adecade. Every accredited program should evaluate the achievement of the educational objectivesand program outcomes and apply its result towards the continuous improvement of the program.For the continuous improvement of the program, it is necessary for the engineering professors tounderstand the pedagogy and to explore the practice of teaching. The creation of a courseportfolio would provide faculty with such an opportunity. The process of creating a courseportfolio furnishes professors with the reflection of teaching in classroom and affects to improvethe Korean engineering education quality. Prior to the ABEEK’s requiring course portfolios as an element in accreditation evaluation,faculty members in most Korean engineering
engineering ethics education in Korea is to bepresented in the paper. Various courses handling ethical issues in many universities areto be discussed. And international cooperation between JSEE and KSEE on engineeringethics education will be discussed. It is only a beginning in Korea, however, due toABEEK accreditation, i.e., ethics outcome and due to societal needs to educateengineering students with responsible, critical and reflective ethical thinking capability,engineering ethics education will be emphasized greatly in Korea and further variousaction including government financial support will be developed to improve currenteducation system. Page 17.13.2
way thatwe face solving the NAE 21st Century Engineering Grand Challenges, which are notably linkedto our interactions with the world‘s citizens.HSTEAP Professional Development Design and CurriculumUpon assessment and reflection of prior years of HSTEAP professional development, LSU‘sOffice for Diversity Programs leveraged the strengths of the program and included newapproaches to evolve the program to further enrich engineering education. Three priorities andstrengths of Year (YR)1 and YR2 professional development and curriculum were to 1) exciteand empower teachers and students through high quality, design- and project-based STEMeducation 2) attract diverse student populations to the STEM fields and expand the STEMpipeline, and 3) provide
value.Shallow forward inferencing was credited to the student if the student selected a Forces or Moment equation that could immediately yield a value for a variable in the problem (the firstcriterion above) but one or more of the other criteria was lacking.The following predictions were made for this study: IIT-KGP students would show relatively strong evidence of deep forward inferencing deep forward inferencing is a sufficient, but not necessary, marker of problem solving ability deep forward inferencing would be associated with high ability, as reflected in cumulative grade-point averages (GPA).The reasoning for these predictions is as follows. The first prediction was made because thestringent admission standards
both. Increasingly, debates around quality and adherence todifferent development goals, economies, and technology widely-accepted standards serve to create a consensus aroundenvironments all lead to and indicate different purposes for how much theory and how much practice is needed in theeducation. Some nations built their engineering training engineering curriculum. Accreditation efforts and increasedsystems to serve a more vocational/technical focus, while connectivity between training programs reflect broader pushesothers focus on practical, R&D preparation, and still others for more national education standards in general and coherencefocus on scientific training of advanced
% Deviation from target 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% TME1023 MCS2023 TIE2063 TIE2093 MCS2323 The general conclusion from the table and the data is that the target score for the objectives were generally met and exceeded in all the courses. A question could be raised when the actual score exceed the target score significantly, Such as in TIE20263 where the actual achievement exceeded the target by 22.5%. The argument could be that either the target score does not reflect the level of mastery required or the test tools do not explore the missing skills of the students. It is recommended that when there is this kind of significant deviation from the target, whether the
. This aspect is nonexistent in traditional training modules.The involvement with the faculty members begins with a 5 day workshop. Thecomponents of the workshop are: 1. High Impact Teaching Skills - To help faculty create impact on students by synchronizing their verbal, vocal and visual presentation skills- Facilitated by Dale Carnegie University. 2. Innovative Teaching Techniques - Facilitating active learning and developing reflective practitioners. 3. Methods to implement innovation in engineering classrooms - Eclectic pedagogical framework through Mission10X Learning Approach (MxLA) Page 17.36.4
conversation to talk about observations andideas based on the video. This was highly appreciated by the participants.Data Acquisition and AnalysisIn order to analyze the impact of the various FDPs conducted in association with Texas A&M,feedback from the ninety participants of the FDPs was requested to have a database to facilitatefuture activities. One-fifth of the FDP participants responded to the questionnaire that asked:(a) To what extent had participants incorporated learning outcomes for their courses and reflections about applying learning outcomes in teaching–learning processes?(b) To what extent had participants incorporated ‘active and cooperative learning methodologies’ and reflections on its application?(c) To what extent had
the instructor well. One-third said it was more difficult than expected. Studentsliked the communication in the classroom highlighting the introductions, the relaxed and activeatmosphere, and interaction between teacher and students. About half the class cited Englishlanguage problems as a challenge. Some students admitted that they had forgotten some materialfrom the previous circuits class so had trouble with the in-class problems. Reflections from theinstructor, assistant instructors and administrators showed that the teaching method wasappealing to the students and that the students were able to actively participate in the activelearning activities.IntroductionActive learning is well established as an effective pedagogy in many parts of
curriculum would provide juniors atUSAFA with the opportunity to get more hands-on satellite design, build, and test experienceusing CubeSats developed at AFIT. In comparison, USAFA currently provides their juniors ahands-on experience during a two-day lab with a pre-fabricated satellite kit. This paperevaluates curriculum changes that would allow undergraduate students the opportunity to create,test, and learn from their own satellite designs and evaluates the groundwork for thedevelopment of this labor intensive and challenging curriculum at the undergraduate level.Key words: Satellite Design, Hands-on Curriculum, Hardware Build and Test* The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy
simulated, computer based 2experience. The workshop provides the ability to delve into a topic and learnto dissect the information for mass consumption. It exemplifies the importance ofbeing able to present effectively on scientific material to a general audience.d) Effective assessment methods to determine quality and improve the learnngprocess- Assessment plays a key role in how teachers teach and how students learn.Effective assessment should take account of different learning styles, be consistent inits approach, involve students and take account of their opinions and shareinformation across departments.Benefits of assessment for teachers - reflect
Universities, Industries and the Government and can expedite the collaboration processes. Project competitions and Conferences and Seminars can facilitate this overcoming of limitations of Formal Education.3.0 Conclusion: Transformation of an Engineering Student to a Global Engineer is much needed to reflect the challenges and opportunities of the unprecedented changes World-Wide. The constraints and barriers that Engineering Education operates in should not be allowed to reduce the pace of this transformation. Professional Societies, through International Collaborations can become key enablers in embedding this dimension at all levels of Engineering education.References : 1. Profile of
students takethe same liberal arts requirements as all other students on campus. In most U.S. universities,engineering students take fewer liberal arts courses and thus have standard patterns of 4 years.At USD, about half of the students graduate in 4.5 years, one-quarter in four years (if they camein with advanced placement credit and took summer courses) and the other one-quarter in fiveyears (including students in the Navy Reserve Officer Training Core (NROTC) who haveadditional coursework requirements). The unique BS/BA reflects the USD EngineeringDepartment’s commitment to have students experience “extensive technical education and the Page