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Conference Session
Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning through Laboratory Experiences
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Clark Hochgraf, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); Richard Cliver, Rochester Institute of Technology (CAST); David S Martins, Rochester Institute of Technology
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Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Eisenhart Excellence in Teaching Award. In addition, he works part-time for Eastman Kodak as a Senior Design Engineer and is a TAC of ABET commissioner.Dr. David S Martins, Rochester Institute of Technology David S. Martins is Associate Professor and director of the University Writing Program at Rochester Institute of Technology. His article on the use of scoring rubrics won the Best Article of the Year 2008 in Teaching English in the Two Year College, and his articles have appeared in Communication Studies, the Journal of Medical Humanities, and in edited collections. He works with faculty across the curriculum to integrate writing into their design of high quality learning environments
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Signal Processing and Controls
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew G Feemster, U.S. Naval Academy
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Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
implementation seemssurprising in since all students are required to take a two hour lab based course dedicated to the design andimplementation of control algorithms on the Rabbit single board computer (a select microprocessor from Digi®shown in Figure 1). Specifically this course targets the design of classical compensators KGc s  for a typical DCmotor with implementation of the algorithm on a Rabbit single board computer. Rabbit 3000  processor Figure 1: Rabbit single board computerThe conversion of the continuous time compensator to the corresponding digital compensator KGc z  isaccomplished via Tustin’s Transformation (utilizing
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Electronics and Circuits
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Tooran Emami Ph. D., U.S. Coast Guard Academy ; Richard J. Hartnett P.E., U.S. Coast Guard Academy
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Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Paper ID #7819Real-World vs. Ideal Op-Amps: Developing Student Insight into Finite Gain-Bandwidth Limitations and CompensationDr. Tooran Emami, U.S. Coast Guard Academy Tooran Emami is an assistant professor in the Department of Engineering, Electrical Engineering Section, at the U. S. Coast Guard Academy. She received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Wichita State University in 2006 and 2009, respectively. Dr. Emami was an adjunct faculty member of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Wichita State University for three semesters. Her research interests are Proportional
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Signal Processing and Controls
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bonnie H. Ferri, Georgia Institute of Technology; Aldo A. Ferri, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kenneth A Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
the number of wires that you have to connect. Typically, groups of 5 holes are Each vertical group of 5 holes is connected. Every hole in this horizontal line is connected.The prelab asks students to find an expression for the transfer function Y(s)/U(s) for the systemfrom the equations in the Appendix, given the following system parameters: L = 1 m, xr = 0.25m, xf = 0.1 m, T /   1 m/s. Only look at the first five modes, that is, let n=5.Students are also asked to plot the frequency response of the vibrating string versus frequency in
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Mechanical, Materials and Thermal Systems
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allison L. Sieving, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University; Marcia Pool, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Trisha Eustaquio, Purdue University; Rajtarun Madangopal, Purdue University; Alyssa Panitch PhD; Kate Stuart, Purdue University; Ann E Rundell, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Scott Alan Jewett
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Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
to follow one pathway to a solution using previousknowledge. Prior to conducting their self-planned experiments, the experiment design isreviewed with instructors for immediate feedback and correction. The types of investigational Page 23.434.6questions explored at the sophomore-level promote the identification of dependent variable(s), anindependent variable, positive and negative controls, and sample size. Additionally, theinvestigational question laboratories are intentionally constructed such that the appropriate dataanalysis would be either a student t-test or a one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).Table 1 illustrates a three stage
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Mechanical, Materials and Thermal Systems
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
David R Veazie P.E., Southern Polytechnic State University
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Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
, such as silicon. Ni80Fe20 has excellent magnetic and electricalproperties, however, the mechanical properties of electrodeposited NiFe have not been studiedextensively, thus providing an excellent opportunity for upper-level STEM students to engage inrelevant, material’s oriented laboratory experiences.Electrodeposition is the process used in electroplating, whereas electroplating is the process ofusing electrical current to reduce metal cations—an atom or group of atoms carrying a positivecharge—in a solution and coat a conductive object with a thin layer of metal3. The primaryapplication of electroplating is to deposit layer(s) of a metal having some desired property(example, abrasion and wear resistance, corrosion protection, lubricity
Conference Session
Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning through Laboratory Experiences
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nebojsa I Jaksic P.E., Colorado State University, Pueblo
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
devices, 110 3.3 V (5 V tolerant/TTL compatible) digital I/O lines, 32 single-ended/16 differential 16-bit analog input channels at 250 kS/s, four 16-bit analog output channelsat 100 kS/s, and a 10/100BASE-T Ethernet port. The sbRIO can be programmed in acombination of programming languages like LabVIEW, LabVIEW MathScript, VHDL, andANSI C. The TETRIX Building System consists of aluminum parts, DC motors, gears, andwheels for building robotic hardware platforms. Figure 2 is a photograph of DaNI with anultrasonic sensor mounted on top of a servo motor. KINECT RGB Camera USB 3D Depth
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Mechanical, Materials and Thermal Systems
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Matthew J. Traum, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Vincent C Prantil, Milwaukee School of Engineering; William C Farrow, Milwaukee School of Engineering; Hope Leigh Weiss, Milwaukee School of Engineering
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Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
0 1 2 3 4 5 Accel -20 Altitude -50 -40 -100 -60 -150 -80 -100 -200 Time (s)Figure 2: Sample flight data from a successful Freshman Design rocket
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Signal Processing and Controls
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ding Yuan, Colorado State University - Pueblo
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
our engineering program to reinforce thestudents’ understanding of engineering designs, especially for a multidisciplinary problem. Asurvey was conducted during and after the project. The corresponding results showed thechanges on the students’ conceptions of engineering designs. The students’ feedbacks in theprogress and final reports were positive. As a future work, the survey will be conducted in asenior design capstone course to track the development of these students’ conceptions ofengineering design.Bibliography1. Gomez Puente, S. M., van Eijck, M., and Jochems, W., “Towards characterising design-based learning in engineering education: a review of the literature,” European
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Electronics and Circuits
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Avik Dayal, Virginia Tech; Kathleen Meehan, Virginia Tech; A. A. (Louis) Beex, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
structure, assuming ideal op-amps, andto then provide values for , , , and so that the resultant bandpass filter had a centerfrequency of 2.5 kHz and a 3 dB bandwidth of 1.5 kHz.The transfer function resulting from analysis, either by loop/nodal equations or op-ampconfiguration sub-system transfer functions - in terms of the component values - is given below. 1 s RG C H s  (1
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Electronics and Circuits
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jodi Reeves, National University; Bhaskar Sinha, National University; Mohammad N Amin, National University; Arthur Strum Davis
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
/student_view0/chapter18/interactive.html[3] Dubson, M., Perkins, K., Reid, S. and Wieman, C. (2011) Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC), Virtual Lab, PhET Interactive Simulations. Retrieved on 12/01/2012 from construction-kit-ac-virtual-lab[4] Virtual Demonstrations. (n,d). Retrieved on 12/01/2012 from[5] Physics Classroom Series: Hands-on-Virtual Lab (2003) Retrieved on 12/07/2012 from[6] Alan Zisman, A., (2003) Virtual Electricity Lab. Retrieved on 12/05/2012 from[7] National Instruments (2012) “NI ELVIS: Educational Design
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Signal Processing and Controls
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jean Jiang, Purdue University, North Central; Li Tan, Purdue University, North Central
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
. Gan, S. Kuo, “Teaching DSP Software Development: From Design to Fixed-Point implementations,” IEEETrans. on Education, vol. 49, issue, 1, pp. 122-131, February 2006.4. L. Tan, J. Jiang, “Teaching Advanced Digital Signal Processing with Multimedia applications in EngineeringTechnology Programs,” ASEE Annual Conference, June 2009.5. Ifeachor, Emmanuel and Jervis, Barrie. Digital Signal Processing, A Practical Approach, Prentice-HallPublishing, 2002.6. de Vegte, Joyce Van. Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall Publishing, 2002.7. J. Essick, LabVIEW for Scientists and Engineers, Oxford University Press, 2009. Page
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Electronics and Circuits
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Ernest M. Kim, University of San Diego; Thomas F. Schubert Jr. P.E., University of San Diego
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
modelparameter calculations were achieved.A method to accurately determine the transistor intrinsic capacitances was developed anddemonstrated. The accurate correspondence of simulation, analysis and experimental enhancesstudent confidence in the learning process.AcknowledgementUSD Institutional Review Board approval was obtained for the Fall 2012 semester.IV. Bibliography 1. D. Costa, W. U. Liu, and J. S. Harris Jr., “Direct extraction of the AIGaAs/GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor small-signal equivalent circuit,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 38, pp. 201 8-2024, Sept. 1991. 2. I. E. Getreu, Modeling the Bipolar Transistor. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1978 3. Thomas F. Schubert,, Jr. and Ernest M. Kim, A Short Study
Conference Session
Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning through Laboratory Experiences
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Georgia L Harris, NIST
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
units) in thelaboratory and consider how to organize the pennies to prevent them from being mixed up.Students are also asked to identify the measurand(s) that will be measured for the customer, andto again ask their questions for the customer and for management. Then students work in teamsto create a list on their flip charts of “all possible things they might measure” on the pennies asthey add the parameter to their scope. Many of the items on their list will either be included onthe calibration report or will be considered again when discussing the validated procedure thatwill be used and/or the uncertainty of their measurements.After inspecting the pennies, qualitative issues are often raised about how to uniquely identifyeach penny (since
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Electronics and Circuits
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Kenneth A Connor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Bonnie H. Ferri, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kathleen Meehan, Virginia Tech
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
Transforming Undergraduate Education inSTEM Award NSF DUE-1226114, 1226087, 1226065 and 1226011. Photographs in Figure 2were taken by Mr. John McCormick (Virginia Tech).References1. B. Ferri, S. Ahmed, J. Michaels, E. Dean, C. Garvet, S. Shearman, "Signal Processing Experiments With LEGOMINDSTORMS NXT Kit for Use in Signals and Systems Courses," Proceedings of the American ControlConference, St. Louis, June 2009, pp. 3787-3792.2. G. Droge, B. Ferri, and O. Chiu, “Distributed Laboratories: Control System Experiments with LabVIEW and theLEGO NXT Platform,” ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, San Antonio, June 2012.3. B. Ferri, J. Auerbach, “A Portable Finite State Machine Module Experiment for In-Class Use in Lecture-BasedCourse, ASEE Annual
Conference Session
Laboratory Experiences in Mechanical, Materials and Thermal Systems
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
M. Reza Emami, University of Toronto; Jason Kereluk, University of Toronto
Tagged Divisions
Division Experimentation & Lab-Oriented Studies
," in ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, vol. 1, Boulder, CO, pp. T3E-8-T3E-12, Nov. 2003.[8] L. Gomes, “Current Trends in Remote Laboratories.”, IEEE Trans. Industrial Electornics., vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 4744-4756, 2009.[9] N. Kupp, Y. Makris, “Applying the Model-View-Controller Paradigm to Adaptive Test” IEEE Design&Test of Computers, vol. 29, no. 1, pp 28-35, Feb 2012.[10] Mark W. Sponge, Sethhutchinson and M. Vidyasagar Robot Modeling and Control, Wiley student edition, 2006.[11] J.J. Craig, “Introduction to Robotics – Mechanics and Control”, Third Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.[12] R. Murray, Z. Li, S. Sastry, “A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation”, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1994.[13