- Conference Session
- Track 1 - Session I - Student Development
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Robyne Bowering, Monash University
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Invited - Student Development
only serveas a foundation for career development, but can also be applied to transform local andinternational communities’.[19]At the start of the semester, the STP students participate in a series of workshops on:understanding how we construct and retain knowledge, different learning styles, effectivecommunication and presentation skills, motivation, goal setting, lesson planning, leadershipand reflection. They are then placed into a suitably matched school to plan, organise andteach a STEM-based unit of work. The STP students specifically design their unit of work(project) around the brief given to them by their supervising teacher and the interests andcapabilities of the children that they work with. The projects are typically 12+ hours
- Conference Session
- Track 1 - Session I - Student Development
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Sigrid Berka, University of Rhode Island; Walter von Reinhart, University of Rhode Island; Erin Papa, University of Rhode Island
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Invited - Student Development
-learning experience 95.5 93.9Opportunity to experience a foreign culture 95.5 93.2Opportunity to reflect on U.S. culture 93.1 90.5Personal experiencePersonal growth experience 96.6 89.2Opportunity to reflect on career choices 68.2 89.2Opportunity to make new friends 87.5 88.0Table 3: Satisfaction with study-abroad and internship experiencesThese assessments were also supported when graduates had the opportunity to comment on theirstudy-abroad experience. Increased understanding of German culture, building personalfriendships, experiencing personal growth, and improving language skills are
- Conference Session
- Track 1 - Session I - Student Development
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Eleonore Lickl, HBLVA for Chemical Industry
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Invited - Student Development
of autonomous learning and knowledge management (learning to learn and to use what has had been learned), connection between theoretical-conceptual learning and learning through action and experiments.Student focused approachFaculty were mentioned in that ministerial guideline for diploma projects only marginal: as far asthey should support the projects they are interested in (and the students are interested in); theirrole lie in the subject competence as background, but mainly in providing assistance withstructuring of planning and decision-making processes, to help with methodological expertise, towork on intergroup dynamic processes and to help with evaluation and reflection
- Conference Session
- Track 1 - Session I - Student Development
- Collection
- 2013 ASEE International Forum
- Authors
Lyn Brodie, University of Southern Queensland; Lesley Jolly, Strategic Partnerships; Caroline Crosthwaite, University of Queensland; Lydia Kavanaugh, University of Queensland
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Invited - Student Development
Engineers for the 21st Century, Royal Academy of Engineering. London UK.5. King, R. (2008) Engineers for the Future: addressing the supply and quality of Australian engineering graduatesfor the 21st century. ACED; Epping, Sydney6. Soundarajan, N. (2004) Program assessment and program improvement: closing the loop. Assessment andEvaluation in Higher Education 29(5): 597-610.7. Jolly, L., Crosthwaite, C., Brown, L. (2009) Building on strength, understanding weakness: realistic evaluationand program review. Proceedings of 20th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for EngineeringEducation: 911-917. Adelaide; AaeE.8. Rogers, P. (2007) Theory-Based Evaluation: Reflection Ten Years On, pp. 63-82 in S. Mathison (ed.) EnduringIssues in Evaluation