivation inengineering related courses. However, little is known on the perception of students about thisActive Learning Pedagogy (ALP). This study aims to investigate the perception of minorityserving institutions (MSI) engineering undergraduates on the use of ALP as an active agentduring instruction. This study adopted a quantitative approach in a pre-post-test design. Theengineering
. •EPICS Supervisor •Research Advisor Managerial •Community Partners •Peer TAs •Collaborators TA •Mentees •Students Subordinate Figure 2. Top to down rank GTA’s navigate management in service-learning programs 3. MethodsThis exploration initiated with a curiosity about the distinction between GTA’s experiences inservice-learning relative to other courses, as well as their development relative to undergraduatestudents enrolled in the service-learning courses
activities and interaction with peers, instructors, and academic advisors, on 4-point Likert-type scale from not at all to 5 or more times. • FYS objectives on 5-point Likert-type scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree; and changes in confidence and motivation in educational and career areas on 5-point Likert- type scale from decreased greatly to increased greatly. • Pre- and post-FYS major choice.Non-Student Stakeholder SurveyA short survey about the current and future options for FYS courses was administered to 38 COEnon-student stakeholders identified by the Penn State’s COE Taskforce on First-YearEngagement. Specially, stakeholders were asked about their initial thoughts regarding convertingthe current 1
critical thinking skills. Gradually, the student will be able to apply the concepts learned processing from basic to complex skills through activities like laboratories with specific feedback with the sole intention for improvement. The application of the knowledge might also then lead to analysis by exploring connections and organizing information into meaningful domains similar to writing a report. This also might include discussing discrepancies in cases and the student might explore other personal variables through their increased critical thinking [17].The taxonomy introduces a new dimension, highlighting four types of knowledge—factual,conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive—aimed at addressing diverse
-term and long-term educational planning, and discussing time management. Advocating. Recommending or supporting the protégé. Examples: writing support letters for graduate school applications, serving as a reference for scholarship applications, and nominating the protégé for special recognition. Facilitating. Assisting to make processes easy to bring about an outcome. Examples: Guiding conversations in the classroom or laboratory, referring the protégé to a campus resource or office. Mitigating. Lessening the adverse effects of circumstances, undue burden, or mistakes. Examples: sharing tactics to deal with micro-aggressions, giving words of encouragement, and providing perspective
, Vancouver Dr. Dave Kim is Professor and Mechanical Engineering Program Coordinator in the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Washington State University Vancouver. His teaching and research have been in the areas of engineering materials, fracture mechanics, and manufacturing processes. In particular, he has been very active in pedagogical research in the area of writing pedagogy in engineering laboratory courses. Dr. Kim and his collaborators attracted close to $1M in research grants to study writing transfer of engineering undergraduates. For technical research, he has a long-standing involvement in research concerned with the manufacturing of advanced composite materials (CFRP/titanium stack, GFRP
online,and instructors have the option to utilize a series of handouts to supplement learning. The videocontent was primarily developed, filmed, and acted out by four, typical college-aged, engineeringstudents to ensure the story plots were amusing and would interest their peers. Once created, thevideos were reviewed by a number of other instructors and steel engineers to verify accuracy ofthe technical content.The paper provides instructors with more background on the process of creating engagingengineering videos, highlighting some of the difficulties in filming as well as editing the content.The theoretical basis for some of the videos will be discussed. In particular, the paper will focuson techniques used to intentionally attract students
. B. Yancey, Reflection In The Writing Classroom. University Press of Colorado, 1998.[4] P. Groißböck, “E-portfolios in teacher education: ‘Teaching e-portfolios’ in mentoring processes or peer-learning in higher education,” 2012, doi: 10.1109/ICL.2012.6402153.[5] B. Eynon and L. M. Gambino, High-Impact ePortfolio Practice: A Catalyst for Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning. Taylor & Francis, 2023.[6] H. C. Barrett and N. Garrett, “Online personal learning environments: Structuring electronic portfolios for lifelong and life-wide learning,” Horiz., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 142– 152, 2009, doi: 10.1108/10748120910965511.[7] S. Rubín and M. Rümler, “E-PORTFOLIO: A METACOGNITIVE ACTIVITY TO
to be meritorious and significant by a rigorous peer review process.This list developed by Diamond is a good guide for faculty interested in preparing a paper forpublication in any engineering education research journal and especially for JEE. Anotherperspective on conducting research in education is the National Research Council (NRC) reportScientific Research in Education [3]. 1. Question—Pose significant questions that can be investigated empirically. 2. Theory—Link research to relevant theory. 3. Methods—Use methods that permit direct investigation of the question. 4. Reasoning—Provide a coherent, explicit chain of reasoning. 5. Replicate and generalize across studies. 6. Disclose research to encourage
well- being or success in specific metrics” [11,p. 4]. In this definition they connect “fair conditions” with “individuals and groups” and thesuccess in whatever endeavor being evaluated (e.g., “specific metrics”), but clearly at the outcomeof the endeavor.A report calling for technology design to be more inclusive provides another take on thechallenges we face trying to understand equity and equality. In [12], equality is defined aseveryone having “the same opportunity” even if it affords some in the group “an existing (andoften unconscious) unfair advantage.” In contrast, equity means everyone getting an opportunitythat levels the “playing field with their peers” thus increasing the “fairness to compete.”In summary, these definitions draw
Students identify Students write and test engineering correct requirements controller code in Students collaboratively Students compose Students self-directFaculty may for given context Python/Matlab identify and diagnose rigorous technical collaboration on failuresselect fitting reports project tasksindicators or Students apply Students use relevantdraft their own