promote institutional change in engineering education.”Shawn S Jordan, Purdue University, West Lafayette Shawn Jordan is an Assistant Professor in the College of Technology and Innovation at Arizona State Uni- versity. He received his Ph.D. in Engineering Education and MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Purdue University. His research interests include virtual cross-disciplinary engineering design teams in industry and pre-college engineering design pedagogy.Dr. Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette Robin S. Adams is an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She led the Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education (ISEE) as part of the Center for the Ad
earned an MPBL degree from Aalborg University, Denmark. His research focus during his doctoral studies is on institutional and faculty development in engineering education.Robin S. Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette Robin S. Adams is an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue University. She led the Institute for Scholarship on Engineering Education (ISEE) as part of the Center for the Ad- vancement of Engineering Education (CAEE). Dr. Adams received her PhD in Education, Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Washington, an MS in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Washington, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from California Polytechnic State
AC 2011-1918: STUDENT RESPONSES TO AND PERCEPTIONS OF FEED-BACK RECEIVED ON A SERIES OF MODEL-ELICITING ACTIVITIES:A CASE STUDYAmanda S. Fry, Purdue University Amanda Fry is a doctoral candidate in Art Education at Purdue University. She received her B.S. in Art Education from Indiana State University and her M.A. in Art Education from Purdue University. Her research interests include qualitative research in engineering education and investigating the effects of an instructional model in which academically struggling secondary students mentor elementary students in the creation of artwork as a means of improving their academic performance.Dr. Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette Monica E. Cardella is
. He has been a Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education since 2002.Michael S. Trevisan, Washington State University Dr. Michael S. Trevisan is Professor of Educational Psychology and Associate Dean for Research and External Funding in the College of Education. Dr. Trevisan is published widely in the fields of educational measurement and evaluation. In recent years, he has collaborated with Dr. Denny Davis to develop assessments for engineering education design courses.Shane A. Brown, Washington State University Shane Brown is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Wash- ington State University. His research focuses on conceptual understanding of engineering
AC 2011-1177: OPEN-BOOK PROBLEM-SOLVING IN ENGINEERING:AN EXPLORATORY STUDYDavid J. Therriault, University of Florida Dr. Therriault, an Assistant Professor joined the College of Education at University of Florida in 2004. He received his undergraduate degree in psychology from the University of New Hampshire and his M. A. and Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Therriault’s primary research interests include the representation of text in memory, comprehending time and space in language, the link between attention and intelligence, the use of perceptual symbols in language, and educational issues related to these topics.Christine S Lee, University of FloridaElliot P
be contacted at sedransk@niss.orgRenata S. Engel, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Renata S. Engel is Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Professor of Engineering Design and Engineering Science & Mechanics. A member of the Penn State faculty since 1990, she served from 2000-2006 as the Executive Director of the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence. Through various collaborative efforts, she has affected changes in the engineering curriculum at Penn State, primarily to incorporate elements of design in fundamental engineering courses. Engel earned a BS in engineering science at Penn State and PhD in engineering mechanics at the University of South Florida. She can be contacted at
M.S. in mechanical engi- neering from The Georgia Institute of Technology, and a B.S. in engineering from Walla Walla University.David J Therriault, University of FloridaChristine S Lee, University of Florida Page 22.1084.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Moving beyond formulas and fixations: Exploring approaches to solving open-ended engineering problemsAbstract Open-ended problem solving is a skill that is central to engineering practice. As aconsequence developing skills in solving such problems is
AC 2011-2205: THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INSTRUCTIONAL AND AS-SESSMENT TOOL FROM STUDENT WORK ON A MODEL-ELICITINGACTIVITYMicah S Stohlmann, University of Minnesota Micah Stohlmann is a Math Education doctoral student in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Minnesota where he also received his M.Ed in Math Education. He also is minoring in statistics education. Previously he taught high school math in California and Minnesota. His research interests include STEM integration, cooperative learning, elementary education, and the effective use of technology.Tamara J. Moore, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Tamara J. Moore is the co-director of the University of Minnesota’s STEM Education Center and an
Division of ASEE and guest co-editor for a spe- cial issue of the International Journal of Engineering Education on applications of engineering education research.Trevor Scott Harding, California Polytechnic State University Dr. Trevor S. Harding is Chair and Professor of Materials Engineering at California Polytechnic State UniversitySan Luis Obispo where he teaches courses in biomaterials, solidification metallurgy, tribology and life cycle design. Dr. Harding has published numerous manuscripts in the area of ethical development of engineering undergraduates through application of psycho-social models of moral expertise. He also conducts research in student motivation, service learning, and project-based learning. His
, and the practicesetting. 1,2Magnusson, Krajcik, and Borkos (1999) proposed a refined model of PCK for science teaching.Their model includes the following five components: 1) orientations toward science teaching; 2) knowledge and beliefs about science curriculum, 3) knowledge and beliefs about student understanding of specific science topics, 4) knowledge and beliefs about assessment in science, and 5) knowledge and beliefs about instructional strategies for teaching science” (p. 97).3An overarching component of this model is that a science teacher‟s knowledge is stronglyinfluenced by the stance or generalized orientation a teacher may take within his/her ownpractice. Teachers‟ orientations have also been described as
sense, measurements, variables and relations, geometric shapes and spatialvisualization, and chance.” The education of future engineers must prepare them to approachsituations with quantitative literacy, at least with the tools in Dossey‟s list, and ideally withhigher level tools including the ability to frame problems in terms of appropriate mathematicalmodels and finding solutions to those models. Modeling can be used in the design process inmany ways: to avoid expensive and time-consuming tests of physical prototypes, to guide therange of physical models that should be tested, to rule out seemingly reasonable designs that aredestined to fail, to avoid overdesign of components, to explore the likely range of performance ofa device, and to
AC 2011-1952: IMPACT OF DIFFERENT CURRICULAR APPROACHESTO ETHICS EDUCATION ON ETHICAL REASONING ABILITYRobert M Bielby, University of Michigan Robert Bielby is a doctoral student in the Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education focusing in higher education policy and quantitative methodology.Trevor Scott Harding, California Polytechnic State University Dr. Trevor S. Harding is Chair and Professor of Materials Engineering at California Polytechnic State UniversitySan Luis Obispo where he teaches courses in biomaterials, solidification metallurgy, tribology and life cycle design. Dr. Harding has published numerous manuscripts in the area of ethical development of engineering undergraduates through
various perspectives and an ability to evaluate multiple disciplinary approaches to problem-solving. Interdisciplinarity also includes an ability to recognize the strengths or weaknesses of one‟s own disciplinary perspective, but also recognize the shared assumptions, skills or knowledge among disciplines.”20The research design and methods of this study were influenced by specific qualities ofinterdisciplinary understanding at the collegiate level21-22. Boix Mansilla and Duraisingh (2007;2009) worked to determine a comprehensive definition of what constitutes a student‟sinterdisciplinary understanding based upon faculty assessment of student interdisciplinaryresearch. The study focused on four well-recognized
AC 2011-1377: DEFINING AN EVALUATION FRAMEWORK FOR UN-DERGRADUATE RESEARCH EXPERIENCESLisa Massi, University of Central Florida Dr. Lisa Massi is the Director of Operations Analysis in the UCF College of Engineering & Computer Science. Her primary responsibilities include accreditation, assessment, and data administration. She is a Co-PI of the NSF-funded S-STEM program at UCF entitled the ”Young Entrepreneur & Scholar (YES) Scholarship Program.” Her research interests include program evaluation and predictors of career intentions.Michael Georgiopoulos, University of Central Florida Michael Georgiopoulos is a Professor in the UCF Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the PI of the
: “For me it‟s more the math. Just because I relate really well to the algebra side of it where, okay here‟s the formula, manipulate it this way and this is what my outcome‟s going to be. But actually conceptualizing things and being able to explain like the picture of it and say, „This is what electricity is.‟ It‟s one of those things where I kind of wish I would understand that side better”.The interviews for this study were conducted as part of a larger study of student understanding ofdifficult concepts in both mechanical and electrical engineering. Reporting on the results of theinterviews with mechanical engineering students, Douglas et al.5 identified misconceptions thatstudents have about force and how
at Howard University and a Carnegie Scholar. She served as a Co-Principal Investigator of the Center for the Advancement of Engineering Education (CAEE). Dr. Fleming earned her Ph.D. in civil engineering from the University of California at Berkeley and holds a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science degree in civil engineering from George Washing- ton University and Howard University, respectively. Dr. Fleming’s research interest is concentrated on the reform of engineering education, broadening participation in engineering and the scholarship of teaching and learning.Robin Adams, Purdue University, West Lafayette Robin S. Adams is an Assistant Professor in the School of Engineering Education at Purdue
decisions.Bibliography1 Imbrie, P. K., Lin, J. & Reid, K. Comparison of Four Methodologies for Modeling Student Retention in Engineering. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition. (2010).2 Imbrie, P. K., Lin, J. & Malyscheff, A. Artificial Intelligence Methods to Forecast Engineering Students’ Retention based on Cognitive and Non-cognitive Factors. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition.(2008).3 French, B. F., Immekus, J. C. & Oakes, W. An Examination of Indicators of Engineering Students' Success and Persistence. Journal of Engineering Education (2005).4 Nicholls, G. M., Wolfe, H., Mary, B.-S., Shuman, L. J. & Larpkiattaworn, S
improving the set of concepts available for furtherdevelopment in the design process.AcknowledgementsWe are grateful to Jamie Phillips for inviting us to his classroom to work with his students. Thiswork is funded by The National Science Foundation, Engineering Design and Innovation (EDI)Grant 0927474.References[1] Ahmed, S.; Wallace, K. M.; Blessing, L. T. M. (2003). Understanding the differences between how novice and experienced designers approach design tasks. Journal of Research in Engineering Design, 14, 1-11.[2] Cross, N. (2001). Design cognition: Results from protocol and other empirical studies of design activity. In C. M. Eastman, W. M. McCracken & W. C. Newstetter (Eds.), Design knowing and learning: Cognition in design
expedient manner, and wepresent results of data collected from 366 first-year engineering students. The instrumentrequires students to first read a technical memo and, based on the memo‟s arguments, answereight multiple choice and two open-ended response questions. The mean score on the multiplechoice portion was only 3.46 out of 8. A qualitative analysis of the open-ended responsesprovided more insights into students‟ abilities to identify and resolve conflicts betweeninformation sources, evaluate the reliability and relevancy of information sources, and usereliable information sources.IntroductionOne of the most important skills students can take away from a technical education is the abilityto become curious, persistent, and life-long learners
norms would be mostappropriate. However, because no engineering students were included in the sample that producedthe means provided in the MSLQ, we felt it was important to obtain a reference point from which tounderstand where the engineering students in this study started. We compared our engineeringstudents in individual classes to the means in the MSLQ manual. The results of this analysis areshown in Table 2 and inform some of the discussion later in the paper.Table 2 shows significant differences between the MSLQ reference data and course-specificengineering student groups in this study. Instructor 1’s students reported significantly higher meanscores in the learning strategy of time and study environment; and lower mean scores in the
, preserving nature [13] Unity with nature, fitting into nature [16] Respecting the earth, harmony with other species [14] Altruistic values Equality, equal opportunity for all [12] Social justice, correcting injustices, care for those who are less privileged [17] A world at peace, free of war and conflict [15]Methods of Instrument AdministrationThe instrument was administered in three parts at a private research university in the northeasternUnited States (E-group), a public research university in the southern United States (S-group) anda public masters university in the pacific coastal United States (P-group). Students wererequested to take the survey by the faculty in their courses. The
-engineering extracurricular activities and internship experiences, her m/c peer viewed suchactivities as encroaching on her limited time. We argue that a student‟s level of non-academicinvolvement is related to the importance she ascribes to professional and interpersonal skills inengineering. Implications for engineering educators and suggestions for further research arediscussed.IntroductionFindings from the recent Academic Pathways Study (APS) sponsored by the Center forAdvancement of Engineering Education (CAEE) have shown that intrinsic psychologicalmotivation to study engineering and confidence in professional and interpersonal skills are keypredictors of engineering seniors‟ future plans1. Sheppard et al. (2010) have also shown that,when taken
Textile Technology. Page 22.1656.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2011 Utilization of a Think-Aloud Protocol to Cognitively Validate a Survey Instrument Identifying Social Capital Resources of Engineering UndergraduatesAbstractThe use of verbal report (e.g. “think-aloud”) techniques in developing a survey instrument can becritical to establishing an instrument’s cognitive validity, which helps ensure that participantsinterpret and respond to survey items in the manner intended by the survey designer(s). Theprimary advantage of utilizing a
to the Reflection Tool QuestionsAn excerpt of the responses Instructor 1 gave during the interview is summarized below in Table2. The comparisons to student responses are also listed, which includes only the top responses(or top two if the difference in number of responses was 2 or less). A discussion of thecomparison of the two responses follows Table 2.Table 2: Instructor 1’s perception of student responses to reflection questions in the Engineering Page 22.351.6Economic Analysis CourseReflection Tool Questions Instructor 1 perception MEA specifics Comparison to
discussion ofwhat it takes to make sense of nanoscale phenomena. This discussion could lead touncovering what Wiggins and McTighe 2 called the “enduring understanding” of acontent area together with potential effective pedagogical approaches. This model couldultimately lead to integrating the enduring understandings needed to make sense ofnanoscale phenomena with effective pedagogical methods. We hope that this modelmight become a framework for the design of nanoscale science and engineering curricula.AcknowledgmentsWe thank the seven researchers who volunteered their precious time to be interviewed forthis study. References: 1 M. C. Roco, W. S. Bainbridge, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 2005, 7, 1--13.2 G. Wiggins, J. McTighe
s reported thatthey were Caucasian, 18 (9.5 %) students reported they had multiple ethnicities, 17 (8.9 %)reported that they were Hispanic American, five (2.6 %) reported being of other ethnicities,seven (3.7 %) reported being African American, six (3.2 %) reported being Asian American, andtwo (1.1 %) reported their ethnicity as Native American. The students had completed the sameschool instruction in math and science, and had no school instruction on electrical circuits priorto participating in this study. To determine the effect of different signaling methods, we manipulated the type of visualsignaling students received in their program (APA signaling, arrow signaling, or no visualsignaling). Dependent variables included
period. The MEA was launched in the laboratory setting which was facilitated by twoGTAs supported by four undergraduate assistants. Student teams of 3-4 students developedDRAFT 1 of their memo with procedure and results. This draft entered a double-blind peerreview process. In preparation for the peer review, students participated in a calibration exercisein which they practiced giving feedback on one prototypical piece of student work using theMEA Rubric, were provided an expert‟s review of that student work, and reflected on what theyneeded to do differently to improve their ability to give a peer review. For the actual peerreview, each student reviewed one other team‟s solution to the MEA. Each team was assigned atleast 3 peer reviewers. Each
a point load located ¾’s the away from the Beam Loading support. The ranking points are located on the neutral axis spread horizontally along the Scenario beam. 5: A three dimensional representation of a beam is provided with a cut taken in the middle and 3D representation a moment applied about the x-axis. (See Figure 2) of cut on beam 6: A three dimensional representation of a beam is provided with a cut taken in the middle and 3D representation a moment applied about the y-axis. (Similar to Figure 2) of cut on beam 7
reader receives it. From atransaction perspective, on the other hand, reading is a dynamic process. Transaction beliefsemphasize the construction of knowledge by individuals (e.g., an item from the transactionsubscale: I enjoy interpreting what I read in a personal way).16, 17 When readers adopt atransaction model, they develop a dynamic response to the author, and take an active role in the Page 22.636.3construction of meaning, drawing on personal experiences, and critiquing the author‟s message.According to transaction beliefs, text means different things to different people, and allows for anumber of possible interpretations. A person mentally
coded for the interviewee’s perceptions through the lenses of the DI and CBAMframeworks.ResultsAlthough all five characteristics were included in the interview methodology, only RelativeAdvantage and Compatibility were consistently important in the participants’ responses to IDeX.Relative advantage was often implied by faculty members’ desire to develop research projectsfrom the designs and ideas developed in IDeX and is illustrated by I3’s response to the questionregarding their reasons for participating in IDeX, “And I also am really interested in, just as aresearch topic, in sustainability, sustainable design, and we really [want] to focus on that…”Compatibility was often implied in the tie between interviewees’ perceptions of the goals