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- 2007 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
- Authors
Therese Andeme; James Ngeru; S. Keith Hargrove
1 A DISCRETE-EVENT SIMULATION MODEL FOR THE RE-DESIGN OF ARECONFIGURABLE FACTORY TESTBED IN MANUFACTURING Therese Andeme, James Ngeru, S. Keith Hargrove Reconfigurable Factory Testbed Department of Industrial, Manufacturing and Information Engineering, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD 212511. INTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundThe Reconfigurable Factory Testbed (RFT) is a valuable comprehensive platform for research,development, education, validation and transfer of Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS)concepts [8]. The current developed hardware
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- 2007 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
- Authors
V. Genis; W. Rosen; R. Chiou; W. Danley; J. Milbrandt; G. Marekova; S. Racz; T. Kitchener; B. LaVay
1 Laboratory- and Project-Based Courses in the Engineering Technology Curriculum V. Genis, W. Rosen, R. Chiou, W. Danley, J. Milbrandt, G. Marekova, S. Racz, T. Kitchener, and B. LaVay Goodwin College of Professional Studies, Drexel University Philadelphia, PA 19104AbstractDrexel University’s Goodwin College of Professional Studies has offered a co-op-based AppliedEngineering Technology (AET) major since 2002. The program comprises three concentrations inElectrical, Mechanical, and Industrial Engineering
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- 2007 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
- Authors
Yan H. Huang; Seong W. Lee
students will design the experiment with purpose. The students need to take some courses like statistics, thermodynamics, experimental design etc. so that they can analyze the observed data in a more accurate way. Reference:1. National Research Council. “Engineering Undergraduate Education.” Nation Academy Press. Washington, D.C. pp. 8-15. 1986.2. Albrecht, H., and etc. (2002), Laser Doppler and Phase Doppler Measurement Techniques. Springer-Verlag Publishing.3. S. M. Maasutani,(1997). Laboratory Experiments to Simulate CO 2 Ocean Disposal.4. Albrecht, H., and etc., Laser Doppler and Phase Doppler Measurement Techniques, Springer-Verlag Publishing, December, 2002.5. Chukwulebe, B.Q. and S. Lee, “Laser-Based Investigation of
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- 2007 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
- Authors
Fred John; Seong W. Lee
Center, AL 35812,10 June 1988[2] Lee, S. and Y. Liu, “Investigation of Gas/Particle Flows in a Gaseous Fluidized Bed Using Laser-basedParticle Image Velocimetry”, in the Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop / Symposium on ParticleImage Velocimetry, Santa Barbara, CA, 1999, pp.689-694.[3] Lee, S. and Y. Liu, A. Willoughby, and D. Doss “Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis on aFan-based Model & Results Validation by the Laser-based Particle Image Velocimetry”, in the Proceedingsof CFX North American User Conference, pp. 201-205, Pittsburgh, PA, May 6-9, 2002.[4] Particle Image Velocimetry User Manual, TSI Inc., 1999.[5] Lee, S., and Y. Liu, “Modeling of the Transient Particle Velocity Distribution in the Fluidized BedCombustor (FBC
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- 2007 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
- Authors
Keith M. Gardiner
5This course attracted enrollment of employees from nearby A.T. & T. (formerly Western Electric) andsubsequently Lucent (now Agere/LSI) and from a Ford/Visteon plant that was just in the planning stagesin 1987. In the mid-nineties the semiconductor industry was in the throes of debates about wafer sizes(forecasts going to 300mm.) and the projected high costs of building new s-c fabrications plants (fabs). Itwas decided to assign students in MSE496 with the task of developing a product/process forecast as thebasis for making an estimate of the costs and potential output for a 300mm. wafer fab projected to beoperational in 2001. There were sufficient numbers of students to assign teams with responsibility foreach process sector; diffusion
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- 2007 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
- Authors
JungHun Choi; Wes Grebski
. Proceedings of the 2007 Middle Atlantic Section Fall Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education 4References[1] Alabanese M., “Problem-Based Learning: why curricular are likely to show little effect on knowledge and clinical skills,” Medical education, Vol. 34, No.9, 2000, P.729.[2] Alabanese M., & Mitchell, S. “Problem-based learning: a review of literature on its outcomes and implementation issues,” Academic Medicine, Vol. 68, 1993, No. 1.[3] K. Sheppard and B. Gallois, “Implementation of technogenesis in the undergraduate engineering curriculum,” proceedings of the 2002 ASEE/SEFI/TUB colloquium
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- 2007 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
- Authors
Paul Stanton; Duane Fairfax
Technical Courses: Procedures, Pitfalls, and Payoffs,” ERICDocument Reproduction Service Report ED 377038, (1994).8. Cooper, J., Prescott, S., Cook, L., Smith, L., Mueck, R., “Cooperative Learning and College Instruction: EffectiveUse of Student Learning Teams,” California State University Foundation, 1990. Proceedings of the 2007 Middle Atlantic Section Fall Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education