direction imaginable, including universities, industry, andall levels of government29, more research about perceptions is needed and research about theperceptions of underrepresented population groups is especially limited.Background to the Study: Methods, Participants, and Theoretical PerspectivesMost of the data for this study were collected during the assessment and evaluation of projectssponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF): Research Experience for Teachers inHazard Mitigation (RET) and Focus On Retention in Cohorts of Engineering Students (FORCES-S-STEM). Broadening the participation of underrepresented groups in STEM fields is one ofNSF‘s objectives addressed by both of these projects.Research on the effectiveness of these
. How People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice. New York: National Academies P, 1999.6 Cen, G., Xu, B., Luo, J. Y. 2010. Implementing open-ended project-based instruction in experiment of university physics. 2nd International Workshop on Education Technology and Computer Science, (1) 830-832, 2010.7 Fontenot, D., Chandler, J.R., Talkmitt, S., and Sullivan, K. 2007. The Texas High School Initiative aims at STEM education reform: Texas Tech University T-STEM Center - Putting the "E" in K-12 STEM education. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, 37th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, F2B1-F2B5,8 Fuentes, A., Crown, S., Freeman, R. 2006. Selective Integration for Student Motivation in the
Construction Engineering and Management and Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mississippi State University. He is a former U. S. Navy SEABEE Officer and has managed projects and programs worldwide. He has been accepted as an expert by the U. S. Court of Federal Contract Claims in the areas of Cost and Schedule. He is a former executive with Hill International and FTI Consulting and has been associated with the construction of Boston’s Central Artery Tunnel, Dubai Mall in the United Arab Emirates, and the U. S. Department of Energy’s Nuclear Waste Treatment Plant at Hanford, Washington
“Technology Education/Pre-engineering education” (TE/PreEE)program and has its roots in industrial arts education dating back to the 1930s. More detaileddescriptions of each of these programs have been previously reported.[1-3] Both programsrequire substantial coursework in all four elements of STEM, as well as integrated-STEM(i.e.- how to use multiple STEM elements together in K-12 curriculum/activities). Studentsin both programs also acquire substantial experience in integrating non-STEM subjects withSTEM subjects. In 2006 our department completed a redesign of our “TechnologyEducation” curriculum to integrate more M&S into our Technology & Engineering (T&E)courses, resulting in our current “pre-engineering” curriculum. Even though this
a discussion of educationalimplications.Mr. SAt the time of this study, Mr. S had been teaching for 10 years. He began as a chemistryteacher and shifted into teaching engineering and robotics 3 years prior to the study’sbeginning. Mr. S taught only engineering and robotics courses. He used robotics as anavenue for students to study engineering concepts and skills, namely: design processes,Computer Aided Design (CAD), electronics (sensors) and programming. The class weexamined was a Robotics I class taken by students ranging from 9th-12th grade. Mr. Sdesigned the curriculum of the first semester (the focus of our study) to engage studentsin solving one complex, ill-structured, engineering challenge. In particular, his studentswere working
rpm 2. For the rated power and speed, the maximum fuel flow rate andthe injector period are given in Table 2. The details of these calculations are given in AppendixA. Table 2. Sample Laboratory Pre-Calculations Injection Parameters for a 2011 Sport/Utility Vehicle Max. Fuel Flow Rate 23.1 cm3/s Flow Rate per Injector 3.85 cm3/s Injector Period 18,462 μs Max. Injector Pulse Width 7692 μsFollowing the discussion of fuel injectors, the students are then introduced to the concept ofexperimental uncertainty analysis. This is a brief introduction, usually with an
interdependence between teachers and the SLIDER Fellows and how is power distributed in the teacher-fellow relationship? • How does the relationship between teachers and Fellows, particularly related to interdependence and power, impact teachers’ instructional practices? Page 22.1470.4Research DesignTo study the relationship between Fellows and their partner teacher(s), we relied on case studydesign, described by Yin (2003) as “an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporaryphenomenon within a real-life context, especially when the boundaries between the phenomenonand context are not clearly evident” (p. 13). In this study, it was
period. The MEA was launched in the laboratory setting which was facilitated by twoGTAs supported by four undergraduate assistants. Student teams of 3-4 students developedDRAFT 1 of their memo with procedure and results. This draft entered a double-blind peerreview process. In preparation for the peer review, students participated in a calibration exercisein which they practiced giving feedback on one prototypical piece of student work using theMEA Rubric, were provided an expert‟s review of that student work, and reflected on what theyneeded to do differently to improve their ability to give a peer review. For the actual peerreview, each student reviewed one other team‟s solution to the MEA. Each team was assigned atleast 3 peer reviewers. Each
.• integrate the Center´s research discoveries in engineered organic composite systems toenrich the existing engineering curriculum at both the undergraduate and graduate levels• develop educational programs for industrial practitioners and foster alliances with industry inthe education and outreach activities of the center.• design and promote experiential programs and pedagogical material for K-12 outreachrecognizing diverse student and teacher backgrounds.• develop a suite of modular educational units for use by the various center constituentsin formats that allow for efficient web-based dissemination.These goals are important components of the overall center vision and are an integral part of itsmission to bring together cutting-edge research
design/build projects at earlier stages in the curriculum, wherestudents will be required to participate in significant design/build projects before having therequisite skills to design the systems that control them. To address this issue, we have long been working to develop a system that would both mimicthe OSU model of the “Platform for Learning” and also enable students to design and buildsystem controllers using skills obtained in the freshman year and enhanced throughout the* The Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) is a very large engineering school with separate tracks for computer engineering and electrical engineering. At the 2005 American Society of Engineering Educator‟s Conference, presenters from MSOE stated that
‟s program, is inconsistent with present thinking regardingeffective curriculum design. The next section addresses the concept of curriculum alignment andhow impromptu design problems can resolve the significant curricular gap in traditionalengineering programs.2. Design education and curriculum theoryThe concept of curriculum alignment provides a sound rationale for integrating design across thecurriculum. The idea that curriculum, instruction, and assessment should be conceived as partsof a cohesive whole (or system) forms the core principle of curriculum alignment. Each of thesethree component parts – curriculum, instruction, and assessment – must be viewed relative to theothers if curriculum alignment is to take place. In this
a point load located ¾’s the away from the Beam Loading support. The ranking points are located on the neutral axis spread horizontally along the Scenario beam. 5: A three dimensional representation of a beam is provided with a cut taken in the middle and 3D representation a moment applied about the x-axis. (See Figure 2) of cut on beam 6: A three dimensional representation of a beam is provided with a cut taken in the middle and 3D representation a moment applied about the y-axis. (Similar to Figure 2) of cut on beam 7
software engineering/mathematics multi-disciplinary development project team in support ofstudent high-altitude ballooning. The National Space Grant Student Satellite Program1incorporates high-altitude balloon launches as the “crawl” phase in a “crawl-walk-run-fly”strategy of sending a student designed and built satellite to Mars. Since 2002, in affiliation withthe Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium, the LaunchOIT student balloon program at OregonInstitute of Technology (OIT) has provided a channel for undergraduate research in the “E”,“T”, and “S” facets of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education.This project intentionally incorporated the “M” facet as a major component in a softwareengineering project.In addition to an
conclusion addresses strategies for further enhancing engineering educationopportunities as Island Energy Inquiry program expands.Developing Energy Related Engineering Skills in the Education to Workforce Pipeline The state of Hawaii is the most dependent state in the nation on the importation of fossilfuel. Ninety percent of the state‟s energy is imported. Energy sustainability for this remoteisland chain will require reducing our reliance on imported fossil fuels and a significant increasein reliance on renewable energy sources in the islands such as wind, solar, geothermal, and waveenergy. In 2008, Hawaii made a public/private commitment to achieve 70% clean energy by2030. An estimated thirty percent of this involves increasing energy
Mechanics and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering Science from the Univ. of CO at Boulder. His industrial experience includes Texas Instruments (mechanical design), Naval Research Labs (computational dynam- ics), NASA Langley funded post doc (finite elements), consulting at Lockheed and Lawrence Berkeley National Labs (computational mechanics) MSC Software Corporation (educational multimedia develop- ment) and Creo Consulting (Mechanical Engineering Consulting). He taught at Univ. of the Pacific for 4 years and is currently a Professor in the Department of Engineering Mechanics at the U. S. Air Force Academy. He has published approximately 100 technical publications and generated approximately 2 million dollars of research
Simulation Wheatstone Bridge Circuit Derive output voltage expression of the op Linearize the circuit to meet deisign amp-based Wheatsone bridge circuit with specification. Use Matlab as a design tool to respect to the thermistor and resistor network. assist in achieving the design goals. Analyze Write Matlab script to simulate the op amp circuit linearity of the design. Build the circuit. output voltage as s function of temperature. Week 3 – Voltage Comparing and Alarm Week 4 – System Integration and Design Circuits Design Characterization Design comparing circuit to cmpare voltage
7. Communication skills when interacting with students 8. Overall performanceThe second type of evaluation forms used on the presentation day requires students to evaluatetheir team mates and their own performance during the semester and during the projects. Thisquestionnaire, in Table 7, enables students to evaluate self-performance and the performance oftheir team mates. Table 7: Inquiry about the performance of the teammates Rate over 10 (1 - very poor .. 10 - very good) 1. S(he) has completed perfectly every part of laboratory reports that s(he) was responsible 2. S(he) was eager to help other partners on their parts 3. S(he) contributed her/his
. L., Neff. G. P., Stratton, M. J., and Summers, D. C. S. (2002). Future directions for mechanical manufacturing, and industrial engineering technology programs, Journal of Engineering Technology, 19(1), pp.8-15.[5] Scott, J. (2003). A vision for online kindergarten learning community, Technological Horizons in Education, 30(7), pp.40-43.[6] Boyle, A. P., Bryon, D. N., and Paul, C. R. C. (1997). Computer-based learning and assessment: A palaeontological case study with outcomes and implications, Computers and Geosciences, 23(5), pp.573- 580.[7] Grose, T. K. (2003). Can distance education be unlocked, PRISM, April, pp.19-23.[8] Palais, J. and Javurek, C. G. (1996). The Arizona State University electrical engineering
statisticalstrength, and allow for conclusions for additional majors. Finally, if it can be determined thatcertain features/components of applied curriculum are more effective in remediating anxietythen these features could be more effectively integrated into “non-STEM” teacher preparationprograms.References(1) Rise above the Gathering Storm, revisited: Rapidly approaching Category 5 (2010), National Academic Press. (Washington,D.C.)(2) Vinson, B. (2001), A Comparison of Preservice Teachers' Mathematics Anxiety Before and After a MethodsClass Emphasizing Manipulatives, Early Childhood Education Journal, 29 (2).(3) Hembree, R. (1990). The nature, effects, and relief of mathematics anxiety. Journal for Research in MathematicsEducation, 21, 33-46.(4) Beilock, S
AC 2011-2460: STUDYING THE IMPACT ON MECHANICAL ENGINEER-ING STUDENTS WHO PARTICIPATE IN DISTINCTIVE PROJECTS INTHERMODYNAMICSMargaret B. Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology (COE) Margaret Bailey is Professor of Mechanical Engineering within the Kate Gleason College of Engineer- ing at RIT and is the Founding Executive Director for the nationally recognized women in engineering program called WE@RIT. She recently accepted the role as Faculty Associate to the Provost for Female Faculty and serves as the co-chair on the President’s Commission on Women. She began her academic career as an Assistant Professor at the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, being the first woman civil- ian faculty member in her
reader receives it. From atransaction perspective, on the other hand, reading is a dynamic process. Transaction beliefsemphasize the construction of knowledge by individuals (e.g., an item from the transactionsubscale: I enjoy interpreting what I read in a personal way).16, 17 When readers adopt atransaction model, they develop a dynamic response to the author, and take an active role in the Page 22.636.3construction of meaning, drawing on personal experiences, and critiquing the author‟s message.According to transaction beliefs, text means different things to different people, and allows for anumber of possible interpretations. A person mentally
in science and engineering is amajor hindrance to global capacity building in science and technology”.7 The report urges all nationalacademies throughout the world to making changes within the academies and proposed a sample statement ofcommitment for adoption by the academies: “The president and council of the academy commit to full inclusion of women in science and technology. The academy will: • Adopt good management practice—tools for inclusiveness—in its institutions and advocate such practice across the S&T community. • Establish a committee that addresses gender issues and ensures follow-up. • Promote women members to decision-making levels and include them in panels and committees. • Increase the
objects, only one of which might be made byfolding the flat plate along the lines. The goal was to circle the one correct object that would bemade by folding the flat plate with no overlaps and no concealed sections of the plate foldedinside. The pre-test question was not duplicated in the post-test. This type of test was closest toone of the sections of probably the most widely used spatial visualization tests - Project Talent.Project Talent was a test containing 4 spatial visualization sections that was given to 400,000people in high school in the 1950‘s. This group was then tracked from that point to recent years.The results showed that people with higher spatial visualization scores in high school were morelikely to enter Science, Technology
fall. In theexperiment we begin today, we will be taking video of objects falling. The video we take can beanalyzed to determine how the objects move once dropped.2. Capture of Video FootageA. Determine the height from which you will be dropping your object(s). Our trials show that eight feet is adequate.B. Prepare a long paper “ruler” as the backdrop of the video you will take. The sheet should be the same length as the height from which you will drop the object. Use large, thick numbers so the scale will be clearly visible in the video (see Figure 1). Figure 1 – Length ScaleC. Attach the paper ruler to a wall in a place where a camera can be set up on a tripod (or held by
parallel the engineering design process with the student’s well-establishedscientific method. This will provide a means for teachers to infuse their existing curriculum withengineering content.AcknowledgementThis study was made possible in part by support from the National Science Foundation GK-12program Grant # 0742504. The authors would like to thank Mrs. Gloria Clark for her exceptionalteaching abilities and encouragement.Bibliography1. Brophy, S., Klein, S., Portsmore, M., & Rogers, C. 2008. Advancing engineering education in P-12 classrooms. Journal of Engineering Education, 97(3), 369.2. Cantrell, P., & Ewing-Taylor, J. 2009. Exploring STEM career options through collaborative high school seminars. Journal of
, emerging from the newinfusions of culture, business settings and institutional influences. For the 20th century‟s historyof entrepreneurship education, the world turned to America for inspiration. For the 21st centuryversion, the world could turn anywhere”15. The VIP model replicates global product developmentholds the potential to help faculty fully unleashing our students' innate imagination andresourcefulness. The VIP provides a virtual incubator, giving students access to the knowledgebase and resources needed to establish companies that have the potential to compete locally,regionally and globally.Bibliography1 D. E. Epping and A. R Chitkara, “The New Practice of Global Product Development,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 2006.2
, the students were expected todemonstrate that they could properly interpret the significance of the results by addressing aseries of discussion questions: • If the ejected occupant had severe blunt force injuries to his or her body, which ejection location(s) would be more consistent with those injuries? • If the ejected occupant demonstrated multiple abrasions all over his or her body, which ejection location(s) would be less consistent with those injuries? • Which ejection positions had the potential to cause the occupant to be rolled over by the vehicle following ejection? • Assuming the occupant was found at coordinates of (30 ft, -30 ft) with respect to the rest position of the vehicle CG, which
thebone was calculated approximating it as a triangle. A parametric study was performed where thepercentage of bone loss was varied based on the Winquist classification. Page 22.1608.4Due to the cyclic nature of the testing, fatigue would be the expected form of failure. Becausethe sample undergoes fluctuating stresses, fatigue can occur at significantly lower stresses thanthe yield strength of the titanium alloy.[10] An S-N curve shows when fatigue failure will occurat a particular stress for a given number of cycles. An S-N curve was estimated (figure 2) usinga method similar to what is called “Four point correlation”.[11]Figure 2: Estimated S
AC 2011-1099: USING THE ECOCAR CHALLENGE AS A NON-TRADITIONALDOMAIN FOR SOFTWARE AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING CAPSTONECOURSERichard Stansbury, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach Richard S. Stansbury is an assistant professor of computer science and computer engineering at Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, FL. He instructs the capstone senior design course for computer and software engineering. His current research interests include unmanned aircraft, certification issues for unmanned aircraft, mobile robotics, and applied artificial intelligence.Massood Towhidnejad, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Daytona Beach Massood Towhidnejad is a tenure full professor of software engineering in the