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programming tool. Only 41% of the CS2 students, whowere instructed to use a command line tool, completed Task 1. This percentage was much higherfor the CS2 students using this tool to complete Task 2. For both Tasks 1 and 2 most of the OOPstudents, who were instructed to use a command line tool, were able to complete them. Table 5. Assigned Tool/Editor(s) to Complete the Two Assigned Tasks (Fall 2020 - Spring 2023) Assigned Tool(s) - Command Line vs. IDE N Task 1 Task 2 CS2 77 Command Line: 41% Command Line: 71% IDE
it change their self-perception? 4) How might gender inequity occur in a university setting? 5) Either based on your own knowledge, or based on what you’ve learned in the clip, how pervasive of an issue do you believe this to be? Clip 1) Referring to the video, describe the example of a bystander scenario. 3 2) Explain what you believe motivated them to act as bystander(s). 3) What are other reasons people might act as a bystander? 4) Describe what the bystander(s) could have done differently (in the clip) to help ensure a safe, equitable and professional workplace. 5) If you had been in the bystander(s) shoes, do you think you would recognize what was happening at the
) engineering disciplines have a much higher percentage of male students. Female Male100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% l l s il l l al cs ra ca
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recruiting participants. Second,conducting pilot studies can help researchers develop and iterate the questions included in aninterview protocol [2, 14].To develop a consensus on how many participants we wanted to use for this study, we utilizedMalterud et al.’s concept of information power (see Figure 1) [15]. Information power helped usanalyze the sample pool from which we had to develop this study methodologically. Accordingto Malterud et al., information power explains that fewer participants are needed if the sampleholds more information important to the study [15]. Five aspects are important to determiningthe information power of a specific sample: study aim, sample specificity, established theory,dialogue quality, and analysis strategy. More
related beliefs about ecological crisis, the practical constraints of resources, andthe vulnerability of nature’s balance.DEVELOPING NEW ENGINEERING PEDAGOGY A wide range of scholarly work explores specific forms of pedagogical innovation thatwe argue could be used to mainstream human rights within engineering education. One strandfocuses on changing the terms of course goals and the approaches to targeting students (Wilcox& Akera, 2014), learning methods (Hoole & Hoole, 2002; Shankar et al., 2017), assignments(Bielefeldt, 2014) and interdisciplinary approaches (Brower et al., 2007; Leydens and Lucena,2016). Wilcox and Akera (2014) focus on the positive effect that Rensselaer PolytechnicInstitute (RPI)’s first-year Sustainability
, to verify if balancing solution is satisfactory by comparing the vibration amplitude V2 to the original amplitude vibration Vo.In the following example, the virtual rotor kit (VRK) is required to be balanced when it runs at1000 RPM constant speed, and the “original” unbalance configuration is unknown. The tests andsolution will be based on the coefficient influence method. Similar to a “real” rotor test rig,constrains must be addressed when the solution is implemented. To add any trial weight to theVRK ‘s correction plane the constrains shown in yellow in the setup window in Figure 2 have tobe taken into account.Step 1: Select the configuration, rotor speed and output as shown in Figure 2, and collect data.The second window (VRK Lab) is
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Parsons Problems. The eleven features of interest for this transferabilityconsideration includes the following: Accessibility, Assessment, Classroom Dynamics,Difficulty, Distractors, Format, Group Dynamics, Length, Preparation, Time, and Utility Valuewere all identified as unique elements impacted student experiences. The definitions for each canbe described in Table 1. Table 1: Finalized Codebook for Parsons Problems Features Impacting Student Experiences Feature Definitions Example(s) Student Experiences regarding access to tools & Click and drag, full team seeing Accessibility resources to support the demonstration of a student's