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Conference Session
Curricular Developments in Energy Education I
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Margaret B. Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
presentingthe results to the class in an informal setting. The technical publications selected by the studentsinclude books from a wide variety of topics, ranging from artificial intelligence to hybrid vehicledesign and infrastructure issues. Students must relate topics explored within the book withtopics learned in Thermodynamics. Thus, in writing a review, the student combines the skills ofdescribing what is on the page, analyzing how the book tried to achieve its purpose as well as Page 22.1351.3how it relates to Thermodynamics, and expressing personal reactions. A page-long list ofsuggested books is provided to the students at the time of project
Conference Session
Sustainable Energy Education
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Liping Guo, Northern Illinois University; Mansour Tahernezhadi, Northern Illinois University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
22.556.4energy; demonstrate understanding of correct procedure to measure voltage, current and power;competently research and discuss other experiments and lessons using web-based tools; haveincreased ability to design alternative energy systems; and write solar and wind technology-based lesson plans to use in his or her classroom. Problem-based, inquiry learning using authentic problems in alternative energytechnology is applied to increase content knowledge of alternative energy and increase interestand awareness of alternative energy. Participants become community leaders promotingalternative energy technology. Each participant writes an inquiry-based lesson plan in solar andwind power technology after attending the ETI institute. Inquiry
Conference Session
Project-Based Education in Energy Curriculum
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Radian G. Belu, Drexel University
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Energy Conversion and Conservation
course focuses on planning, development, andimplementation of an engineering design project, which includes formal report writing, projectdocumentation, group presentations, and project demonstrations. The goal of these courses is todemonstrate the ability to manage a major project involving the design and implementation ofproducts with a mixture of electrical and mechanical elements as a member of a productdevelopment team. In these project-based courses, the students are expected to effectivelymanage their time and team efforts to produce a finished product in three ten-week quarters. Notextbook is required. Weekly progress reports, design notebooks, formal reports, and oralpresentations constitute integral components of this course sequence
Conference Session
Project-Based Education in Energy Curriculum
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sanjay Jayaram, Saint Louis University, Parks College of Engineering; Sridhar S. Condoor, Saint Louis University, Parks College of Engineering
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
sponsor’s needs, and (3) systemsengineering concepts including project management, team work, communications, and ethics etc.Multidisciplinary design teams are used whereby the students interact with their peers and withthe faculty inside and outside of the class room. Some design examples are offered to show ourexperiences of incorporating Renewable Energy projects in the senior design course, like designand development of a biomass bioreactor test-bench, design and development of vertical axiswind turbine. The primary goal of the projects is to provide students with a deeper understandingof the need for renewable energy sources, the advantages and disadvantages of a particularenergy type, and the global and economic impact of the chosen energy
Conference Session
Outreach Projects: Promoting Energy Efficiency and Education in General
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ahmed Cherif Megri, University of Wyoming
Tagged Divisions
Energy Conversion and Conservation
:  We expanded on the instructors’ self-evaluation such that more direct assessment of students’ learning outcomes is obtained. A set of standards for instructor’s self- evaluation will be prepared by the faculty and the Board of Advisors and will be implemented with the annual assessment cycle. The main point of these standards is that the evaluation of students’ performance will based on samples of work in three categories of students: those in the upper 75 percentile, those in the 50 – 75 percentile and those below the 50 percentile populations. Thus the assessment results compiled are based on course performances and grades, exams, projects, presentations of students, and writings as required