Bachelorˆa C™s and is working on her Master of Science in mechanical engineering. Her research focuses are on undergraduate engineRebecca Holcombe ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 Initial findings of engineering faculties’ perceptions of mastery assessment in a project-based engineering programAbstractThe purpose of this work in progress NSF grantees poster is to disseminate initial findings onfaculty perception of mastery-based assessment in a project-based engineering program.It is understood that pedagogical approaches influence more than what students learn but alsoimpact their mindsets, motivation, and how they see themselves as engineers. Mastery-basedlearning has seen
interpret data. Indicators of each criterion are also introduced in Table 1.The level of productive transfer was evaluated based on Yancey et al.’s three transfer modes[11]. Remix is defined as happening when prior writing knowledge is shown to be successfullyadapted and integrated from one writing context into a new writing context; assemblage occurswhen students' transfer of previous writing knowledge into a new writing context is uneven;Critical incident occurs when prior knowledge is over-relied upon and inappropriately applied toa new writing context.Table 1. Student writing sample evaluation instrument Criteria Indicators of each Criterion Level of productive transfer Engineering • Construction of
engineering self-concept outputs.AcknowledgementsThis study is part of the work that was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant #1915615, titled “Adapting an Experiment-centric Teaching Approach to Increase StudentAchievement in Multiple STEM Disciplines”. It should be noted that the opinions, results andconclusion or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarilyreflect the views of the National Science Foundation.References[1] R. M. Marra, K. A. Rodgers, D. Shen, and B. Bogue, “Women Engineering Students andSelf‐Efficacy: A Multi‐Year, Multi‐Institution Study of Women Engineering StudentSelf‐Efficacy,” J of Engineering Edu, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 27–38, Jan. 2009, doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2009.tb01003.x.[2
process forestablishing the transformation and value induced in a target group(s) by specific actionsundertaken, and feeds into a continuous improvement process that can guide future actions.As a works-in-progress paper, we report here on the completion of phases 1 through 3(purpose setting, scoping, data collection and analysis), and our initial work on phase 4(impact value). The process has so far included in-depth interviews with Toolkit users toelicit information about their use of the resources and their value, and a metadata analysisusing external metrics such as geographical reach and frequency of toolkit access as a proxyfor user engagement. Through this study the authors will also reflect on the co-creation ofnew resources as the toolbox
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calculating gradesmade them more difficult to understand, not easier. For example, if a student receives one4, two 3's, and one 2 on a four-standard assignment, the average grade is 3, which is a B.However, the percent grade is 4+3+3+2=12, then 12/16=0.75, resulting in a C grade. Thestudent notices a C in the grade book and becomes concerned about their grade, but it isincorrect. Automatic letter grades were turned off in Canvas, but even if students knew the scaleis different than traditional, it did not help that the student’s immediate reaction to seeing a 75 andremembering that they have a B, and not a C. Part of the purpose of the new grading is to make itless stressful not more, so this solution was not utilized. Furthermore, rather than
data is verifiedby a second reviewer [16]. Those variables include whether the grade level of study participants isspecified and, if so, which grade levels are included. There are over 1,200 articles in the resourcecenter that were published between 2013 and 2022 (inclusive), 771 of which were researchstudies (i.e., not experience reports or position papers).Of those, 472 specified the grade level(s) of study participants, and 231 of those included highschool students (grades 9 through 12, roughly ages 14 through 18). Figure 1 shows the count ofresearch articles that included high school students each year as a percentage of the articles wherethe grade level of student participants was specified. We analyzed this set of 231 articles in orderto
in excess of the operational pressures and temperatures anticipated during rocket operation.A cylindrical steel containment shield with a wall thickness of 0.375 inches is placed around the rockethousing during operation for an added level of safety. In the event the rocket housing experiences astructural failure during operation and a fragment or fragments are released, the containment shield isdesigned to contain the fragment(s), reducing the risk of damage or injury. The containment shield inplace on the test stand is illustrated above in Figure 4.A fundamental safety feature, inherent to the design, is that the rocket motor thrusts downward duringoperation. This is to ensure that if it were to become uncoupled from the test stand, the
curricula in undergraduate engineering programs. By incorporatingexperiential elements, hands-on activities, and collaborative problem-solving opportunitiesaligned with real-world scenarios, educators can create learning environments that effectivelyequip future engineers with the data skills they need to thrive in an increasingly data-driven world.AcknowledgementsThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under EEC Grant#2245022. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation.8. References [1] S. Miller, “Collaborative Approaches Needed to Close the Big Data Skills Gap
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for other situations sustainability.Specific interventions were implemented to address some of the desired attributes of theredesigned course as demonstrated in Table 4. When asked which activities contributed to theachievement of that attribute, the students often identified activities that corresponded with theinterventions implemented by the coordination team.Table 4: Deliberate interventions intended to support each desired attribute Attribute: Faculty-identified Intervention(s): Students perceived these interventions to contribute most significantly to this attribute
Mechatronics Nuclear Production Hydraulic Neural Pharmaceutical Protein Reliability2.5 Generic Design vs. Discipline-Specific Design CourseMitchell, Nyamapfene [37]’s research indicates an increase in the number ofintegrated engineering courses in the UK. These courses aim to incorporateinterdisciplinary elements and activities into specific disciplinary frameworks, therebyoffering students a comprehensive engineering perspective. For instance, theUniversity of Birmingham's School of Engineering has recently introduced anintegrated design