answer morepertinent questions regarding life as a student at our university.Academic, Social Support: Academic and social support starts as soon as students arrive oncampus for the mandatory three day New Student Orientation. During orientation (see figure 8),students are introduced to offices on campus that support their successful transition to theAmerican Educational System, for example, the Registrar’s Office, Tutoring Center, HealthCenter, Counseling Center, Student Financial Services, etc. The CGE is staffed by experiencedprofessionals in the field of international education who serve as Designated School Officials inthe Department of Homeland Security (DHS)’s Student and Exchange Visitor InformationSystem (SEVIS), the immigration
integration of engineering with humanities topics is a natural choice.Some integration is done in an on-campus course [3] with multiple case studies [4], using amodule in a first-year course [5], with virtual interactions with another institution [6], or during asemester-long course with an attached faculty-led component [7].As a supplemental pedagogy, faculty-led trips are especially impactful when students areimmersed in another culture for several weeks, under the guidance of familiar faculty member(s)from their main campus (see [8][9]). During the faculty-led trips, the students will encounter,with first-hand experiences, the differences in how things run, which often spark inquiries onwhat factors have contributed to those phenomena, and these
code. In MATLAB with theimage processing toolbox loaded, that command is imshow(imagename) where “imshow” is thetoolbox command and “imagename” is the variable storing the data for the image that is loadedinto the MATLAB workspace.The first step in developing a method to separate background from object(s) of interest is to lookat the pixel values of different areas in an image. The imtool(imagename) in MATLABproduces an interactive version of the image that lets students see the values for the RGB (RedGreen Blue) levels as well as the X and Y coordinates of a pixel in the image. The figure belowshows an example image using imtool.Figure 2: An image of a glass of colored water against a white background. Using theimtool() command in MATLAB, the
) persist in the relevant literature. For this reason, it isimperative that current and future research regarding minority segments of the population carefullyestablish the definition and constraints of the terminology used and strive to be a consistent aspossible when implementing said terminology. Although the National Science Foundation (NSF)continues to define URMs as “[r]aces or ethnicities whose representation in STEM employmentand S&E education is smaller than their representation in the U.S. population [including] Blacksor African-Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, and American Indians or Alaska Natives” [14], it hasbeen proposed that a more appropriate term would be Historically Marginalized Communities. Itis suggested that “historically
, Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon. New York: W. W. Norton,2023.[3] “Ezra Klein Interviews Will MacAskill,” The New York Times, Aug. 9, 2022. [Online]Available:[4] C. Nelson and S. Peterson, “If You’re an Engineer, You’re Probably a Utilitarian,” Issues inEngineering: Journal of Professional Activities, vol. 108, no. 1, pp. 13-18.[5] K. Huang, “Why Did FTX Collapse? Here’s What to Know,” The New York Times, Nov. 10,2022. [Online] Available:[6] E. Brown, “New CEO Says FTX Suffered ‘Complete Failure of Corporate Controls,’” TheWall Street Journal, Nov. 17
and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, 2016.[14] E. Cooney, S. Deal, A. McNeely, and H. Chaubey, “Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Project to Create Musical Effect Box,” in 2019 Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, 2019 CIEC, New Orleans, LA, February 2019.[15] E. Bezzam, A. Hoffet, and P. Prandoni, "Teaching Practical DSP with Off-the-shelf Hardware and Free Software, "2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK, 2019, pp. 7660-7664.[16] Y. Lin and T.D. Morton, “A Microcontroller-based DSP Laboratory Curriculum Paper,” in 2017 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 2017.[17] K.D. Coonley and J. Miles
at live Q&A sessions using chat and polling features, where S =(live Q&A sessions) and P = (student polling events).The results from using the chat forum were positive and consistent. A total of 73 questions andcomments were typed across S1-S3 with two instances of 25 occurring as the high. Bycomparison, Cohort 2021 had a total of 8 questions and comments with 4 as the high [7]; asignificant improvement on the order of nine times. The results of the polling were also positive.The responses peaked at 78 students (82% participation) in Poll 2, followed by a steady decreasedown to 62 students (65% participation) in Poll 4. No obvious trend emerges when multiple pollsare used between Cohort 2022 and Cohort 2021. However, the
.[5] A. Zengilowski, J. Lee, R.E. Gaines, H. Park, E. Choi, D.L. Schallert, “The collectiveclassroom “we”: The role of students’ sense of belonging on their affective, cognitive, anddiscourse experiences of online and face-to-face discussions,” Linguistics and Education, Feb2023, 73, pp101-142.[6] K. Rainey, M. Dancy, R. Mickelson, E. Stearns, & S. Moller, “Race and gender differences inhow sense of belonging influences decisions to major in STEM,” International journal of STEMEducation, 2018, 5, 1-14.[7] S.L. Rodriguez, J.M. Blaney, “We’re the unicorns in STEM”: Understanding how academicand social experiences influence sense of belonging for Latina undergraduate students,” Journalof Diversity in Higher Education, 2021, 14(3).[8] C
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Female Neuro Food Tour Min Lab S T E M IED POE DE CEA CSP CSE 12 X X X X X 2 4 1 3 1 2 3 12 X
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forthe completion of this project are mentioned and gave a total sales figure of $834 USD. Table #2: Single Level Bill of MaterialsThe utilization of the heating cartridges in the design is so that the plastic sheet press can provideheat to the PLA in the mold so that it can soften. Figure #1: DERNORD Immersion Cartridge Heater with 240V & 500WTo convert rotational motion into linear motion, the usage of the linear actuators helps themachine press and apply the pressure of the plate into the mold for shaping. Figure #2: DC HOUSE 12 Inch 12" High Speed 14mm/s Linear Actuator MotorThe Arduino board will be programmed to control the movement of the linear actuators that
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sustainability.Environmental Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Engineering, Science, and Technologyis pending approval. This course invites students to explore the intersection(s) betweenengineering, technology, science, the environment, human health and welfare, and social justice.Students will critically examine how the practice and application of engineering solutions cancontribute to (and potentially alleviate) societal inequality, thus affecting the resilience andsustainability of our ecosystem. Students will undertake a rigorous examination of circumstancesoutside of their lived experiences in relation to the natural environment. This course will besubmitted for approval as a General Education course in the Sustainability Theme.Additions to the
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inclusion, and educational equity.IntroductionEngineering Education, Invention, and Intellectual Property Education are not only compatiblebut necessary to each other. This paper documents the intertwined story of the United StatesPatent and Trademark Office’s outreach into grades P-12 STEM education and one engineeringeducator’s efforts to include Invention and Intellectual Property Education in a high schoolengineering curriculum that she was mandated to construct, and how the resulting relationshipbrought benefits to both.The Story of the USPTO’s Engagement with STEM EducationWhile the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has been doing K-20 outreach since at least theearly 1980's, the USPTO’s U.S. Office of Education (OE) was not officially
. In Section 5, we providebrief descriptions of the concepts behind four (4) newly created and tested WPA3 lab exercises.Finally, Section 6 engages in a discussion, encompassing our students’ observations, and sugges-tions for qualitative assessment of the lab instructions, the concepts they are based on, along withour conclusions and potential future steps.2 Our ProjectIn this section, we outline the project’s opportunity, goal, objectives, and the proposed solution.The overarching objective of this endeavor is to seamlessly integrate WPA3’s wireless personaland enterprise security mode, as defined by [1], into our existing Information Technology (IT)undergraduate curriculum. Specifically tailored for juniors and seniors majoring in IT, the
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