of Marshall Scholars. He was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire by Queen Elizabeth in 2001.Dr. Sergey V Vasilev, Yaroslavl State UniversityMr. Ivan FedorovProf. Alexander S. SigovDr. Yakov E. Cherner, ATEL, LLC Dr. Yakov E. Cherner, a Founder and President of ATEL, LLC, taught science, engineering and technology disciplines to high school, college and university students. He has extensive experience in writing curric- ula and developing educational software and efficient instructional strategies. Dr. Cherner introduced an innovative concept of multi-layered simulation-based conceptual teaching of science and technology. He also proposed and implemented the pioneering concept of integrated customizable
mechanisms.However, little agreement exists regarding how to assess the effects of global engineeringeducation or, relatedly, on the scale and type of global engineering mechanisms needed to meetcompetency goals. Analysis of recent PEOs from 48 programs in 36 institutions (235 PEOs total)suggests an almost complete lack of attention to global competence: the PEOs analyzed includethe words global, international or world less than 7% of the time. The word culture or culturalwas not present.Recently, Jesiek, Shen, and Haller (2012) proposed that the Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale-Short form (MGUDS-S), originally designed to assess cross-culturalcompetency, can also be used as one method to assess the global competency of engineeringstudents and
Page 20.26.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Internationalization and Civil Engineering Program InnovationAbstractIn the early 1990’s, the Department of Civil Engineering and Construction (CEC) at BradleyUniversity developed strategic objectives to introduce internationalization to our students andcurriculum. Initially, four objectives for the CEC Global Explorer Program were outlined: 1) tosend students abroad for study either for a short mini-semester or full semester; 2) persuadeinternational students to come to Bradley; 3) embark on a faculty exchange; and 4) to fosterinternational research exchange between the CEC department and
Engineering Education 94(1), 131-146.4. Dickrell, D. (2012). “Applying Distance Education Technologies to a Large-Scale Engineering Mechanics Course,” 119th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings (San Antonio), session T518.5. Krute, L. (2012). “Distance Education Partnerships,” 119th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference Proceedings, session M614.6. Long, J.M., Joordens, M.A. and Littlefair, G. (2014). “Engineering Distance Education At Deakin University Australia,” to be presented at the IACEE 14th World Conference for Continuing Engineering Education, Stanford University, 24-27 June.7. Palmer, S, and Bray, S.L (2002). “On- and off-campus Student Persistence and Academic
study will be conducted in the future by theauthor in order to capture multiple influential factors and investigate the effectiveness of remotelaboratories more profoundly.References1. Bal, M. Virtual manufacturing laboratory experiences for distance learning course in engineering technology. Paper session presented at the meeting of 2012 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, United States, June 2012.2. Fujita, J. S. T., Cassaniga, R. F., And Fernandez, F. J. R. Remote laboratory. In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. Rio. de Janeiro, Brazil. 1104–1106, 2003.3. Yoo, S. And Hovis, S. Technical symposium on computer science education. In Proceedings of the 35th
: Successful Collaborations to Improve High School Student Achievement” Accessed on 3/10/2014 from Los Angeles County Office of Education http://apep.gseis.ucla.edu/bestla/BEST-InsideSchlUnivPartnerships.pdf 7. Ing, M., Huang, P., LaCombe, N., Martinez-Lopez, Y., and Haberer, E. D., 2012, “Creating Opportunities for Reflection: Analyzing Middle School Student Work During a Service-Learning Course on Solar Cells”, International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, Spring 2012 8. Bagiati, A., Yoon, S. Y., Evangelou, D., and Ngmabeki, I., 2010, “Engineering Curricula in Early Education: Describing the Landscape of Open Resources”, Journal of Early Childhood
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(3), 16-21. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.libraries.wright.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?dire ct=true&db=bth&AN=88397921&site=ehost-liveAtkinson, P., & Nicholls, L. (2013). Demystifying lean culture change' and continuous improvement. (cover story). Management Services, 57(3), 10-15. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.libraries.wright.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?dire ct=true&db=bth&AN=90521885&site=ehost-liveBalzer, W. (2010), Lean higher education - increasing the value and performance of university processes. New York, New York: Taylor and Francis Group.Chopra, S., & Meindl, P. (2013). Supply chain management : Strategy, planning, and
perspective, our design leveraged the principles of radianttemperature control, first pioneered by the Romans, and the concept of the roof-pond coolingsystem, born out of the University of Nebraska during the environmental movement of the1970’s. The team coupled these technologies and designed a unique system that passivelychills the concrete walls during the cooling season. Thermal energy in the form of radiation isabsorbed in the high-mass walls throughout the day, and stored. The system makes use of thecapillary tubes – already embedded in the walls for curing the concrete (i.e. multi-usecomponent) – as a vessel to circulate thermal fluid. The capillary tubes provide a vesselthrough which to circulate water and expel stored heat (a.k.a radiant
engineeringchallenges and be successful professionals contributing postitively to the global community. Page 20.12.9AcknowledgementThe author wishes to acknowledge the participation and support by various hospitals and medicaldevice companies in Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, Singapore, France, Canada and Germanyfor hosting co-op/internships. The author expresses his thanks to H. C. Lord Fund at WIT, RachelKeen, Adityen Sudhakaran and Adam Paczuski for assistance in the manuscript, and numerousstudent participants.References1. Luzzi, David E. "Beyond the Classroom." ASEE PRISM. ProQuest Central, 20 Dec. 2010.2. E. S. Sovilla. “Co-op's 90-Year Odyssey
product deliverables work out. We plan to report on this at a futureconference.AcknowledgementsThe authors gratefully acknowledge the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliancefor funding of this project. The authors also thank the Deans of the College of Engineering andthe Villanova School of Business for supporting travel to Nicaragua to deliver the January 2014entrepreneurship workshop to UNI students.References[1] P. Singh, S. Kulkarni, E. Keech, R. McDermott-Levy, and J. Klingler, “Progress on Making Healthcare more accessible to Rural Communities in Waslala, Nicaragua, using Low-Cost Telecommunications, IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (Seattle, WA), Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 2011[2] P. Singh, R. McDermott-Levy, E
the early 1990’s andresponded most notably through Boeing’s list of “Desired Attributes of an Engineer” 1. ABETresponded to the needs of industry and, in 1996, the Engineering Accreditation Commissionapproved the student learning outcomes for the Engineering Criteria 2000. The eleven studentoutcomes, commonly referred to as “a thru k”, are comprised of six technical skills and fiveprofessional skills 2. The National Academy of Engineering developed a similar list of attributesfor engineers that included additional skills such as leadership and creativity3. Thus, the 21stcentury engineer should be someone with a sound understanding of engineering fundamentals,have a systems approach to engineering design and problem solving, a natural
Appropriate Technology, 2013 Masters Thesis.Mortenson Center for Engineering in Developing Communities, CU Boulder(8) Bitler, M., & Haider, S. J. “An Economic View of Food Deserts in the United States.Understanding the Economic Concepts and Characteristics of Food Access” Department ofAgriculture-Economic Research Service (USDA-ERS) 2009(9) City-Data. Westwood neighborhood in Denver, Colorado (CO), 80219 detailed profile.Visited October 2012. .(10) Re:Vision International. Our Impact. Visited October 2012. Page 20.38.6.Page 20.38.7
Paper ID #11027Enabling Extensive Numerical Problem Solving on Smartphones and TabletsDr. Michael B. Cutlip, University of Connecticut Michael B. Cutlip is an Emeritus Professor within the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Depart- ment at the University of Connecticut and has served as department head and director of the university’s Honors Program. He has B. Ch. E. and M. S. degrees from Ohio State and a Ph. D. from the University of Colorado. He has been the Chair and National Program Chair for the ASEE Chemical Engineering Division plus he co-chaired the ASEE Summer School for Chemical Engineering faculty in 2002
student’sinvestment in study abroad for the short time of one week. The week-long study abroad helpedcreate student interest in future travel overseas to other destinations. References 1. Trooboff, S., VandeBerg, M. & Rayman, J. (2007). Employer Attitudes toward Study Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad. Winter 2007-2008. 2. Redden, E. (2014). Generation Study Abroad. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2014/03/03/new-initiative-aims-double-number-americans-studying- abroad#ixzz2yzSAB9bN 3. Institute of International Education. (2014).Every student should have the opportunity to study abroad. Open Doors Report on