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Conference Session
Novel Pedagogies 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Sensen Li, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Sean P Brophy, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Educational Research and Methods
andrapidly diagnosing their conceptions of a situation. This study introduces an innovativeinstructional method, called “pseudo peer diagram” (PPD), where students compare andcontrast their work with others as a formative feedback mechanism. Fourteen studentswho graduated from the First Year Engineering Honors Program were asked to generatefree body diagrams to interpret equilibrium in the provided systems. PPDs werepresented to enable a direct comparison and to serve a metacognitive function forstudents who use them as feedback to practice and build up their own self-checkstrategies. In order to understand how individuals cognitively process PPDs, this studyused think-aloud protocol to make students’ cognition explicit.This study revealed several
Conference Session
Preparing for Practice
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Daniel M. Ferguson, Purdue University, West Lafayette; James Edwin Cawthorne Jr., Purdue University, West Lafayette; Corey T Schimpf, Purdue University, West Lafayette; Monica E Cardella, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Educational Research and Methods
. Rubrics that will be used to judge the quality of the presentations by guest speakers as well as students and to guide the reflections written on guest speakers and student presentations to help students learn to identify and judge entrepreneurial competencies. 4. A description and guidelines for playing and for writing reflections for the individual student online business game-which were transferred from the prior course. 5. A description and guidelines for participating as a team in the’$5.00 create a business game’ which is intended to help students integrate the content of the entire Principles course as well as focus on achieving the enduring understandings
Conference Session
Novel Pedagogies 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Liu Junhua, Singapore University of Technology and Design; Yue Zhang, Singapore University and Technology and Design; Justin Ruths, Singapore University of Technology and Design; Diana Moreno, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD); Daniel D. Jensen, U.S. Air Force Academy; Kristin L. Wood, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
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Educational Research and Methods
Innovations in Software Engineering Education: An Experimental Study of Integrating Active Learning and Design-based LearningABSTRACTSignificant advancements have been made in engineering education in recent years. An importantoutcome of these advancements is the integration and extension of fundamental pedagogies as part ofengineering curricula, as well as the need for continued research into the effectiveness of thesepedagogies on students’ learning within engineering knowledge domains. In this paper, we focus on anengineering educational research study in the domain of software engineering. This study considers theimportant research question of the efficacy of traditional lecture-homework-project teaching approachescompared to peer-to
Conference Session
ERM Potpourri
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Bugrahan Yalvac, Texas A&M University; Mehmet Ayar, TUBITAK; Dennie L. Smith, Texas A&M University; Christine Ehlig-Economides, Texas A&M University
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Educational Research and Methods
’ experiences with e-bookpublishing was helpful for the group in proceeding with the project. In his interview, Richardadded: …In my experience …the publishing companies…sometimes might have some input, while other faculty did not have exactly the same experience when they were trying…to publish more traditional books…I had some explanation to for this…they tried either to talk to some publishers and the orders of the textbooks…the chapters and things like that…basically at different doors…so in that sense I had delivered more experience than some others had.The professors could easily write the assigned chapters within their content expertise but e-bookpublishing presented unfamiliar technical, economic, and social
Conference Session
Novel Pedagogies 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Megan F. Campanile, Illinois Institute of Technology; Frederick Doe, Illinois Institute of Technology; Elana Rose Jacobs, Illinois Institute of Technology; Norman G Lederman, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eric M Brey, Illinois Institute of Technology
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Educational Research and Methods
obtaining a bachelor’s degree and beginning her graduate studies. Her most significant obstacles in her post secondary education were financing hereducation, taking math courses, and maintaining the drive to complete academically rigorousclasses. She described herself as being a very social person and planned on keeping in touch withher peers from the undergraduate research program. Her determination and drive was evident inher overcoming her math phobia by studying statistics in depth and her spending days takingfeedback from her professor and improving her final research Powerpoint presentation. Estelle’sundergraduate research project focused on a cell adhesion assay and teaching module.Data Collection and Analysis A pre- and post
Conference Session
Assessment of Student Learning 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Nidal Al-Masoud, Central Connecticut State University; Viatcheslav Naoumov, Cental Connecticut State University; Steven Joseph Kirstukas, Central Connecticut State University
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Educational Research and Methods
a wide range of engineering and real-world applications thatstudents might encounter as practicing engineers or as graduate students. Information sourceswere restricted to peer-reviewed published work such as journal articles, conference proceedings,and books. Students were directed to use the main engineering digital databases EngineeringVillage or Compendex, which provide comprehensive coverage of literature in all engineeringfields. Unsupported assertions or claims were a basis of rejection or grade reduction of theproject grade. The attainment level of the lifelong learning competency was assessed using twoperformance indicators. The first performance indicator comprised of measures of students’ability to recognize the attributes of a
Conference Session
Engineering Identity 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Malinda Faber, The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at North Carolina State University; Alana Unfried, North Carolina State University; Eric N. Wiebe, North Carolina State University; Jeni Corn, Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, NC State University; Latricia Walker Townsend; Tracey Louise Collins, North Carolina State University
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Educational Research and Methods
Page 23.1094.1 to stakeholders. In addition, she assists with annual report writing and conference presentations. She has been a member of the American Society of Engineering Educators since 2011. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Student Attitudes toward STEM: The Development of Upper Elementary School and Middle/High School Student SurveysAbstractThe national economy is in need of more engineers and skilled workers in science, technology,and mathematics (STEM) fields who also possess competencies in critical-thinking,communication, and collaboration – also known as 21st century skills. In response to this need,educational organizations across the country are implementing
Conference Session
Culture, Race, and Gender Issues
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Alice L. Pawley, Purdue University, West Lafayette
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Educational Research and Methods
understand the impact of implicit bias, chilly climate, and micro-inequities on whitewomen’s and people of color's continued low rates of entry into and comparatively high rates ofexit from the engineering educational and professional “pipeline” compared to their white malecolleagues. Their studies have spanned the space of gender, race, and engineering by exploringunderrepresented people's relationships as young students with peers, teachers and parents, asyoung ethnically diverse women and men with media, role models, and career visions, asundergraduate and graduate students with teams, mentors, and technical material, and asprofessionals with colleagues, peer-reviewers, and institutional leaders
Conference Session
Assessment of Student Learning 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Debra Gilbuena, Oregon State University; Audrey Briggs Champagne, University at Albany, SUNY; Milo Koretsky, Oregon State University
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Educational Research and Methods
which aligns “with contextual knowingand with synthetic and evaluative tasks. (p. 4)” 31 Another tool, originally termed the curriculardebrief and now termed the Engineering Professional Skills Assessment (EPSA), was developedat Washington State University to measure all of the ABET professional skills criteriasimultaneously 32, 33. This assessment places students on teams and tasks them with a complex,real-world scenario, giving them merely 45 minutes to “determine the most important problem/sand to discuss stakeholders, impacts, unknowns, and possible solutions. (p. 2)” 33 Other morecommonly used tools such as performance reviews and peer assessments have also beenreported.In order to help engineering students acquire proficiency in
Conference Session
Novel Pedagogies 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Oenardi Lawanto, Utah State University; Harry B Santoso, Utah State University
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Educational Research and Methods
inthe improved group reported a significant improvement in planning, monitoring, and regulatingstrategies. On the other hand, those in the declined group showed a lower awareness of all SRLskills at the end of semester. Furthermore, the findings revealed an improvement in students’conceptual understanding. This article will also discuss the potential implications for electriccircuit concepts instruction.Keywords: Electric circuit concepts, enhanced guided notes (EGN), self-regulated learning(SRL)1. IntroductionA growing body of literature suggests that classroom activity generally does not stimulatestudents to actively engage in learning1, 2. Specifically in engineering education, manyinstructors focus on writing engineering formulas and
Conference Session
Novel Pedagogies 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Arthur C Heinricher, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Paula Quinn, Quinn Evaluation Consulting; Richard F. Vaz, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Kent J Rissmiller, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
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Educational Research and Methods
has published over 55 peer-reviewed or invited papers and is the recipient of numerous teaching and advising awards including the WPI Trustees’ Awards for Outstanding Teaching and for Outstanding Advising. From 2004 to 2010 he served as a Senior Science Fellow of the Association of American Colleges and Universities.Prof. Kent J Rissmiller, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Associate Dean, Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Associate Professor, Social Science and Policy Stud- ies Page 23.874.1 c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 Long-Term
Conference Session
Assessment of Student Learning 2
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Jesse Pappas, James Madison University
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Educational Research and Methods
supervisors, peers, subordinates, clients, and others. With support from National ScienceFoundation grant EEC #1158728, the present study used a newly developed online deliverysystem to provide personalized multisource feedback to a sample of 206 undergraduate STEMstudents in a science and technology problem-solving course. is anautomated multisource feedback platform that allows users to generate their own personalizedmultisource feedback. This process incorporates prevalent 360-degree feedback strategies and“best practices” for effective feedback administration. A longitudinal experiment within aninterventional framework evaluated the hypothesis that multisource conscientiousness feedbackwould provoke goal-directedness and
Conference Session
Retention and Persistence in Engineering
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Cathy W. Hall, East Carolina University; Karen A. De Urquidi, East Carolina University; Paul J. Kauffmann P.E., East Carolina University; Karl Louis Wuensch, East Carolina University; William W. Swart, East Carolina University; Odis Hayden Griffin Jr. P.E., East Carolina University
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Educational Research and Methods
wide. For example, Takahira et al.3 found that theprimary factors associated with persistence in an engineering statics course (a perceived gatekeeper for engineering success) were GPA and SAT-math scores. Another study reported apositive effect of an entrepreneurship program on GPA and retention. 4 Other researchers found Page 23.875.2scores from a non-technical, writing assignment was a predictor of academic success of freshmenengineering students as measured by cumulative grade point average after completion of the firsttwo semesters.5 Another study identified poor teaching and advising, curriculum difficulty, andlack of belonging as the
Conference Session
Engineering Identity 1
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Allison Godwin, Clemson University; Geoff Potvin, Clemson University; Zahra Hazari, Florida International University
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Educational Research and Methods
0.896 0.232Q26d: confidence to write a labreport/scientific paper 0.869 0.336Q26e: confidence to apply science 0.822knowledge to an assignment or test 0.259Q26f: confidence to explain a science topic 0.721to someone else 0.284Q26g: confidence to get good grades inscience 0.615 0.555
Conference Session
Retention and Persistence in Engineering
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Maria-Isabel Carnasciali, University of New Haven; Amy E Thompson, University of New Haven; Terance Joshua Thomas, University of New Haven
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Educational Research and Methods
c American Society for Engineering Education, 2013 FACTORS INFLUENCING STUDENTS’ CHOICE OF ENGINEERING MAJOR, CASE STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVENAbstractThis research focuses upon evaluating decisions made by engineering students to choose orchange their field of engineering study in order to determine influences and mechanisms thatdrive their choice of engineering major at the University of New Haven (UNH). Socializers(parents, peers, and faculty), self-identified competence, and media sources were studied for theirlevel of influence and effect upon the selection of an engineering field. This research alsoinvestigates students’ perceptions of different engineering majors at the
Conference Session
Issues in Advising and Mentoring
2013 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition
Karen Zunkel, Iowa State University; Jason Pontius; Thomas J Brumm, Iowa State University
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Educational Research and Methods
to students who did not take dual credit.” The study also examined studentperformance in subsequent courses in a sequence in writing, mathematics, and Spanish: “Whendual credit students who take the prerequisite in high school and the final course in college arecompared to their college classmates who take the entire sequence in college, it turns out thatthey pass the final course in proportions that are substantially equivalent to those of their college-prepared classmates”.A more recent trend is the development of early college high schools. With the first schoolsopening in 2003, in 2011 there were more than 230 high schools based on early college designs,serving 50,000 students in 28 states and the District of Columbia. In 2009, about