. Proactively gather resources, feedback, and/or mentorship iv. Develop a robust range of plans or options to address the situation v. Justify the choice(s) made to navigate the situation E. Students will grow as a member of this class, a member of the engineering community, and as global citizens i. Consider public health, safety, and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors in applying engineering design to produce solutions meeting specified needs. ii. Students individually assess and pursue personal professional growth in concert with project requirements and
ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, New Orleans, Louisiana: ASEE Conferences, Jun. 2016, p. 25999. doi: 10.18260/p.25999.[7] A. B. Diekman, E. S. Weisgram, and A. L. Belanger, “New Routes to Recruiting and Retaining Women in STEM: Policy Implications of a Communal Goal Congruity Perspective,” Soc. Issues Policy Rev., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 52–88, 2015, doi: 10.1111/sipr.12010.[8] K. L. Boucher, M. A. Fuesting, A. B. Diekman, and M. C. Murphy, “Can I Work with and Help Others in This Field? How Communal Goals Influence Interest and Participation in STEM Fields,” Front. Psychol., vol. 8, 2017, Accessed: Feb. 07, 2024. [Online]. Available: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles
code are shown in Table 2. 6Table 2. CodebookCodes Description Example Excerpt(s)Code Category: Cause or reason for situation The cause or reason for a “Systemic racism perpetuates environmental racism, as putting people flawed outcome of technology of color into certain communities gives larger companies the is due to the influence of opportunity to put these people in a vulnerable position. CompaniesSystemic systemic inequities/injustices, will put machinery in these communities because they know that these or society's
these outcomes is described in more detailbelow.Attachment Leading to EmploymentOne of the main goals of completing an industrial attachment is that the student gains workplaceexperience and can obtain employment upon completion of their education. Most students docomplete an attachment: we found that 11 out of the 21 current students had already completed ashort attachment. Meanwhile, 14 of the students had plans for where they will be working forduring their upcoming long attachment. Of these students, about half found their attachmentsthrough personal connections while the other half received help from Tumaini staff, asexemplified by this student: When I am here in school, our teacher provide[s] for us where we are going for
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engineering programs, 2022-2023”. ABET. https://www.abet.org/accreditation/accreditation-criteria/criteria-for-accrediting-engineeri ng-programs-2022-2023/ [accessed Jan. 3, 2023].[2] T. Wagner, L. Bassett, M. F. Young, D. D. Burkey, S. Streiner, and J. Pascal. “The Power of Playful Learning – Ethical Decision Making in a Narrative-Driven, Fictional, Choose-Your-Own Adventure”, 2023 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Baltimore, MD, June 2023, work-in-progress paper.[3] J.S. Brown, A. Collins, and P. Duguid, “Situated cognition and the culture of learning.” Educational Researcher, 1989, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 32-42.[4] J. Lave and E. Wenger, Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation
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they relied on for their sense of recognition as scientists. In theirstudy, all the women saw themselves as science people; that is, they identified as scientists. Theirinternalized recognition, coupled with the recognition by meaningful others, further reinforcedwomen’s identities as scientists. As such, external recognition played a critical role in validatingtheir competence as knowledgeable science people. All of the women in Carlone and Johnson’s[21] study were professionals or working towards a terminal degree, thus maintaining a steadfastinterest in their career pursuits. Hazari et al.’s [22] study provided evidence of the importance ofexplicitly integrating interest in the identity framework as it helped students establish an
Engineering at Valparaiso University’s College of Engineering, joining as an Instructor in 2013. He received the B.S. EE and M.S. EE in 2005 and 2006, respectively, and the Ph.D. in Ele ©American Society for Engineering Education, 2024 A Preference-Based Faculty-Assignment Tool for Course Scheduling Optimization1 IntroductionCourse scheduling is one of the most time-consuming tasks that department chairs must performevery academic semester. The course scheduling problem includes assigning a faculty member,the course time/day(s), and a classroom for each offered course. Course scheduling is an NP-hardproblem that has been extensively studied over the years.In
disruptmarginalization, more seriously? We offer these as discussion openings for the session and forthe larger community.References:Grant, J., Masta, S., Dickerson, D., Pawley, A. L., & Ohland, M. W. (2022, July). “I Don’t LikeThinking About this Stuff”: Black and Brown Student Experiences in Engineering Education. In2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.
might impede on the progress of the project [7].Research MethodsLikert surveys (with open-ended questions) were administered at the start of the program tounderstand participant motivation for engaging in the experience, at the halfway point to gainfeedback on their journey in the program, and at the end of the project to examine whetherfaculty perceptions of access, diversity, equity, and inclusion changed throughout their time inthe project. There will be a final survey deployed at the end of year two to assess whether whatfaculty learned in the project ultimately impacted degree completion for MS. This paper isfocused on the feedback from Cohort 1’s survey responses at the end of their first year in theprogram.Preliminary FindingsWhile
valuable insights for the designand implementation of VR/AR-based educational modules in STEM education. In addition,VADER-R will be developed and implemented, and data from this module’s implementation willbe analyzed to evaluate its impact on the recruitment of high school and community collegestudents to the AE/C fields.AcknowledgmentWe, the authors, would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Josephine Lau, Dr. Iason Konstantzos,Ben Kreimer, Jean Yves Chainon, and Carole Chainon for their valuable contributions to theVADERs project.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.2202290. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this materialare those of the author(s
is supported by the US National Science Foundation through grant number 2126978.The opinions are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the National ScienceFoundation. We acknowledge Dr. Jacqueline Handley's contribution to data collection andpreliminary analysis. We also thank Dr. Aileen Huang-Saad and Dr. Joi Mondisa for theiradvisory roles in this project. 4REFERENCES[1] National Research Council, Discipline-based education research: understanding and improving learning in undergraduate science and engineering. Washington (D.C.): The National academies press, 2012.[2] P. Shekhar, H. S. Aileen, and J. Libarkin, “Understanding
Sci, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 129–137, Jan. 2016, doi: 10.1177/2372732215623553.[6] S. Thompson, “Perspectives on English language learner programs: A case study,” Dissertation, Lindenwood University, 2019.[7] J. Reeves, “‘Like Everybody Else’: Equalizing Educational Opportunity for English Language Learners,” TESOL Quarterly, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 43, Apr. 2004, doi: 10.2307/3588258.[8] D. Chakraverty, “A Cultural Impostor? Native American Experiences of Impostor Phenomenon in STEM,” CBE Life Sci Educ, vol. 21, no. 1, Mar. 2022, doi: 10.1187/cbe.21-08-0204.AppendixTable 1- Communication Workshop Prompts. The graduate student/post-doc mentors delivered these scenarios verbally to the PROPEL interns,who were asked to
theuniversity staff supporting makerspaces.ReferencesAndrews and Boklage, under review.Creswell, J.W., & Creswell, J.W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches (3rd ed). SAGE Publications.Forest, C. R., Moore, R. A., Jariwala, A. S., Fasse, B. B., Linsey, J., Newstetter, W., & Quintero, C. (2014). The Invention Studio: A University Maker Space and Culture. Advances in Engineering Education, 4(2), n2.Martin, L. (2015). The promise of the maker movement for education. Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER), 5(1), 4.Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook. 3rd.Ogle, J. H., Bolding, C. W
major selected by the institution. Hence these smalladvantages are accumulating to something that is really important: their choice of major and theireventual career path.Bibliography 1. N. V. Mendoza Diaz, S. Y. Yoon, D. A. Trytten and R. Meier, "Development and Validation of the Engineering Computational Thinking Diagnostic for Undergraduate Students," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 133099-133114, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3335931. 2. Noemi V. Mendoza Diaz, Trinidad Sotomayor, Effective teaching in computational thinking: A bias-free alternative to the exclusive use of students’ evaluations of teaching (SETs), Heliyon. Volume 9, Issue 8, 2023, e18997, ISSN 2405-8440, doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e18997
form (Table 2) in the EOP Activity Worksheet todocument the core LO they chose, the reason they selected that LO, and which ABET studentoutcome(s) would be achieved with this LO, as denoted by the orange circle icon and associatednumbers at the end of each LO (see Appendix 2).Step 4: EOP prompted teams to utilize the physical copies of the EOP Framework:Comprehensive Guide to Teaching Core Learning Outcomes [12] for inspiration and ideas forclassroom activities and resources that they could bring into their selected engineering course tointroduce sustainability to students or to suggest their own ideas of activities/assignments.Example activities provided by EOP included a reading and discussion question, a video thatintroduces a
group. The majority of students provided responses on their quiz papers whichclearly demonstrated a failure to embrace the content of the quiz question(s); they would simplyprovide some response so they would get their B. Accordingly, although the source of 10% ofthe final course grade is different for the control and treatment groups, the effect on final coursegrades is at best very minimal.Regular writing assignment in the treatment group The main feature which differentiates the treatment group from the control group is thehomework. With the exception of a few additional problems over the course of the semester,students in the treatment group received the same homework problems as the students in thecontrol group. However, where the
transition using equipment purchased in thelate 1990’s and early 2000’s, the equipment quickly showed that it was not up to the task. The lackof machine controller capability was evident in very slow motions due to low block processingspeeds of the controllers, long wait times for program uploads, insufficient machine memory forlarge program sizes, and very long wait times for on-machine program searches and editing. Thehardware also demonstrated a lack of capability with many short, jerky moves and frozen axismotions. To address these limitations, a new set of machines was recently purchased. A set ofsimilar size vertical spindle CNC mills was purchased. Each of these machines has a moderncontroller with capability for loading, editing, and running
repurposed hot plate from the chemistry lab. A team of students further developed and refined the design throughout winter, spring, and summer 2019. The focus areas of the fall 2019 team will be to add a temperature sensing cover to the solution reservoir. The team will also work toward a user interface system that allows chemistry students to control the operating parameters and collect data without the need to understand MATLAB code.The management of the course for the second half of the term simulates the function of a smallengineering research and development company. Students start the project by reviewing finalreports of previous teams, meeting with their client(s), researching relevant components
long-term goal of this study is to increase the number of flipped lectures gradually and thentransition to fully flipped format. Gathering the evidence based on the student performance hereat Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology would be the greatest proof of the concept forimplementing the flipped format at our university for this course.5 References[1] J. E. Fogarty, "Assessment of flipped classroom in upper-level engineering course," in 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2017.[2] A. Karabulut-Ilgu, S. Yao, P. T. Savolainen, and C. T. Jahren, "A flipped classroom approach to teaching transportation engineering," in 2016 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2016.[3] A. A. Perez-Mejia, "Call It What
/answer make sense? YES NO Explain below List top priorities for improvement: 1. 2. REVIEWER COMMENTS: REVIEWED BY: ___________________________ Initials:_________________________Appendix A Continued: Design Review Form Page 2- adopted from [3]Review the feedback from your classmates. Check the box which corresponds to the quality ofthe reviewer’s feedback: extremely helpful, helpful, not helpful, or missing. Quality of Extremely Helpful Not helpful Missing Feedback Helpful (S=2) (S=1) (S=0) (S=3) I will make the This is good The feedback is not No review
of 5466 articles that discussed “uncertainty” or “error” [8]. This view of error as“unimportant” has deep roots; Salsburg [9] describes a common practice in the 1800’s, One way was to keep the precise mathematical formulas and treat the deviations between the observed values and the predicted values as small, unimportant error. [12, p. 15]Thus, it is common in mathematics to view error as negligible and unimportant. In contrast,statistics as a field of study takes variability as the core object of study [6]. Wild and Pfannkucharticulate the orientation of statisticians towards understanding variability, Statisticians look for sources of variability by looking for patterns and relationships between variables
beforestarting the modeling activity. As mentioned earlier, there is also a tendency for some students to lockinto modeling skills they learn earlier in a course which might bias those students who have fallen behindtowards overusing the sketching tool. As an assignment neither solution would be wrong unless theinstructor gave guidance that would influence use of one over the other e.g. using the simplest sketchespossible favoring Designer 3’s solution or using the fewest features possible favoring Designer 2'ssolution. However, there is value to developing within engineers the skill of planning as opposed tojumping into in a problem without much forethought. Understanding of how these tendencies might playout in a modeling assignment can help
]. Available: https://www.abet.org/wp- content/uploads/2021/09/Guidance-on-Materials-07-12-21.pdf. [Accessed 19 October 2023].[8] W. Hussain, W. Spady, M. T. Naqash, S. Z. Khan, B. A. Khawaja and L. Conner, "ABET Accreditation During and After COVID19 - Navigating the Digital Age," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 218997-219046, 2020.[9] M. G. Green and C. L. File, "PreparingforanOnlineABETVisit," in 2021 ASEE Gulf- Southwest Annual Conference , Waco, TX , 2021.[10] I. Drago, M. Mellia, M. M. Munafo, A. Sperotto, R. Sadre and A. Pras, "Inside dropbox: understanding personal cloud storage services," in IMC '12: Proceedings of the 2012 Internet Measurement Conference, New York, NY, 2012.
sexual identity—intersect with STEM-related areas of inquiry. Using a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives, WGS 250 investigates how STEM fields both shape and are shaped by ideas and assumptions about gender and identity. Topics include feminist critiques of science, intersections of gender with technology design/use, gender and the built environment, and links between gender and “doing” STEM. Learning Outcomes: ● Demonstrate an understanding of core critical concepts in the field(s) of feminist STEM studies, particularly critiques of objectivity, neutrality, and evidence. ● Identify and articulate the mutually constitutive intersections of social categories
tools and concepts. Theexpectation was that the students would be more honest in their assessment of their learning thanin the final reflections where there may have been a tendency to tell the instructor what theywant to hear.The student Self Evaluations and interviews were coded using Saldana’s [33] structural codingapproach, a first cycle coding method with a focus on particular topics relevant to the researchquestions. In this case, Kendall et al.’s [3] definition of engineering leadership provides aframework to evaluate the evidence of the development of engineering leadership competenciesin the course: Engineering Leaders (a) employ the full range of engineering skills and knowledge in the design of socio-technical innovations
, pp. 109-119, 2004.[5] A. J. Nicholas, "Preferred learning methods of generation Z," 2020.[6] K. Moore and R. S. Frazier, "Engineering education for generation Z," American Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE), vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 111-126, 2017.
institutionalizing changes in engineering education. The obstacles thatare concerns across multiple frames might be prioritized in current or future change projectsbecause of their wide-ranging impact. Change agents should employ change models andprocesses that will allow them to consider these obstacles within the context of their projects andinstitutions and identify a response to these challenges.AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank the RED teams for their participation in the RED community ofpractice. This work is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation underGrant No.’s 2317318 and 2317319. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendationsexpressed in the material are those of the authors and do not necessarily