know and do,” Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 89, no. 2, pp. 140–145, 2007. [6] S. Abramovich, C. Schunn, and R. M. Higashi, “Are badges useful in education?: it depends upon the type of badge and expertise of learner,” Educational Technology Research and Development, vol. 61, pp. 217–232, 2013. [7] F. Khaddage, R. Baker, and G. Knezek, “If not now! when? a mobile badge reward system for k-12 teachers,” in Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, vol. 2012, no. 1, 2012, pp. 2900–2905. [Online]. Available: [8] J. L. Santos, S. Charleer, G. Parra, J. Klerkx, E. Duval, and K. Verbert, “Evaluating the use of open badges in an open learning environment,” in
the work of Flanagan et al.'s [5] work-in-progresspaper that examined how adding empathy into first-year engineering curriculum changedstudents’ perspectives on the role of an engineer. Engineering design revolves fundamentallyaround meeting user needs and to offer solutions that meet diverse needs, engineers need tocultivate an understanding of various perspectives. Empathy plays a crucial role in enablingengineers to consider the implications of their design decisions on people thoroughly, andemploying empathy can effectively address sociocultural and political aspects of designs. Thisnecessitates its inclusion in engineering classrooms. Flanagan et al. found that through theincorporation of empathy into the curriculum, students begin to
of Central Florida Professor Hyoung Jin Cho is the Associate Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Central Florida. He coordinates two undergraduate programs – B. S. Mechanical ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Paper ID #43410Engineering and B. S. Aerospace Engineering. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed journal andproceeding papers. He has 12 and 6 patents granted in the U.S. and Korea, respectively, in the areas ofsensors, microfluidic devices, and micro/nanofabrication. His current research focus is on miniaturizedenvironmental sensors and sample
experience as an engineer and a mathematics teacher, he promotes the expansion of equitable and high-quality learning opportunities for both engineering and K–12 students through mathematical modeling. His research focuses on exploring the process of refining mathematical ideas and engineering concepts that engineering students develop while engaging in model development sequences built in real engineering contexts.Dr. Joel Alejandro Mejia, The University of Texas at San Antonio Dr. Joel Alejandro (Alex) Mejia is an associate professor with joint appointment in the Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies and the Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Dr. Mejiaˆa C™s
this degree program, were undergirded by the following theory of action:degree programs in social entrepreneurship are more successful when they have aninterdisciplinary focus, and they are guided by and supported by stakeholder engagement.The paper has delineated the theoretical commitments, the processes, and the major takeaways orlessons learned from this co-development process.referencesAlkire, L., Mooney, C., Gur, F. A., Kabadayi, S., Renko, M., & Vink, J. (2020). Transformativeservice research, service design, and social entrepreneurship: An interdisciplinary frameworkadvancing wellbeing and social impact. Journal of Service Management, 31(1), 24-50.Author (2022)Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2016). “Business Employment Dynamics
space to choose whether to revealtheir identities or a safe space to interact with their identities, such as having their cameras off inonline spaces or discussing identities in a supportive manner (Mohammed, T. F. et al., 2021; vonVacano, C. et al., 2022). One paper discussed how underrepresented students connect better witha human centered approach to engineering problems (Rodriguez, S. L. et. al., 2020). Three papersdiscussed the importance of focusing learning on the skills groups of students need to acquirebased on the content (Nasri, N. et al., 2021; Scutt, H.I. et al., 2013; Furner, J. M., & Duffy, M. L,2022). In general, the papers cover the importance of focusing teaching the students present asopposed to a general body of students
effects of a biomimicry teaching approach on students’designs. The authors found that students’ designs were not only inspired by nature, but they alsoconsidered the functions behind the physical structure of the organism in their designs. Abaid et al. [21]discovered that students had more favorable perceptions of engineering after engaging in a BID activity.In Abaid et al.’s [21] study, participating students were tasked with creating the most efficientswimming robots based on various types of fish fins and testing different robot designs. As documentedin the literature, BID integration in pre-college education can inspire innovative design solutions,heighten students’ views about nature, and foster STEM engagement and understanding of
: 10.1002/(SICI)1098- 237X(199901)83:1.[2] R. Lloyd, “A Historical Review of Visualization in Human Cognition,” vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 45–56, 1995.[3] G. Duffy, S. Sorby, and B. Bowe, “An investigation of the role of spatial ability in representing and solving word problems among engineering students,” J. Eng. Educ., vol. 109, no. 3, pp. 424–442, Jul. 2020, doi: 10.1002/JEE.20349.[4] M. Kozhevnikov, M. A. Motes, and M. Hegarty, “Spatial Visualization in Physics Problem Solving,” Cogn. Sci., vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 549–579, Jul. 2007, doi: 10.1080/15326900701399897.[5] D. Bairaktarova, M. Reyes, N. Nassr, and D. T. Carlton, “Spatial skills development of engineering students: Identifying instructional tools to
e.CRN, 2 (SELECT SUM(Score * Credits)/SUM(Credits) 3 FROM Enrollments e2 4 WHERE e.CRN = e2.CRN) AS CourseAvgScore, 5 s.NetId, 6 e.Score 7 FROM Students s 8 JOIN Enrollments e ON s.ID = e.CourseID -- Error: Incorrect JOIN condition, should be based on a valid relational key 9 WHERE (SELECT SUM(Score * Credits)/SUM(Credits)10 FROM Enrollments e211 WHERE e.CRN = e2.CRN) >= 8012 AND e.Score > 8513 ORDER BY e.CRN DESC, e.Score DESC; Instructor Query: 1 SELECT e.CRN, 2 (SELECT SUM(Score * Credits)/SUM(Credits) 3 FROM Enrollments e2 4 WHERE e.CRN = e2.CRN) AS CourseAvgScore, 5 s.NetId, 6 e.Score 7 FROM
components of critical consciousness as criticalreflection, motivation, and action using Diemer et al.’s (2015) definitions because they providethe clearest explanation of each component and limit the use of alternative descriptors orlanguage that are not directly aligned with Freirean thought.Theoretical Expansion of Critical Consciousness Several scholars have used Freire’s (1970) work as a foundation for their work,highlighting the benefits of his scholarship but also identifying limitations in its theory andpractical application. Literature across fields confirms several ways in which criticalconsciousness is defined and operationalized. This section reviews the work of scholars frompsychology (e.g., Diemer and Montero), social work (i.e
Venkataraman, San Diego State University Satchi Venkataraman, Ph.D., is a Professor of Aerospace Engineering. He has served as Graduate Advisor for the Aerospace Engineering program (17 years) and as an Associate Director at the Computational Sciences Research Center at San Diego State University (11 years). His expertise is in computational mechanics and optimization applied to design of lightweight and durable composite aircraft structures. He has extensive experience in developing programs for student professional development and broadening participation (co-PI and PI on three NSF S-STEM grants). ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024Exploring Interdisciplinary Identity Formation in
between individual predispositions and thetransformative potential of these programs.AcknowledgmentThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.NSF-EEC #2106229. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed inthis material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience Foundation.References[1] R. Vandeveer and M. L. Menefee, “Study abroad, international internship and experiential learning: A world-class adventure in learning,” in Decision Sciences Institute Southwest Region (SWDSI), 2006.[2] S. Shandilya, S. Y. Yoon, G. Raju, and C. A. Kwuimy, “Engineering Students’ Transformative Learning Experiences from A Virtual
, “Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams,” Administrative Science Quarterly, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 350–383, Jun. 1999, doi: 10.2307/2666999.[2] A. Edmondson, The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth, 1st ed. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2019.[3] C. Cole, J. Marhefka, K. Jablokow, S. Mohammed, S. Ritter, and S. Miller, “What Is the Relationship Between Psychological Safety and Team Productivity and Effectiveness During Concept Development? An Exploration in Engineering Design Education,” Journal of Mechanical Design, vol. 144, no. 11, p. 112301, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1115/1.4054874.[4] P. Cauwelier, V. M. Ribiere, and A. Bennet
discipline, and two tables in Appendix C reportedthe results by item. Understanding of CS and CmpE was relatively high on the pretest.Understanding of IT was initially relatively low (44%) and almost doubled (81%) on the post. Table 1. Pre and Post Test of Participants’ Perceptions of Computing Skills by Discipline Discipline(s) Items Pre Post Change Computer Science 5 80% 80% +0% Computer Engineering 4 85% 98% +13% Information Technology 7 44% 81% +37% Information Technology and Computer Science 3 93
online instruction, the course comprises group projects, quizzes,homework assignments (four of which are ISBL assignments), and a midterm exam. The samples Figure 1: A snapshot of the immersive simulation model used in the sample ISBL moduleused in our analysis include two sections of remote delivery and two sections of in-persondelivery. The same instructor provided identical materials in both delivery modes.Four ISBL modules are integrated into the course to mimic real-life information technology anddatabase problems. Students are given two weeks to complete each ISBL assignment followingthe lecture on the respective topic(s). Each ISBL module includes a description of the system andthe database problem(s) to be solved. In each module, the
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in 2006. Matthew received his doctorate from Clemson University in 2011 in Mechanical Engineering, focused primarily on automotive contDr. Sean Tolman P.E., Utah Valley University Sean S. Tolman is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Program at Utah Valley University in Orem, UT. He earned his BSME degree at Brigham Young University in 2002 and a MSME degree from the University of Utah in 2008 before returning toAmanda C Bordelon, Utah Valley University Amanda Bordelon, PhD, P.E. joined Utah Valley University’s faculty in the new Civil Engineering program in August 2018. She has all of her degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering emphasized in
11published research conference papers and scientific journals, and securing one patent,highlighting the importance of engaging with PM training in graduate education.One study conducted by Ravankar et al. [15] did include doctoral students, but this study did notfocus specifically on STEM students. They revealed the applicability and value of PM training,demonstrating that engagement in PM training aligns with graduate students’ career aspirationsand satisfaction across various fields [15]. Despite these studies, Arditi et al.’s [16] review ofcivil management and construction master's programs in the U.S., highlighted a notable gap inPM training within this field. Their survey of 21 world-leading universities indicated a lack ofPM education, which
organization that brings hands-on curriculum to K-12 students. He is the Co-PI of an NSF grant to develop an engineering program consisting of hands-on technical curriculum at Imperial Valley College. He also collaborated with the Inclusive Engineering Consortium (IEC) on developing a graduate pathways program.Prof. James Friend, University of California, San Diego James Friend leads the Medically Advanced Devices Laboratory in the Center for Medical Devices at the University of California, San Diego. He holds the Stanford S. and Beverly P. Penner Endowed Chair in Engineering and is a professor in both the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Jacobs School of Engineering and the Department of Surgery, School
programs, and mentors. For FGS in engineering majors, many of the studies thatwere conducted looked at the barriers for FGS and posed the research in a deficit model. We aimto reframe this mindset and look at the capital and assets that FGS possess and how they navigatestructures of engineering. We also want to understand what culture and support leads to successin engineering. Martin et al. [13] began the turn in questioning the “deficit” framing of thisgroup. We aim to build on this research with our study. We will use mixed methods tounderstand their experiences and the capital, beyond networks, that they used to persist inengineering. Building off of Martin et al.’s [13], [14], [40] work, this project focuses on identitydevelopment alongside
) and macroethical situations (e.g., anengineering profession’s social responsibility considered collectively) (Herkert, 2005). Thisexists against a backdrop of increased attention on companies’ efforts on corporate socialresponsibility (CRS), given that “companies perform their CSR duty to fulfill their socialobligations not only to extend their market reach but also as a strategy to fulfill the socialobligation[s] placed on firms by society” (Lin, Banik, & Yi, 2016, p. 108). Looking at these side-by-side, it is almost unsurprising that some researchers such as Smith et al. (2021) would call forthe need for grounding engineering ethics education around CRS efforts to enhance students’ roleethics.Codes of ethics arise frequently in
descriptive statistics, and t-tests were performed to compareresponses from the midterm survey to responses from the end of term survey. The quantitativeresults from questions Q1-Q4 are shown in Figures 2–5, and the responses to the open-endedquestion Q5 are discussed below. (a) Responses (b) Statistics (p = 0.195).Figure 2: Responses to Q1: “The specifications grading scheme helps me learn in this course.”In (b), the red line indicates the median, the blue circle indicates the mean, the top and bottomedges of the box indicate the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the whiskers extend to data points notconsidered to be outliers. Outliers, if they exist, are plotted as red +’s. Responses from the
embedding empathy in graduateengineering education would also lead to impacts on undergraduate students given graduatestudents’ unique role as both learners and teachers.References[1] “Grand Challenges - 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering.” Accessed: Jan. 30, 2024. [Online]. Available:[2] J. Walther, S. E. Miller, and N. W. Sochacka, “A Model of Empathy in Engineering as a Core Skill, Practice Orientation, and Professional Way of Being,” Journal of Engineering Education, vol. 106, no. 1, pp. 123–148, 2017, doi:[3] B. Penzenstadler, G. Haller, T. Schlosser, and G. Frenzel, “Soft Skills REquired: A Practical Approach for Empowering Soft Skills in
Construction 4.0.Buildings, 13, 2535.[2] Forcael, E., Ferrari, I., Opazo-Vega, A., & Pulido-Arcas, J. A. (2020). Construction 4.0: A literature review.Sustainability, 12(22), 9755.[3] Karmakar, A., & Delhi, V. S. K. (2021). Construction 4.0: what we know and where we are headed?. Journal ofInformation Technology in Construction, 26.[4] Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) (2023). ABC 2023 Tech Report. Retrieved January 4, 2024 from[5] McKinsey & Company (2023). From start-up to scale-up: Accelerating growth in construction technology(webpage). Retrieved January 4, 2024, from
profile. We highlight some patterns next. Figure 3. Comparison of clusters C2 - C5 based on z-scores of self-efficacy measures. Error bars represent 95% Confidence Intervals (see Table S3.6 & S3.8 for detailed statistics). Figure 4. Comparison of clusters C2 - C5 based on z-scores of workplace factors. Error bars represent 95% Confidence Intervals (see Table S3.6 & S3.9 for detailed statistics).6.2.1 Expected Engineers C3 (29.8% of the sample)Many of C3’s attributes fit the stereotypical image of engineering and suggest that C3 mightdescribe the traditionally-expected engineers. 1. Excelling in engineering tasks: C3 stands outas the only cluster that highly engages with engineering activities
further expand somefields as we know them.There is also a growing body of work looking at data science applications in engineering [6].Although we know it may be applied or beneficial for the broader field and its subfields (e.g.,mechanical, industrial, chemical), we are limited in our understanding of how non-computingengineers may apply it in their work or practice. With that said, it is necessary to understand hownon-computing engineers may apply data science in their work, as this remains a challenge in thefield. In the context of engineering education and practice, Beck et al.’s article suggests addingdata science as a “competency” in chemical engineering both in “the university curriculum or ina professional development context.” They also
engage with potential customers, analyzing the market's reception and financialfeasibility of their ideas. EM13’s reflection on the significance of seeing the broader context,beyond mere problem-solving, underscores this point: “I think what gave me confidence ininnovation and entrepreneurship is understanding the bigger picture. It’s not just solving aproblem, but also trying to sell it to someone, having someone pay for it. […] Askingquestions like: what's the problem you're solving? Who are you solving it for? Why are thealternatives inferior, and why is now the right time to solve this? What’s the marketopportunity?”Expanding on this, integrating this big-picture perspective early in the learning process iscrucial for understanding the
school students participated in a week-long summer camp thatfocused on electrical and computer engineering (ECE) concepts and practices. The five-daysummer camp consisted of hands-on activities, tours of different laboratories in ECE disciplines,and a group project that spanned the whole week where students built circuits using theSparkFun Inventor’s kit. During the group activity, the students were organized into eightgroups, and each group was mentored by an undergraduate mentor who facilitated thecollaborative hands-on activities. The middle school students completed validated and reliablepre and post-surveys adapted from the Student Attitudes Toward STEM (S-STEM) Survey andthe Group Work Skills Questionnaire Manual. The S-STEM survey is
settings among which are not limited to cultural diversity, student-to-teacher ratio, and STEM curriculum. Given their longstanding dedication to inclusive andengaging education, Historically Black Colleges and Universities have a distinct advantage inspearheading the adoption of active learning.AcknowledgementThis study is part of the work that was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant #1915615, titled “Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase StudentAchievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines”. It should be noted that the opinions, results andconclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] S. Freeman et al
calendar (such as a link or description of location on learning management system) is provided, this would be coded here. Calendar of important events (schedule of required readings, assignment due dates, exam dates, etc.) Dates can be identified as tentative dates and/or subject to change. Instructor Syllabus welcomes student interaction and explicitly tells students that the encourages student instructor, TA(s), and/or any part of the instructional team can be contacted for contact help or assistance. General campus Syllabus provides information about campus resources that students could go to resources for help or
Paper ID #42742Exploring Students’ Perception Toward Design-Build as an Educational DeliveryMethodDr. Mohsen Garshasby, Mississippi State University Mohsen Garshasby is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Building Construction Science at Mississippi State University. Dr. Garshasby is an architect, researcher, and educator who currently teaches collaborative studio(s) and environmental building systems within the College of Architecture, Art and Design at Mississippi State University.Dr. Saeed Rokooei, Mississippi State University Saeed Rokooei is an associate professor in the Department of Building Construction