commitment is in place to sustain the implementation ofthe belonging intervention in first-year engineering classes. This continuous effort aims not onlyto validate the persistence of observed patterns but also to gauge the long-term effectiveness ofthe intervention in influencing students’ perceptions, self-efficacy, and overall experienceswithin the engineering curriculum.AcknowledgmentsThe authors would like to thank the participants for sharing their stories. This material is basedupon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (2111114 and2111513). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NationalScience
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to hearfrom students and recent graduates.Baseline data presents a bleak prospect for many students who are unable to start with Calculus 1in their computing and engineering degrees. However, the AERO program has shown promisingresults for students through increased math placement and improved math completion rates forstudent participants who start in Pre-calculus/Trigonometry. It is unclear what aspect(s) of thisprogram has resulted in such outcomes, and if these outcomes will persist for future AEROparticipants. Further studies will be required to isolate various components of the program tounderstand their impact on these students’ math performance. Future studies are also needed tounderstand other factors (beyond math starting point
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widely used approach in qualitative research, was used in this study toidentify, analyze, and report patterns within data [26]. As described by Braun and Clarke [26],“[a] theme captures something important about the data in relation to the research question andrepresents some level of patterned response or meaning within the data set” (p. 82).Data coding: ATLAS.ti was the platform used for this study to generate, and organize the codes.After verbatim transcription, the data was systematically coded. In particular, we identified partsof the texts where participants referred to particular events and stories related to ethics andequity. Then, we developed codes for each identified story to capture the main issue(s) that wereraised. This was done by
importance, but did not studythe actual use of these collections or services. For example, while 69% of faculty in their studyindicated that library databases were important or very important, there was no correspondingassessment of these faculty members' actual use of library databases.A multi-institution interview study organized by Ithaka S+R of civil and environmentalengineering faculty found that researchers preferred to use Google and Google Scholar for arange of information needs including finding datasets, gray literature, and scholarly articles(Cooper et al., 2019). Similarly, in an interview-based study with early career life sciences andengineering faculty at a single institution, researchers found that faculty in their study
provides two questions: the initial concept-based question and a follow-up questionasking the students to reason ‘Why?’. Here, students can choose more than one response as wellas type their own if none of the options provided make sense for them. The logic for theformative assessment in the CALM is shown in Figure 1, as discussed previously [3].STUDENT-TOOL INTERACTIONS FROM A CONCEPTUALLY CHALLENGING CALM Figure 1. The formative assessment logic in the CALM. Solid green arrows show a sample student path. Dashed grey arrows show other possible paths.CMR assessment, or sometimes called “two-tier” multiple-choice instrument [23], was firstintroduced by Tamir in 1970’s [24]. Wilcox and Pollock [25], studied a comparison
teaching methodologies. Anotherlimitation was the inaccessibility of some articles that appeared promising for full-text screeningafter passing the abstract screening phase, due to the lack of access to the publishing journals andwebsites.AcknowledgmentThis project was supported by the Provost’s Summer Undergraduate Research and CreativeActivities (UReCA) Fellowship. Its contents, including findings, conclusions, opinions, andrecommendations, are solely attributed to the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the viewsof the Provost’s OfficeReferences 1. Allen, I. E., & Seaman, J. (2016). Online report card: Tracking online education in the
section provides anoverview of the intellectual foundations and bodies of scholarship that can be used to developeach of the characteristics for SFEN.1. Recognition of the fundamental embeddedness of the enterprise and the mutual shaping of the enterprise and its contexts. In his landmark work The Social Foundations of Education (1934), George S. Counts articulated the initial definition of SFED cited earlier in this paper: “the cultural phenomena—institutions, processes, practices, beliefs, values, and ways of knowing—that underlie any set of educational practices” [1]. All of these factors are of interest and have been extensively studied for engineering education and practice.2. Expansiveness of scope. According to Tozer and Butts
Paper ID #41801Meritocracy and Colorblindness: The Perpetuation of Whiteness in EngineeringEducation Through False NarrativesDr. R. Jamaal Downey, University of San DiegoDr. Joel Alejandro Mejia, The University of Texas at San Antonio Dr. Joel Alejandro (Alex) Mejia is an associate professor with joint appointment in the Department of Bicultural-Bilingual Studies and the Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Dr. Mejiaˆa C™s work examDr. Diana A. Chen, University of San Diego Diana A. Chen, PhD is an Associate Professor and one of the founding faculty members of Integrated
as tensions between student and staff, as well as betweenpolicy and pedagogy [15]. In this practice paper, we incorporate the findings of studies [10] [11][12] [13] [14] [15] into the careful design and implementation of the SIG program, whichleverage the ample resources in the Inno Wing. We also adopt the SaP method in SIGs andestablish clear governance structure, finance principles, and development programs.The Student-initiated Interest Group (SIG) programGovernance structureThe SIG program adopts a Student as Partners (SaP) approach, which begins with consultationservice aimed at assisting developing teams in uniting the commitment of five parties: studentleader(s), student teammates, academic advisor(s), technical advisor(s), and host
,students must be enrolled in the section that meets over the entirety of the semester.This course originated as a seven-week course, focused on providing students who had earned anexperiential learning grant the opportunity to use that experience to consider their personalleadership development and speak about their experience(s) externally. The course was extendedto the full semester, with additional topics added, in order to meet the professionalismrequirement for four majors. The first seven weeks of the course give students the opportunity toreflect on their experiences through a leadership lens and prepare to tell their story. The full termcourse provides students additional opportunities to build mentorship relationships, look at
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discussed the changes that would make them feel more welcome and includedwithin academia and their department(s) (cultural and/or infrastructural changes). They alsoprovided advice and recommendations to future queer and trans graduate students. The panelreceived overwhelmingly positive feedback, and the audience expressed their willingness andenthusiasm to learn and support queer and trans graduate students. Overall, the lessons learnedfrom the Queer and Trans Graduate Students Panel are as follows: 1) Provided an opportunity to inform about the specific obstacles that many queer and trans students experience in graduate education. 2) Contributed to the knowledge of designing, facilitating, and conducting a student experiences
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AI'scapability to tailor assessments to individual learning requirements and curriculum standards. Thisapproach deepens student engagement and advances educational strategies by equipping educatorswith dynamic tools that respond to the evolving educational landscape. The current studyparticularly emphasizes prompt engineering with AI, a critical element in optimizing AI’s utilityfor generating advanced, curriculum-aligned assessments. It assesses how effectively craftedprompts can guide AI to produce more relevant educational content, thereby enhancing learningexperiences. As effective prompts are developed, GPT-4’s potential to customize assessments tomeet specific student needs and address the complexities of material science theories ishighlighted