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Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern University; John-David S. Yoder, Ohio Northern University
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AC 2011-615: TEACHING DYNAMICS WITH A DESIGN PROJECTSDavid R. Mikesell, Ohio Northern University David R. Mikesell is an assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Ohio Northern University. His research interests are in land vehicle dynamics, autonomous vehicles, and robotics. He joined the faculty in 2007 after work in automotive engineering at Ohio State (MS 2006, PhD 2008), six years designing automated assembly machines and metal-cutting tools for Grob Systems, and four years’ service as an officer in the U.S. Navy. He holds bachelor degrees in German (Duke 1986) and Mechanical Engineering (ONU 1997).John-David S Yoder, Ohio Northern University John-David Yoder received all of his degrees (B.S., M.S
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching: Statics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Anna Dollar, Miami University; Ronald R. Ulseth, Itasca Community College; Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University
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Ulseth, Itasca Community College Ulseth is an engineering instructor at Itasca Community and Iron Range Engineering. He is the co- developer of both programs. For the past 20 years he has taught physics, statics, dynamics, fluid mechan- ics, and thermodynamics. For the past 10 years Ulseth has worked with a diverse group of engineering educators to develop and prototype a 100% project-based BS Engineering curriculum.Paul S. Steif, Carnegie Mellon University Paul S. Steif is professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He received a Sc.B. in engineering from Brown University (1979) and M.S. (1980) and Ph.D. (1982) degrees from Harvard University in applied mechanics. He has been active as a
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching: Mechanics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffery S. Thomas, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Richard H. Hall, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Timothy A. Philpot, Missouri University of Science & Technology; Douglas R. Carroll, Missouri University of Science & Technology
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AC 2011-1910: THE EFFECT OF ON-LINE VIDEOS ON LEARNER OUT-COMES IN A MECHANICS OF MATERIALS COURSEJeffery S. Thomas, Missouri University of Science and Technology Jeffery Thomas is an assistant teaching professor in the department of Civil, Architectural and Environ- mental Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla, MO. He received a B.S. and M.S. in mechanical engineering and a Ph.D. in engineering mechanics from Missouri S&T. He is a licensed professional engineer. His technical interests are in mechanical characterization, construction, and the influence of force on biological systems. His artistic interests are in music.Richard H Hall, Missouri University of Science &
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching: Statics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Christine Valle, Georgia Institute of Technology; Sue Rosser, San Francisco State University; Janet H Murray, Georgia Tech; Wendy C. Newstetter, Georgia Institute of Technology; John D. Leonard II, Georgia Institute of Technology; Laurence J. Jacobs, Georgia Institute of Technology
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/toolkit. Ourgroup and the various tasks each sub-group performs have been described in our past ASEEconference papers11-13.Some of the exercises we have developed and now assign to students every semester are listed inTable 1 below: TOPIC PROBLEM(S)Moment in 2D, Free-body Diagram SeesawEquilibrium of 1 rigid body or Frame Arm & PurseTruss: Method of Joint & Method of Section Minneapolis BridgeDistrib. Load, Centroid New Orleans Levee, Space StationFrame KeyboardCombined Frame & Truss BicycleFriction
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Dean Q. Lewis, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; Mary Lynn Brannon, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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teams of four students, which gave an opportunity to learn orreinforce effective teaming skills. The changes to the project allowed flexibility in the designsolutions that encouraged the students to be more innovative and creative in the design process.The purpose of this paper is to describe the team design project including how it was able toimprove the student‟s learning experience. Assessment strategies and results will be shared.Preliminary findings indicate that the project increased the students‟ awareness of the world,their teamwork skills and reinforced the application of a formal design procedure. Individualswho are involved in the development of design projects, international projects, or teachingengineering mechanics may be
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jennifer Kadlowec, Rowan University; Andrew D. Rosenthal, Rowan University; Patrick C. Leung, Rowan University, Undergraduate Student; Alexander Vincent Redfield, Rowan University
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thebone was calculated approximating it as a triangle. A parametric study was performed where thepercentage of bone loss was varied based on the Winquist classification. Page 22.1608.4Due to the cyclic nature of the testing, fatigue would be the expected form of failure. Becausethe sample undergoes fluctuating stresses, fatigue can occur at significantly lower stresses thanthe yield strength of the titanium alloy.[10] An S-N curve shows when fatigue failure will occurat a particular stress for a given number of cycles. An S-N curve was estimated (figure 2) usinga method similar to what is called “Four point correlation”.[11]Figure 2: Estimated S
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Shawn P Gross, Villanova University; David W Dinehart, Villanova University; Joseph Robert Yost, Villanova University; Aleksandra Radlinska, Villanova University
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. Most 50-minutelecture periods involve a set of PowerPoint lecture slides that run on average about 15 minutes,and then the instructor solves two or three example problems for the remainder of the period.Additionally, many classes use models and physical demonstrations to aid students in visualizingconcepts. These demonstrations are usually five minutes or less in duration. Students areassigned simple homework problems that are similar to the in-class examples, and theseproblems are turned in by the students at the beginning of the next class period for credit.Quizzes are given weekly to gauge learning and reinforce the most important learning outcomes.Upon grading of the quizzes the instructors note and record the specific mistake(s) made by
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching: Mechanics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jim M. Papadopoulos, University of Wisconsin - Stout; Christopher Papadopoulos, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus; Vincent C. Prantil, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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, mesh, and solve. Within about an hour, anyone who is familiar withMicrosoft Windows and understands the component description of a force can learn how to dothis for a diverse range of shapes and loadings. And the graphical portrayal of input and outputquantities makes it easy to detect many user errors. But what are educators doing to incorporatethis ubiquitous, increasingly inexpensive tool into basic engineering classes?The practice of embedding or integrating FEA into freshman design courses seems to have madean appearance in the 1990‟s, coincident with the movement to develop integrated freshmancurricula that include or emphasize design. Barr et al. (1998; 2005)1,2 describe their work toinclude FEA as part of a larger focus on solid
Conference Session
Teaching Statics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Andrea Brose, Hamburg University of Technology; Christian H. Kautz, Hamburg University of Technology
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at the top. The four dots denote vertically aligned, equally spaced points along the member. other forces Assuming the other forces stay the same, what load(s) could replace the 60 Nm 60 Nm couple and maintain equilibrium? 2m Mark all possible answers. other other other other other other forces forces forces forces forces forces 10 N 30 N
Conference Session
Teaching Statics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jeffrey L. Newcomer, Western Washington University
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’ self-assessments. As such, students’ self-assessments should not be used in program or course assessment, at least in Statics, as anythingother than a supplement to direct assessment measures. It is possible that students’ self-assessments do reflect something of value and interest, such as confidence, that could be usefulin the improvement of instruction and course material, but they do not show a strong orconsistent correlation with performance on actual problems in Statics.Bibliography1. Sarin, S., and Headley, D., “Validity of Student Self-Assessments,” Proc. of the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June, 2002, 2002-831_Final.pdf.2. Collura, M. and Daniels, S., “How
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Joseph J. Rencis, University of Arkansas; Hartley T. Grandin Jr, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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a introductory mechanics of materials course is to show the student that forceand elastic deformation analysis of single or multiple connected bodies is based on theapplication of only three fundamental sets of equations:  rigid body equilibrium equations,  material load-deformation equations derived from Hooke’s Law, and  equations defining the known or assumed geometry of deformation.The commonality of a general approach to all problems is emphasized, an approach that isidentical for determinate and indeterminate structures containing axial, torsional and/or bendingloads. This general approach is formulated to emphasize:  identification of applicable fundamental independent equation set(s) being written
Conference Session
Teaching Mechanics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ing-Chang Jong, University of Arkansas; William T. Springer, University of Arkansas
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2009. His research interests are in mechanics and engineering education.William T. Springer, University of Arkansas William T. Springer is 21st Century Chair in Mechanical Engineering and Associate Professor at the University of Arkansas. He received his BSME in 1974 from the University of Texas at Arlington, his MSME in 1979 from the University of Texas at Arlington, and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering in 1982 from the University of Texas at Arlington. Dr. Springer is active in ASME where he received the Dedicated Service Award in 2006, was elected to Fellow Grade in 2008, and was awarded the S. Y. Zamrik Pressure Vessels and Piping Medal in 2011
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Brianno Coller, Northern Illinois University
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the Spring 2010 students the weekbefore their final project was due.To compare test scores from the two different groups of students, I formed quantities . Page 22.717.7Here, is the average item score(s) from students taking the course in Fall 2010 with the game,and is the same average over students in the non-game course in Spring 2010. The S is apooled standard deviation. Therefore, d is a normalized difference between game and non-gamegroups; it is a Cohen effect size. A positive value of d would indicate that the game groupperformed better, on average than the non-game
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching: Mechanics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
C.J. Egelhoff, U.S. Coast Guard Academy; K.L. Burns, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
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helped improve this process over several years; we appreciate cadets Lauren Hohenberger, Nate Barnes and Kevin Stevens for allowing us to include their concept maps.References 1. Kadlowec, Jennifer, Paris von Lockette, Eric Constans, Beena Sukumaran and Douglas Cleary, “Hands-on Learning Tools for Engineering Mechanics,” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, 2002 2. Ellis, Glenn W., Kathryn S. Lee and Alyssa Tham, “Learning Engineering Mechanics Through Video Production,” Proceedings of the ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Savannah, GA, 2004 3. Holzer, Siegfried M. and Raul H. Andruet, “Learning Basic Mechanics with Multimedia,” Proceedings of the
Conference Session
Teaching Statics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cliff J. Lissenden, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Christine B. Masters, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Samia A. Suliman, Pennsylvania State University, University Park; Roxanne Toto, Pennsylvania State University, University Park
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State.References[1] T.A. Litzinger, P.N. Van Meter, C.M. Firetto, L.J. Passmore, C.B. Masters, S.R. Turns, G.L. Gray, F. Costanzo,S.E. Zappe (2010) A Cognitive Study of Problem Solving in Statics. Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 99, No.4, pp. 337-354.[2] T.A. Litzinger, P.N. Van Meter, N. Kapli, S.E. Zappe, and R. Toto (2010) Translating education research intopractice within an engineering education center: Two examples related to problem solving, International Journal ofEngineering Education, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp 860-868.[3] Atkinson, R., Derry, S., Renkl, A., Wortham, D., Learning from Examples: Instructional Principles from theWorked Example Research Summer 2000, Vol 70, No. 2. Pp. 181-214[4] Young, M.F. (1993). Instructional design for situated
Conference Session
Innovations in Teaching: Statics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sheryl A. Sorby, Michigan Technological University; Carl R. Vilmann P.E., Michigan Technological University
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. Table 2. Mean Scores from Common Test Items Online Course Recitation Course Significance of Difference in MeansTest #1 23.82 27.43 p<0.05(Std Deviation) (9.63) (8.19)Test #1 Adjusted 24.96 27.43 N. S.(Std Deviation) (9.74) (8.19)Test #2 24.14 17.10 p<0.001(Std Deviation) (8.81) (10.06)Test #3 9.93 24.29 p<0.0001(Std Deviation) (8.33
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kristi J. Shryock, Texas A&M University; Arun R. Srinivasa, Texas A&M University, Department of Mechanical Engineering; Jefferey E. Froyd, Texas A&M University
Tagged Divisions
. 58, 858-867.21. Thornton, 1996 forthcoming22. Thornton, R., & Sokoloff, D. (1998). Assessing Student Learning of Newton's Laws: The Force and Motion Conceptual Evaluation and the Evaluation of Active Learning Laboratory and Lecture Curricula. American Journal of Physics, 66, Issue 4, 338-352.23. S. Ramlo, 2002 forthcoming24. Steif, P. (2004). Initial Data from a Statics Concept Inventory. Proceedings, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.25. Steif, P.S., and Dantzler, J.A. (2008). A Statics Concept Inventory: Development and Psychometric Analysis. Journal of Engineering Education.26. Morris and Kraige 198527. Hestenes and Wells 1992 -- Hestenes, David, Wells, & Malcolm (1992). A mechanics baseline test. The Physics Teacher
Conference Session
Teaching Dynamics
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Josue Njock-Libii, Indiana University Purdue University, Fort Wayne
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, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006, pp. 101,97, 111.12. S. K. Foong, D Kiang, P Lee, R H March and B E Paton, How long does it take a bouncing ball to bounce aninfinite number of times? Physics Education, January 2004, 40- 43.13. Audacity( ). Retrieved on January 4, 2011.14. Goldwave ( ). Retrieved on January 4, 2011.15. Holly M. Matusovich, Ruth A. Streveler and Ronald M. Miller, Why do Students choose Engineering? AQualitative, Longitudinal Investigation of Students’ Motivational Values, Journal of Engineering Education, October2010, October 2010.;col1Retrieved on January 4, 2011.16. Holly M