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Bit (LSB) of the opcode governs theselection between two results within the same category (logic or arithmetic). In Fig. 2, theopcode is set to “11,” indicating the operation Y = A – B. Initially, the input B undergoes theconversion to its 2’s complement format, followed by addition to A, and the result is showcasedin the hex-display on the right. Modifying the opcode will accordingly reflect the correspondingresults. Opcode Operation 00 AND 01 OR
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might live around these systems and facilities and be impacted bytheir presence for decades. While these logics may have served the field for decades, we are ofthe view that moving forward, particularly in the nuclear (and other energy) field(s), these logicsare going to become increasingly impractical. This is because of the growing interest in smallerscale (eventually perhaps even personalized) energy systems sited in much greater proximity topeople and communities than have the systems of the past. As a result, there is a growing interestfrom communities that might host these systems to shape key decisions about how these systemsand facilities are designed. Despite this shift, students are given little to no formal training onhow to frame
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may not be meeting those challenges.MethodsContext: This research was conducted at a single large research intensive (RH-VH) public universitylocated in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States, as part of an NSF Funded S-STEM program. S-STEM programs are intended to support low-income students in their trajectories to and through school.While most funded SSTEM programs in the United States are aimed at undergraduate student support, thisSSTEM is unique in that it supports low income Master’s students to obtain thesis-based MS degrees.Students in the program are supported financially, have substantial professional development programming,regular mentorship meetings with faculty affiliated with the program, and peer/near-peer mentoring. At
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Count course was educationally effective” Scored out of 5 Section Completed Average Median S. Dev Online MWF 11 4.78 5 0.33 Online MW 7 4.73 5 0.47 Face-to-Face (1) 17 4.54 5 0.66 Face-to-Face (2) 13 4.18 4 0.95 Hybrid 15 4.07 4 1.1It's likely that some students' dislike for the flipped classroom method contributed to the lowercourse evaluation scores for the hybrid and in-person sections. These are
K are correlationcoefficients of the compared ratios for assignments 1, 2, and the final project, respectively. Thecell highlighted in bold demonstrates the strongest correlation. The coefficients with * indicatethat they are statistically significant, assuming α = 0.05 and a two-tailed t-test.that team members negotiated with each other and split the work such that one works more in oneassignment and the other balances it out by working more in the subsequent assignment/s. If thecontribution between the team members is equal across all assignments, then the total work ratioshould be close to 1.Additionally, we used the time taken by each team member to complete the assignments as ametric to determine if team members distributed work
emphasis on community well-being, support ethical and comprehensiveapproaches to the development of AI. AI ethics initiatives can guarantee that technological 110advancements benefit all members of society by incorporating indigenous standpoint theory,which prioritizes the protection and inclusion of indigenous communities. Acknowledgingindigenous viewpoints enhances the conversation about AI ethics and promotes a more just andaccountable method of technological advancement.References[1] D. O. Eke, K. Wakunuma, and S. Akintoye, "Responsible AI in Africa: challenges and opportunities," 2023.[2] O. R. Olaopa and O. A. Ayodele, "Building on the strengths of African indigenous knowledge
). Some suggested using case studies for deeperunderstanding (“I think you could delve more into case studies and study them in a moredetailed way so as to get a broader scope of human ideologies, history and perspectives” -Student Q).Many students reported that they overcame their initial negative views of humanities whichthey used to previously find “monotonous” (Student R) or irrelevant to engineering. “Ithought humanities wasn’t very related to science and engineering, but I realise now that asan engineer it is very important to be aware about all these topics” (Student S).Quantitative Data Analysis Figure 1: Box plot for Survey QuestionsStudent Evaluations: The course was piloted for the first time with engineering
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complex and context- transdisciplinary) sensitive issues—contextualizing knowledge and action within relevant socio-ecology. Project/problem-based Simulations that mimic actively attempting to study/address a learning (in class) community/organizational problem—undertaking an individual/group/class project deemed by the student(s) and professor to be necessary and useful within a known context but without engaging or by only minimally engaging stakeholders outside of the class. Active learning (in class) Learning in which students are actively involved in constructing meaning, making
two research questions, we designed a survey, sent it to K-12 computing educationresearchers, and then analyzed the results.3.1 Survey DesignWe began our survey design by modifying the survey used by McGill et al. due to its similarnature of exploring barriers in CER [32]. Our survey differs by explicitly considering barriers inK-12 computing education.Our survey had four primary sections: Research Background, CAPE Research Focus, Barriers toConducting Research, and Participant Demographic Characteristics. In the Research Backgroundsection participants were asked what age and school group they conducted research with, whatrole(s) they identified as in the K-12 CER community, and what communities (e.g. HistoricallyMarginalized Racial Groups
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, or b) faculty do not know about the workshops and as a result, do notattend.A few faculty differentiated high quality teaching from inclusive teaching by reasoning (eitherfor themselves or for their institution) that high quality teaching is related to end of courseevaluations. To that point, Maria, professor of chemical engineering noted, “for my institution,high quality teaching means good scores from student[s], which I don’t necessarily think is highquality or inclusive…student ratings do not include aspects of access and inclusion.”Of note, Tanya, an associate professor of chemistry, expressed that some faculty feel that highquality teaching means more work and inclusive teaching is less rigorous. Specifically, she said:“I don’t know