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2006 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
LeeRoy Bronner; Olusola Laniyi
in theconceptual model are mapped to concrete classes, to abstract interfaces in application programinterface (APIs) and to roles that the objects take in various situations. The interfaces and theirimplementations for stable concepts can be made available as reusable services. Conceptsidentified as unstable in object-oriented analysis will form basis for policy classes that makedecisions, implement environment-specific or situation specific logic or algorithms [6] Ite r a te O n A n a ly s is P r o b le m D e fin itio nC la r ify D e fin itio n OOA
2006 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
approaches to rationale refer to processes in which the goal of the DR is to describethe thinking process that the system designer(s) utilize. Alternatively, prescriptive approaches areaimed at improving the design process by improving the reasoning process of the systemdesigners [1]. Also, the extent to which the method of DR capture intrudes in the design process isa characterizing feature. Most of the DR approaches are of the intrusive nature, though over thepast 15 years there has been extensive research done to find less intrusive ways of capturing andformalizing DR [7]. This work in reducing the intrusiveness of DR is being done in an attemptreduce the overhead involved with capturing and utilizing DR, and make it much more intuitiveto
2006 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
E. N. Bart; J. Kisutcza
the 2006 Mid-Atlantic Section Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education” 3More recently a keynote lecture was presented in August of 2006 at Karlovy University inPrague, dealing with binary batch distillation3. These have been generated for systems not havingany azeotropes. Batch distillation is time dependant. The programs for both constant reflux ratiodistillation and constant distillate composition were animated.The use of the McCabe4-Thiele method and the Ponchon5-Savarit6 for solving binary distillationproblems in Chemical Engineering have a long history going back to the early 1920 ‘s
2006 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Bert Davy; Indranil Goswami; Jiang Li; Gbekeloluwa Oguntimein; Charles Oluokun; Arcadio Sincero
” acknowledges that tapping the potential in “previously underutilized groups” will becritical for sustaining the technological lead the U.S. enjoys throughout the world (NSF, 2006).National concern has been expressed about the status of the U. S. science and engineering base-specifically the human talent, knowledge and infrastructure that generate innovations andundergird technological advances to achieve national objectives. Analyses have shown that theremay be a significant shortage in the entry level science and engineering labor pool, and thatscientific and technical fields could be significantly affected. Demographic data also show afuture with proportionately fewer young people and a work force comprised of growing numbersof minorities and the
2006 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
José L. Torres; Vijendra Agarwal
dispel the notion that excellent teaching is incompatiblewith first-rate research.” It is also important that the institutions, particularly PUIs, mustreview its reward and faculty tenure/promotion structures to incorporate due recognition forfaculty efforts in mentoring undergraduate students7.Bibliography1. C. A. Merkel, Undergraduate Research at Six Research Universities: A Pilot Study for the Association of American Universities, May 1, 20012. B.A. Nagda et al, Undergraduate student-faculty research partnership affect student retention, Rev. Higher Ed., 1998 (22) 55-723. R.S. Hathaway, B. Nagda and S. Gregerman, The relationship of undergraduate research participation to graduate and professional education pursuit: an empirical study
2006 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
Edward W. Chandler; Robert A. Strangeway; Owe G. Petersen
algebra-based physics of mechanics course is followed by a calculus-based staticsand dynamics course(s), then the topics of concern clearly are covered on a calculus basis. Asimilar argument can be made for electromagnetics. In fact, the conceptual basis ofelectromagnetics topics that is typically covered in the context of capacitor and inductoroperation in electric circuits courses has been the prerequisite for three calculus-basedelectromagnetics/transmission lines courses in the Electrical Engineering Technology program atMSOE for several years. The authors contend that the sciences must be eventually covered on acalculus basis, whether in calculus-based physics courses or subsequently in advanced courses,for the adequate preparation of
2006 Fall ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference
LeeRoy Bronner; Peter Kazanzides; AmenRa Mashariki; Paul Domingo; Pauline Pelletier; Trevor Thomas