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and gaining leadership experience. Also, peer mentors thought it was a funthing to do. Some wanted to give back and signed up because they cared about the success oftheir peers and younger students, and it was a good way to meet other people. Once selected, the peer mentors created a one-paragraph bio that included interestsoutside of class. The bios of all the peer mentors were then shared with all of the incomingfirst-year students. Next, a preference survey was sent out to all the first-year students to indicatewhich peer mentor(s) they were interested in being paired with. In the survey, it was noted thatthese groups were not intended to be groups of majors (i.e., all mechanical engineers), but ratherstudents were encouraged to
engineering students. 11 References[1] R. W. Bybee, “The BSCS 5E instructional model: Personal reflections and contemporary implications,” Sci. Child., vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 10–13, 2014.[2] S. Rodriguez, K. Allen, J. Harron, and S. A. Qadri, “Making and the 5E Learning Cycle,” Sci. Teach., vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 48–55, Jan. 2019, doi: 10.2505/4/tst18_086_05_48.[3] R. P. McCurdy, M. L. Nickels, and S. B. Bush, “Problem-based design thinking tasks: Engaging student empathy in STEM,” Electron. J. Res. Sci. Math. Educ., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 22–55, 2020, Accessed: Jan. 25, 2024. [Online]. Available:
the group encountered in the virtual laboratory was to decide whatparameters to use for their first experiment. In this encounter, the group is confronted with and addressesthis gap. 1 Blue: So, now we have to pick the range. 2 Red: So, the first six, do you want to do a higher range? 3 Green: 5, 10... 15, 20, 25- 4 Red: Well, it would be up to 25 because one's a control. Right? So, we only have five. 5 Green: Well, we want to go up to a maximum of 100, right? That's the goal? 6 Red: We can do that. So, do you want to do obviously 10, but... 20's? That would give us the wide range for zero to 100 for the first run. 7 Green: We could
(CEAS), the Integrated Teaching and LearningProgram (ITLP) emerged in the 1990’s from student demand and with college recognition thatattrition was a concern. At the time, CU offered hands-on experiences only in select junior- orsenior-design courses. “‘From an engineering perspective, lab classes are good because they giveyou a feeling for what you’re learning, and if you’re a visual learner, ITLP can help you learnfaster and better,’ said Eric Peers, an electrical and computer engineering senior,” who chairedthe student movement to launch more access to hands-on learning [28]. Envisioning an approachthat was more targeted for specific populations was not yet on the table.Improved student retention and satisfaction were early ITLP outcomes [29
and developed tools to study the alignment of products and services with organizational processes as an organization seeks to address needs and bring new products and services to the market.Dr. Ruth Ochia P.E., Temple University Dr. Ruth S. Ochia is a Professor of Instruction with the Bioengineering Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Her past research interests have included Biomechanics, primarily focusing on spine-related injuries and degeneration. Currently, her research interest are in engineering education specifically with design thinking process and student motivation.Dr. Holly M Golecki, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Dr. Holly Golecki (she/her) is a Teaching Assistant Professor in
, Aurora University, United States – Illinois, 2018. [Online]. Available:[3] H. Jabbar, L. Schudde, M. Garza, and S. McKinnon-Crowley, “Bridges or barriers? Howinteractions between individuals and institutions condition community college transfer,” TheJournal of Higher Education, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 375–398, Apr. 2022. [Online]. Available:[4] J. Koyama and S. Desjardin, “Building bridges and borders with deficit thinking,” Educ.Real, vol. 44, p. e86415, Apr. 2019. [Online]. Available:[5] “Dismantling Deficit Thinking: A strengths-based inquiry into the experiences of transferstudents in and
. We do so in a manner that forwardsmarginalized perspectives often absent from mainstream discourse. Ongoing research exploresstudents’ current perceptions of the field, supporting the development of curricula that arechallenging and impactful. This work offers opportunities for students to develop criticalconsciousness and realize the impact they can make on their own communities through a careerin aerospace engineering.References[1] J. R. Herkert, “Future directions in engineering ethics research: Microethics, macroethics and the role of professional societies,” Sci. Eng. Ethics, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 12, 2001.[2] S. Gössling and P. Upham, Climate Change and Aviation: Issues, Challenges and Solutions. Earthscan, 2009.[3] J
to a diverse large sample size of early-career engineers, contributingvaluable insights to the ongoing research.References 1. Brunhaver, S. R., Gilmartin, S. K., Grau, M. M., Sheppard, S., & Chen, H. L. (2013, June). Not all the same: A look at early career engineers employed in different sub- occupations. In 2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition (pp. 23-930). 2. Klenk, M., Bjorklund, T., Gilmartin, S., & Sheppard, S. (2018, June). Early-career Engineers at the Workplace: Meaningful Highs, Lows, and Innovative Work Efforts. In Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 24-27, 2018. Salt Lake City, Utah 3. Flening, E., Asplund, F., & Edin Grimheden, M
goal of improving academicperformance. The persistence in engineering will need to be assessed as Year 3 begins as theinitial cohort of students will start to enroll in upper-level coursework along the engineeringpathway.References[1] S. E. Lewis, "Retention and Reform: An Evaluation of Peer-Led Team Learning," Journal of Chemical Education, vol. 88, no. 6, pp. 703-070, 2011.[2] L. Gafney and P. Varma-Nelson, Peer-Led Team Learning Evaluation, Dissemination, and Institutionalization of a College Level Initiative, Springer Science & Business Media, 2008.[3] J. Liou-Mark, A. E. Dreyfuss and L. Younge, "Peer Assisted Learning Workshops in Precalculus: An Approach to Increasing Student Success," Mathematics & Computer
:// [Accessed Jan. 15, 2024][3] W. S. Saeed Alawi, and M. M. Saeed Al-Mubarak, “Gender gap in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM): barriers and solutions,” International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, vol. 9, no. 6, pp 225-231, 2019. [Online]. Available: gap-science-technology-engineering/docview/2485440362/se-2?accountid=7064. [Accessed Jan. 20, 2024].[4] M. Martinez, F. Segura, J. M. Andujar, and Y. Ceada, “The gender gap in STEM careers: An inter-regional and transgenerational experimental study to identify the low presence of women,” Education Sciences
of interventions that continue this Freshman Year experience with Sophomore,Junior, and Senior Year Innovator Experiences, with an increasing portfolio of skills each year.AcknowledgementsThe authors express their gratitude to the participating instructors: Sandra Morrow, Erika Perez,and Michelle Alvarado, as well as the students involved in this project. Funding for this projectwas provided by NSF award 2225247.References[1] Brown, S. V. (1994) Under-represented minority women in science and engineering education. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 1994.[2] A.A. Fuentes, S. Crown, R. Freeman, Human Bone Solid Mechanics Challenge Functionally Graded Material Structure with Complex Geometry Loading, AC 2001-2056, ASEE 2008
of data collection is from focus groups with research participants in thecurricular intervention which was conducted in fall 2023. Furthermore, the reflective memos andpre/post ISE survey data of fall 2023 from the participants need to be analyzed with regards tothe demographics to understand how they informed the innovation self-efficacy of theengineering students.AcknowledgmentsThis material is based in part on work supported by the National Science Foundation underAward No. 2205067. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation. Dr. David Delaine provided valuable mentorship on qualitative
. More advanced applicationsfor the BeagleBone processor such as wireless communications using an Xbee are currentlybeing developed and tested.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2044255.References[1] C. Scaffidi and S. Distefano, "A Remotely Configurable Hardware/Software Architecture fora Distance IoT Lab," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing(SMARTCOMP), Irvine, CA, USA, 2021, pp. 341-346.[2] M. Bharath, J. Indra and S. Kirubakaran, "Design and Development of Virtual LabEnvironment for Embedded System and IoT Applications," 2022 International Conference onInnovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES),Chennai, India
collaboratorson this project. This work also served to bring greater awareness to the specific problemidentified in few prior research studies of viewing transfer students through a deficit-basedperspective. The manuscripts resulting from Year 1 work and the emphasis of future work on thisproject will be to promote and disseminate an assets-based approach.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work support by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.EEC 2144213. References[1] F. S. Laanan, S. S. Starobin, and L. E. Eggleston, “Adjustment of Community College Students at a Four-Year University: Role and Relevance of Transfer Student Capital for Student Retention,” J. Coll. Stud. Retent. Res
developmental evaluation approach. Thesemethods and tools will not only benefit OFDS, but also other engineering departments, facultydevelopment centers, and offices.References[1] M. S. Bhat, V. Asha, and V. V. Thomas, ‘A comprehensive faculty development program: Three tier comprehensive training approach for holistic development of faculty members of engineering colleges to meet the challenges of future engineering education’, in 2013 IEEE International Conference in MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE), 2013, pp. 280–284.[2] M. Huerta, J. S. London, and A. McKenna, ‘Engineering Deans’ Perspectives on the Current State of Faculty Development Programs in Engineering Education’, 2023.[3] K. H. Gillespie
utilize the app with students and providing more concrete suggestions may have increased the number of faculty who took advantage of the offering.• Another unique element of this initiative was the partnership with the local organization who offered the mental health first aid training. This is the first time that the TLC partnered with a local organization. Another lesson learned from this experience was to look locally, beyond the university, to find resources relevant to faculty. We were extremely impressed with the quality of the training and the presenters and would not hesitate to work with them again for other relevant programming. Bibliography[1] S. Cutler and A. Coso
andheteronormativity within the organizations and the limited number of nonbinary individuals withwhom to network [20], [23].In contrast, networks that consist of nonbinary and trans* individuals contribute to thepersistence of nonbinary students. Feelings of safety to be oneself, community, and sharedopportunities play a role in this contribution [17]. In their work on the social networks ofLGBTQ+ STEM students, Hughes et al. [24] found that LGBTQ+ students in STEM were morelikely to be out to their close social network who provided personal and academic support thanthose in their extended social network. Similarly, Campbell-Montalvo et al.’s [25] work onsexual and gender minoritized students social capital and fit in STEM found that sexual andgender
. With these viewpoints inmind, the authors have implemented a student design project focused on developingproducts/modules for hands-on or experiential learning. The final products from this project canthen be integrated into core ChE courses.This paper will discuss how a student-led curricular development project focused on hands-on orexperiential learning was implemented in a year-long product design course. Additionally, thispaper will present some information on the senior product design course as a whole to helpsituate the project. The presentation at ASEE 2024 will delve more into the student-developedproject(s) and student feedback of the experience as it is still in-progress.Course BackgroundCapstone product design courses are
at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida., Vols. 10.18260/1-2--33627, 2019.[4] S. I. Rooney and J. S. Stephens-Epps, "Incorporating Engineering Standards Throughout the Biomedical Engineering Curriculum," Paper presented at 2019 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Tampa, Florida., Vols. 10.18260/1-2--32957, 2019.[5] J. S. &. R. S. I. Stephens, "Board 30: Work in Progress: Effective Use of Engineering Standards in Biomedical Engineering," Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah., Vols. 10.18260/1-2--30004, 2018.[6] J. Ballinger, "Exact Instructions Challenge - THIS is why my kids hate me. | Josh Darnit," Josh Darnit, 26 January 2017. [Online
developed three additional levels of question organization: socialquestions, logistic questions regarding problem-solving, and questions for checking the value ofa variable. From our analysis, questions and their associated discussions reached as high as theevaluate level. Examples of questions from each observed category are shown in Table 2. Table 2. Example questions for each category Category Question Associated Verb(s) Social How do you guys feel about the exam next week? NA Logistic Does someone want to take over [solving the problem]? NA Checking the
-means-life-or-death/[5] K. Falkner, C. Szabo, D. Michell, A. Szorenyi, and S. Thyer, “Gender Gap in Academia: Perceptions of Female Computer Science Academics,” in Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, in ITiCSE ’15. New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery, Jun. 2015, pp. 111–116. doi: 10.1145/2729094.2742595.[6] J. C. Lapan and K. N. Smith, “‘No Girls on the Software Team’: Internship Experiences of Women in Computer Science,” Journal of Career Development, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 119–134, 2023.[7] S. Cheryan, V. C. Plaut, C. Handron, and L. Hudson, “The Stereotypical Computer Scientist: Gendered Media Representations as a Barrier to Inclusion
pedagogical intervention offered rich dividends,particularly in learning about decision-making. It was also evident that the perception ofincorporating research design and critical thinking expanded the student’s imagination of thesignificance of such skills in engineering education. However, more research needs to takeplace on how leadership skills can be developed even as decision-making and criticalthinking are taught. There needs to be further inquiry into what counts as leadership amongstengineers, and how these skills can be included through further pedagogical interventionswithin engineering education.References[1] M. A. Mulyani, S. Yusuf, P. Siregar, J. Nurihsan, A. Razzaq and M. Anshari, "Fourth Industrial Revolution and Educational
students at remote cohort(s) may feel that they are an afterthought or budgettightening measure, while the students at the local cohort may feel the tensions for competingattention and support. It may be necessary to rebuild and redesign labs, tutorial activities, andexams for each cohort that reflect the needs and constraints of each learning context.Understandably, due consideration and careful planning is required on behalf of theadministrative staff and instructor(s). Table 1: Differences between conventional and multi-campus courses Factor Conventional Multi-Campus Implications In-class Attend to students in Attend to students in Increased cognitive student
supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2121450. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.References 1. Graham, R. (2018). The global state of the art in engineering education. MIT school of engineering. 2. Brumm, T. J., Hanneman, L. F., & Mickelson, S. K. (2005). The data are in: Student workplace competencies in the experiential workplace. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. 3. Lima, M. & Oakes, W. (2014). Service learning: Engineering in your community
microplastics) [1], [2]. Particle science plays acrucial role in product quality, material transport and storage, manufacturing processes andadvancement of materials science [3]. For example, understanding particle behavior (i.e., dryflow, aggregation and agglomeration) at a mass scale is crucial to the safety and improvement ofstorage, transport and manufacturing processes [3].Despite calls since the 1990’s to increase the availability of a uniform particle sciencecurriculum, little progress has been made in integrating particle science into the currentengineering curriculum—resulting in a limited number of engineers trained in the field [1].Within the United States, particle science courses are sparse and lack uniformity within thematerials and
across all engineering disciplines.Another avenue for future work is connecting our definitions to existing work. For example,Tomko et al.’s study (2021) identified key aspects of women’s pathways into universitymakerspaces, which also identified important themes of community and relationships [18]. Wewill also explore how our makerspace definitions can intersect with existing work on definingmore forms of participation in making to include more social practices (e.g., [9], [19]).ConclusionThe knowledge and collaborative assistance aspect of makerspaces, as evidenced by the frequentuse of terms like “people,” “know,” “go,” “things,” “stuff,” “help,” and “engineering” in bothmen’s and womxn’s text, suggests a common theme of individuals going to
more raw data than can be communicated throughlow-power radios; these systems, such as acoustic recorders, may filter, downsample, computefrequency spectra, etc., to reduce the volume of data to be transmitted down to its most salient.The growing popularity of machine learning suitable for edge computing, such as TinyML [5], isalso responsible for some modest computation resident on the wireless sensor node.Applications such as environmental sensing need only sample a single sensor at periods on theorder of hours and report that information to a base station. For wireless sensor systemsrecording environmental analytes, computation here is limited to housekeeping: scheduling andcontrol of sensor(s), temporary local storage, and management of
change (reverse scored) 32. I like to work on problems that have clear solutions (reverse scored) 33. I prefer tasks that are well-defined (reverse scored) 34. I tend not to do something when I am unsure of the outcome (reverse scored)Aim and SignificanceThis research demonstrates the implementation of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Statics andDynamics courses within the Mechanical Engineering program, typically taught during freshmanand junior years, respectively. The primary purpose of this endeavor is to address the challengesencountered by students in their initial year of engineering studies. Condoor, S., et al. [8],highlighted the difficulties students encounter when embarking on the Statics course, often the firstengineering
) are subsequently characterized in a materials lab class by the students. Table 1: ABS material formulations and 3D printing processing parameters used in the creation of the dataset from off-the-shelf 3D printing filaments. Bulk/Infill Layer Height Bed Fiber Fiber Nozzle Temp. Polymer Print Speed or Z-offset Temp. Type vf (%) (°C) (mm/s) (mm) (°C) ABS None N/A 90, 105, 120 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 210, 230, 250 100 ABS