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2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Kyle V. Moses; W. Michael Petullo
as nmap, the de facto correspondence between transport-layer Application ports and services, and how to manage the robust composition Apply 3 Comprehension and operation of existing network products. Understand 2 Knowledge Remember 1 III. S HORTCOMINGS IN COMPUTER SECURITY EDUCATION What is limiting in the studies described above is that eachFig
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Adel Setoodehnia; Andrew Pantaleo
. ( ) (12)Fn=mc×g where g is equal to 9.8 m/s^2 (3)Fk=Fn×μ (4) In order to calculate the distance travelled, break up the calculations into the two distinct parts of the movement. In theThe next thing to figure out is the spring constant of the spring first part for the full travel of the mousetrap lever arm, thein the mouse traps. To do this use a spring scale on the lever kinematics equations can be used. Since the awh, vo and tavg arearm that is attached to both mouse traps and a protractor to known, the distance for the first part can be calculated usingmeasure the angle that
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
F.T. Fisher; R.S. Besser; K. Sheppard; C.H. Choi; E.H. Yang
1 An Approach for Introducing Concepts of Nanotechnology within the Undergraduate Curriculum F.T. Fisher, R. S. Besser, K. Sheppard, C.-H. Choi, and E.H. Yang Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ 07030 Abstract - While developing countries such as India and China than 20% from 1983 to 1999, and according to the Scienceare producing unprecedented numbers of engineers and and Engineering Indicators this
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Mahmoud Elsayed; Paul Cotae
for the so-called practical spreading, and 10𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑎(𝑓) isIn the above relation k is a spreading factor: k = 2 forspherical spreading, k = 1 for cylindrical spreading, and k = factor in the frequency region of 100Hz - 100 kHz 10𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑁 𝑤 (𝑓) = 50 + 7.5𝑤^(1/2) + 20𝑙𝑜𝑔(𝑓) − where wind speed given by m/s
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Matuga Obed; Guangming Chen
treatment which maybe life threatening and requirecycle time in the ED system, the study uses lean immediate attention.manufacturing principles to eliminate wasted Emergency Departments (ED)s play antime. It also uses design of experiments (mixed important role to patient’s treatment cycle. Forfactorial design method) to figure out sensitive decades the EDs have provided communitiesvariable interactions in the system.Manuscript submitted October 17, 2014. This work with emergency care and access to health carewas supported in part by an emergency department. services
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Xuejun Qian; Seong W. Lee
, the wallhas more significant effects on the total energy consumption thanthe window. Fig. 14 Contour Plot for Total Energy Consumptions [5] Energy statistics in this roadmap come from the IEA energy balances, IEA Energy Efficiency Indicators Database, and the IEA Buildings Model unless otherwise stated, 2013. [6] Im, Piljae, S. Cho , J. H., “Literature Review On Under floor Air
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
L. Simon
influences of key membrane/drug properties on the release kinetics. REFERENCES [1] Srinivasan, R., Doiron, G. and Song, M. (2004). Helping students relate classroom theory to practice in industry: Design considerations for web- based simulations. CDTL Brief, 7(5), May 2004, Singapore. [2] Vidal, O. de los S
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Sadan Kulturel-Konak; Abdullah Konak; Gül E. Okudan Kremer; Ivan E. Esparragoza
intervention and/or curriculum [19] R. Wageman, J. R. Hackman, and E. Lehman, "Team Diagnostic Survey:adjustments to reach the desired learning outcomes and Development of an Instrument," The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, vol. 41, p. 373, 2005.competencies. The overall goal of this work was to show the [20] S. Matsuura, "An Evaluation Method of Project Based Learning onapplication of MDL as the core of a modular assessment system Software Development Experiment," SIGCSE Bulletin, vol. 38, pp. 163-for professional skill attainment. With the included empirical
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Abdullah Konak; Jungwoo Ryoo; Sadan Kulturel-Konak
growing field of information security. VCLs are being used to enhance A. Konak and S. Kulturel-Konak are with the Division of Engineering, student learning in various ways. In fields such as informationBusiness, and Computing, Penn State Berks. security, where hands-on experimentation with different com- J. Ryoo is with the Division of Business, Engineering, Information Sciencesand Technology, Penn State Altoona. puter operating systems is extremely important, VCLs are used to give students the skills
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Velma Latson; Lethia Jackson; Courtney Lamar; Daryl Stone
the Department ofcourses (MOOCs) at Historically Black Colleges and Computer Science at Bowie State University. The goal ofUniversities (HBCUs). Bowie State University, a this course is to enhance critical thinking, logic, problemHBCU, in collaboration with University System of solving, and computational thinking in Non-STEMMaryland and Ithaka S+R participated in a study majors without prior knowledge and experience insupported by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates computer programming. This course is offered in theFoundation. The study was to determine how general education program and covers html, computereffective
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Tristan Ericson; Scott Kiefer
of this This work was submitted for review to be presented at the ASEE Mid- S. Kiefer is with York College of Pennsylvania, York, PA 17403 USA.Atlantic Fall 2014 Conference on October 3, 2014. (email: T. Erison is with York College of Pennsylvania, York, PA 17403 USA.(email: students in their design notebook along with their assigned B. Graded Milestonesgrade. Each student was also required to individually produce Several project milestones, with task completion dates, wereone written report at the midpoint of each semester, and a final given to each project subgroup at the beginning of eachreport at the end of each semester. As a subgroup, students
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Seri Park
knowledge obtained in CEE 3705 is To meet these identified needs, CEE 3705 Engineeringsignificantly applied in many senior-level courses and notably Economics is newly designed by following three modules presented in Section III. S. Park is with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering atVillanova University, PA 19085, USA (phone: 610-519-3307, 2 III. MODULES SETTING discussing the public agencies
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Pritpal Singh; Maria Virginia Moncada
projects are proceeding relativelywell by working around many of these issues. Some changes are being considered for the nextround of projects based on the lessons learned from the experiences executing the program for thefirst time. Details of the changes to the program to make the projects run more smoothly will bepresented at a future conference.References[1] P. Singh, S. Kulkarni, E. Keech, R. McDermott-Levy, and J. Klingler, “Progress on Making Healthcare more accessible to Rural Communities in Waslala, Nicaragua, using Low-Cost Telecommunications, IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (Seattle, WA), Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2011[2] P. Singh, R. McDermott-Levy, E. Keech, B. Mariani, J. Klingler and M.V. Moncada, “Challenges and
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Carla D. Wheaden 2where ni represents the number of cycles a structure Table I. ANOVA Resultsexperiences of a stress at level i, and Ni is the number of Source DF Seq SS Adj SS Adj MS F Pcycles at stress level i that a structure can experience before Month 11 3160.6 2370.0 215.5 1.49 0.143failure, taken from the S-N curve of the
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
JERRY-DARYL FLETCHER; LeeRoy Bronner; Yacob Astatke
S tudies show that the demand for professionals in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields is increasing, with a projected increase of 11.35% [1]. Here inEngineering Education (ASEE) cataloged several strategies the U.S., the jobs of the future are STEM and the demand forand practices for retaining engineering and technologystudents in American universities, however, none of the professionals in STEM fields is projected to outpace the supplyinstitutions were a
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Shanelle M. Harris; LeeRoy Bronner
2000.implementation phase can begin. Implementation is the 4. J. Wood and D. Silver. Joint Application Development. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1995.process of construction and installation of the system design. 5. Curtis H. K. Tsang, Clarence S. W. Lau, and Ying K. Leung. Object-In some circles this process is call the “roll-out” or placing the Oriented Technology 3rd ed. London, McGraw-Hill, 2005.system in production. This production system can be a 6. G. Spark. Systems. Enterprise Architect (EA) Software .EAP File UML.sociological system in a community or an educational system Internet: http
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Hong Li; Ashwin Satyanarayana
Information Technology. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.[5] CURTIS, K.K. 1983. Computer manpower: Is there a crisis? National Science Foundation, Washington D.C. Available at[6] DEVON, R., BILEN, S., MCKAY, A., DE PENNINGTON, A., SERRAFERO, P., AND SIERRA, J.S. 2004. Integrated design: what knowledge is of most worth in engineering design education? International Journal of Engineering Education 20:3, 424-432.[7] DIAMOND, R. 1998. Designing and Assessing Courses and Curricula: A Practical Guide, 5th Edition. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, CA.[8] DUTTA D., GEISTER, D.E., AND TRYGGVASON, G. 2004. Introducing hands-on experiences
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Ruth Ochia P.E.
expertise to cover each of theBIOE courses that we have selected for each of the sevenpathways We feel that the recent modifications to the current programwill make the bioengineering curriculum more accessible tostudents transferring in from other engineering disciplines andother colleges within Temple, as well as, transfer engineeringstudents from other universities. Arranging our curriculum tomore closely match those of other engineering departments inthe first year and making the proposed changes will more 4 Ruth S. Ochia received the B.S. degree in biomedical engineering from The Johns Hopkins University
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Holly T. Frederick
students. These As students enter their junior level in an undergraduatetechniques start with the fundamental applications like engineering program, they still have many fundamentalBloom’s Taxonomy which was developed by Benjamin pieces to learn in their chosen discipline yet they mustBloom in 1956. He identified a pyramid of intellectual develop the higher level skills that are important forbehavior that helps to establish different levels of learning [1]. practicing engineers. The students must continually revisitIn the 1990’s this pyramid of taxonomy was revised from a the base of the taxonomy as they learn new concepts
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Lethia Jackson; Courtney Lamar; Quincy Brown; Velma Latson
their grade level. This was quite those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those ofimpressive and showed that the teachers’ confidence levels the funding organizations.with using the various technologies had significantly REFERENCES[1] L. Blum and T. J. Cortina, “CS4HS: An Outreach Program for High School CS Teachers,” in Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2007, pp. 19–23.[2] A. Bruckman, M. Biggers, B. Ericson, T. McKlin, J. Dimond, B. DiSalvo, M. Hewner, L. Ni, and S. Yardi, “’Georgia computes!’: Improving the Computing Education Pipeline” in Proceedings of the 40th SIGCSE
2014 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
James Solderitsch
. The Texas Instruments devices have on-board accelerometer and light level sensors. This detailed view is shown in Figure 4(a) 5. CONTIKI THINGSQUARE CLOUD where we are looking at the device PFP-2. PLATFORM The Device Info view has been scrolled down to expose many ofFigure 3(a) shows the current (fall 2014) Thingsquare platform PFP-2's variables. The actual variables defined for a device willstatus screen that offers a complete development and monitoring vary based on the firmware version and past usage. From here allenvironment for inexpensive Thingsquare