, GameSec, and journals including Human Factors, Topics in Cognitive Science, and Computers & Security. Her papers in HICSS-2020 and GameSec-2020 received the best paper awards. Her professional activities include journal reviews for Computers & Security, Cybersecurity, Frontiers in Psychology, and conference reviews for HFES, AHFE, HICSS, Euro S&P, and CyberSA. She is also an advocate for the Cybersecurity Community of Practice at UTEP and a member of the Special Cyber Operations Research and Engineering (SCORE) Interagency Working Group.Xiwei Wang, Northeastern Illinois University Xiwei Wang is the Department Chair and an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Northeastern Illinois University. He earned
@uce.edu.ecAbstractThis study focuses on testing a pedagogical model designed to foster collaborativeentrepreneurship competencies in students pursuing technical careers. Entrepreneurship as a keycompetence for the economic and social progress of the country. However, the current training intechnical careers does not adequately cover the collaborative skills associated withentrepreneurship. The general objective was to test Moscoso´s pedagogical model that integratesspecific competencies, such as leadership, team communication, and team mediation, within thecurriculum of technical careers. The specific objectives focused on designing and proposing apedagogical model for the development of each of these competencies, comparing responses to aquestionnaire applied
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Paper ID #43201Formula for Success for Interdisciplinary InitiativesDr. Paul Cameron Hungler P.Eng., Dr. Paul Hungler is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Ingenuity Labs at Queenˆa C™s University. Prior to starting his current position, Major (Retired) Hungler served in the Royal Canadian Airforce. His research is now focDr. Kimia Moozeh, Queen’s University Kimia Moozeh is a research associate at Queen’s university in Engineering Education. Her PhD dissertation at University of Toronto explored improving the learning outcomes of undergraduate laboratories. Her research interests are lab
of the tests were open notes, or things like that, or you could drop all your worst grades. We were just scraping by. Whereas if I was in an actual, legitimate math and science class, I perhaps would've tried a little harder and learned more.” [student]As a result, the first student mentioned above focused on high grades in her Web Workassignments, not on actually learning the material. The assessment system captured whether ornot she inputted the correct answer, not whether or not she actually understood the material. Theother student described not trying as hard or learning as much in classes because of open notetests and being able to drop her worst grade(s). In both instances, students were most concernedwith the
was an increase in hot rolledsteel, which is expected due to the structural roof members. The beams for the roof areW14x22’s and the girders are W24x68’s. The GWP from the steel is 70,791.26 kgCO2eq. Animportant feature to understand about the Tally report is that it does consider the fireproofingmethod and paint that will be used for the structural members. So as the members increase insize, their surface area increases, and the need for more fireproofing elements and paint increasesas well. It becomes a domino effect. We can see that within the report fireproofing materials andpaint had a GWP of 3354.49 kgCO2eq in the baseline report, while the model with a semi-intensive roof had a GWP of 6864.14 kgCO2eq. Both factors will add to the
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G. Tcheslavski, J, Yoo, S. SayilAbstract Laboratory experience is among the key components in engineering education. It ishighly instrumental and plays a significant role in students’ knowledge building, application, anddistribution. Learning in laboratories is interactive and often collaborative. On the other hand,students, who learn engineering through online mechanisms, may face challenges with labs,which were frequently documented during the recent pandemic. To address such challenges,innovative online lab learning modules were developed, and learning strategies wereimplemented in five courses in electrical engineering, Circuits I, Electronics I, Electronics II,Signals and Systems, and Embedded System, through which students gain
Engineering and Computing (SPECTRA) program is an NSFScholarship in STEM (S-STEM)(Award # 1834081) based out of Clemson University in SouthCarolina. The SPECTRA program focuses on aiding transfer students interested in anEngineering or Computing degree by offering scholarships, opportunity to form cohorts, andaccess to professional skill-building programs. The goals of SPECTRA are as follows: (1) to provide scholarship opportunities to low-income students who wish to pursue engineering or computing at Clemson (2) to build cohorts of transfer students to support their transition into Clemson while also allowing for the Advisors for Cohorted Engineers (ACE) Fellows program to aid in the
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ECSE Department Head from 2001 to 2008 and served on the board of the ECE Department Heads Association (ECEDHA) from 2003 to 2008. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE.Dr. Mohamed F. Chouikha, Prairie View A&M University Dr. Mohamed Chouikha is a professor and chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Howard University. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Coloradoˆa C”Boulder. Dr. Chouikhaˆa C™s research inteDr. John C. Kelly Jr., North Carolina A&T State University Dr. John C. Kelly, Jr. is interim chair and associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina A and T State University. He received his
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supported by the National Science Foundation under GrantNumbers 2346868 and 2144698. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views ofthe National Science Foundation. We would like to express gratitude to Team Y for participatingin this study and for their willingness to open their meetings to us and provide feedback on theinitial drafts of this paper. We would also like to thank Dr. Nicola Sochacka for her insightfulfeedback and discussions as we analyzed our initial data. Finally, we would like to thank themembers of the ENLITE research team who gave feedback to the drafts of this paper.References[1] M. Borrego and L. K. Newswander
then enter "Did not use."Question 15, and its sub-questions intended to assess the validity of our hypothesis of whetherthe intervention helped with responsiveness. Figure 4 displays how this question was structured. Figure 4 Visual representation of the layout of the question(s) regarding responsiveness.In addition to above, the following questions were included in the survey to assess theresponsiveness objective of the intervention. • Question 16. Describe how you used one or more avatars to plan to alter how you responded to the expo audience in real time. • Question 17. Did you use the Mary Turner avatar to help you make communication decisions while preparing your Expo Video? • Question 18. Did the
Engineering, 3) and comparing these tocontent from the new study that is publicly available. An additional aim of this article is to raiseawareness of the upcoming NAE report and encourage thought-provoking discussions about it atthe ASEE 2024 Annual Conference.IntroductionEngineering has long been characterized by the benefits it imparts on society. As early as the1800’s when American engineers began to delineate professional guidelines and codes ofconduct, engineering has been associated with “societal uplift” [1, p. 2]. Current day, theforemost engineering professional societies have similar mission and vision statements such as“advancing engineering for the benefit of humanity” [2], “engineered and natural systemswork[ing] in harmony for the
provides an introduction. After the introduction assignments are due, students arestrongly encouraged to look through those of classmates on the discussion board.Homework assignment 2 (safety training) is required for all, and the research laboratoryinstructor may require safety training well in advance of the deadline for Homework 2. Thesafety training includes the Lab Safety Training session offered by the institution’s Environment,Health & Safety office, which is required annually for all students, faculty, and staff conductingresearch. Depending on the lab, the laboratory instructor may require safety training beyond theEH&S Lab Safety Training program. All students, whether working in a laboratory or not, mustalso complete the
designed to create a space for students to try on a criticalmindset about technology in their classes, so they may eventually take that perspective into theirinternships and careers [7,8]. The first feature aims to heal the modern mind/body fracture byhelping students develop a sense of how bodies and emotions contribute to knowledgeproduction and engineering design. The second feature provides students with analyticalapproaches grounded in STS theory (e.g., locating power, interpretive flexibility,democratization of S&T, etc.) to ask questions about their everyday encounters with engineeringeducation and technology. The third feature consists of data collection techniques (e.g.,interviews, participant observation, visual representations, etc
equipment — makes scheduling in-sync with whole-class lecturespossible.The working section of the flow loop is a transparent square tube with internal sides of h = 44 mmand a length of at least 300 mm depending on the model. Water is pumped from a source by anelectric submersible pump, for example an aquarium pump, providing flow rates on the order ofup to 300 litres per hour (Q = 83 × 10−6 m3 /s), leading to channel Reynolds numbers up toReh ≡ Q/(hν) ≈ 1900 where ν is the kinematic viscosity. At these flow rates the flow is laminar,but the channel boundary layers are thin.Flow conditioning using a sponge and honeycomb was effective to achieve a uniform flow at theentrance — if bubbles are absent. Tracer fluid with neutral buoyancy can be sourced